
Waking up as the rebellious heir

After dying in an earthquake, 22 year old Mai wakes up as a 17 year old girl name Macy. And what’s more is she she finds out that she is the heir to a multi-billion dollar company left to her by her grandfather! But there is a condition to the will. Macy must participate in a series of “challenges” set by her grandfather with other family members in order to redeem the business. If another family member were to win more games than her she loses her rights as an “heir”. In her new life Mai is more determined to live the life which she was not able to. Will she win the right to be an “heir” or will it drop into the clutches of another family member?

SelaraChan · Thành thị
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17 Chs

Fu** you

Kaden stepped up and sat in the chair next to me. I blew a bubble and popped it. Even in my previous life gum used to be my favorite thing. I looked back at the rest of the family members. I smirked.

"How many opponents will I be facing?"

My father looked at me and answered.

"Macy, you will only be going against Kaden."

Ha! They were sending out the bet from the beginning, in hopes of throwing me off. I looked at Kaden. He stared back at me icily. What an ass!

Based on the challenge I am only allowed to use rock. Everyone knew of this condition. Obviously the best course of action would be for them to use paper or rock. Wait! What if I lied? None of the family members know about what I got on my paper. As the "heir" I would surely have advantages in their mind.

I smiled as I looked at the prey in front of me.


Kaden looked at me and nodded inviting me to continue.

"Did the challenge letter say I was only allowed to use rock?"

Kaden nodded as a smile formed on his face. Fool.

"Well my letter says that I can also use gun."

Kaden's smile fell immediately. From the stories I read yesterday it seems like there is a type of rock-paper-scissors which includes a gun option. Technically it is an unofficial aspect of the game but I'm just taking advantage of Kaden's naivety.

Kaden's hand trembled slightly.

My father's voice rose as he asked.

"Why don't you help your dear brother and tell us what the gun can win against?"

I smiled. Wonderful. This was all going according to plan. I clenched my fists this family sure had the previous owner Macy around their finger. She must've been a pushover like me. But the Macy they know is gone. Before the family reunion it turns out that she had committed suicide by overdosing on several sleep medications. She did this because her father was going to giver her over to marry a 65 year old man who is known to defile young girls. I promise to take revenge on every person that was responsible for her death.

"My dear father I will tell you only because I love you all."

My father smiled at my answer. Now is the time to enact the next step of my plan.

"With the gun option I can beat down only rock. I can not beat scissors or paper. While with rock I can beat scissors but not paper."

I was completely bullshiting at this point. I myself did not know the rules associated with the gun option of the game.

Kaden smiled. Look at this fool. He's now thinking that the best thing to do is paper. And that's exactly what I want him to think.

"Shall we begin my dear brother?"

Kaden nodded.


Kaden's smile disappeared. His hand had scissors while mine had rock. I scoffed. The family members immediately stopped talking.

Kaden stood up in anger.

"What the hell Macy you said that you were going to use gun?"

I sat back in my chair and innocently answered.

"When did I say that Kaden?"

"Then why did you talk about gun?"

I smiled and answered.

"I didn't want to lie to you and tell you what grandpa has written in my challenge letter. It doesn't mean that I'm going to use it. Anyways it seems like you've lost brother."

My brother shook in rage. His fists struck the table. I stifled a chuckle. It was quite amusing watching him seethe in anger.

"Best out of three."

I looked at Kaden. Oh? This was a new development. I put my arms in the table and tilted my head.

"Sure brother, but that means that you will have to win the next two rounds."

Kaden nodded. I had no purpose but to get him angry. This was perfect. Right now his thoughts were clouded by despair. Upon my investigation on each family member I found that Kaden had the flaw of a short circuited temper. That meant that if I can get him riled up I'm the winner.


My hand had rock while his hand had paper. Kaden smiled as the family members rejoiced. Idiots. I pretended to look forlorn and sad. I only want to give him a little push of confidence. All I have to do is win two out of three anyways.


I smiled. My hand had rock while his had scissors.

"I win brother."

Kaden shook with rage and threw back his chair. He reached out to slap me but I held his hand. I whispered in his ear.

"Oh brother I was thinking of sharing some of my shares with you. Do you really want to hit me right now? I suggest you announce your loss and forfeit from the competition."

Kaden pushes me away and straightened his suit. He coughed and announced.

"I have lost, let's just give this win to Macy."

The family members looked at me in shock. I smiled and walked to the door.

"Don't think that you've win just yet Macy!"

I looked at Macy's mother and smiled.

"We'll see mother."

I walked out of the door with confidence. My body was filled with excitement and happiness. I'm one step closer to making Macy "heir". But God I sure am exhausted. Once I entered my room I sat on the flipped on the bed. Maybe I should take a nap. The next challenge will be coming soon anyways. But now I have to be wary of the other family members after today's win.

I closed my eyes only to open them a second later. I reached into my pocket to get out the ringing phone.


"Macy? This is Drew, how's it going?"

I smiled. This was Macy's boyfriend. But a week before her suicide she found him cheating on her with her best friend Amy.


"Yeah Macy?"

"Let's break up."


Thank you for reading❤️ I hope that you've enjoyed this chapter my luvs❤️😷