
Waking in the world of Teyvat

Mathias Emmit, a 26 year old male, multi-talented Omni-vert is suddenly stricken with depression. Struggling to enjoy life, Mathias finds comfort in one last activity. Sleep. Before to long he begins having a reoccurring night terror , where he falls from some enormous structure only to wake up screaming right before hitting the ground. Mathias’ life is forever changed when one night during his night terror… he doesn’t wake up, instead he breaks through the ground as if it were glass and is greeted by some unnamed entity. The Entity explains that Mathias died in his sleep. Heart attack. And his soul was stuck from passing on. The Entity mentions that there is a way out of his situation, but with a condition. The entity could only send his soul into another realm’s life-death cycle. Upon agreeing to the Entity’s terms, Mathias is sent with a few ‘blessings’ to the realm of Teyvat, a world of magic and monsters. However this ‘benevolent’ entity is a befallen god. A god of chaos. A god of chaos with a grudge against the ‘Usurper’ of Teyvat and her heavenly principles. With a new name and body to go with his new life, what has Mathias un-willingly agreed to? What perils await him in a world with living gods? *** DISCLAIMER! *** I do not own rights to Genshin Impact, nor it’s characters. I only claim responsibility for my OC character: Mathias Emit/ Mathias Nox. Credit for Artwork attached to this Fanfic goes to its respective artist(s) ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Comments, and criticism are welcomed! This is my first attempt at a fanfic, so any feedback is appreciated.

And_Ven · Diễn sinh trò chơi
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
13 Chs

Chapter: New Identity

On his way towards the giant tree,

Mathias kept his eyes on the lookout for

citizens, or civilization anything he could get

too tell him about the world he had been

transferred to, alas… he saw nobody, and

believed himself to be alone; So it startled

him when a voice came from behind.

Momentarily frightened, he reflexively

turned around. Needless to say he couldn't

believe his eyes when he saw an exemplar

of Renaissance era fashion, holding some

sort of six-stringed instrument.

'Wait! We speak the same language?'

Mathias thought, collecting himself from his

momentary fright.

"Oh… uh… no, I'm afraid I have no idea clue

who that is…" Mathias admitted.

The bard smugly smirked, he could tell that

the wayfarer wasn't from Monstadt or

anywhere near… the air around him felt

stagnant, to the bard it was an ominous

omen. Only time would tell if the

omen was good nature or that of ill tidings.

Though it was dark, the statues eerie glow

illuminated the area and Mathias could see

the bard's smug smirk.

'Oh shit… was that the wrong thing to say?!'

Mathias' eyes scanned the bards

physical features, the bard had a few

braids that somewhat framed their uniquely

cute face

'A hidden beauty, dressed in mens clothes…'

Mathias thought, finding the bard attractive

Although back on earth it wasn't

uncommon for men to sport ponytails, man

buns etc… the bard had a slender, delicate-

looking physique… but again where Mathias

was from, those features didn't guarantee

one's gender.

Feeling the wayfarer's wondering

gaze going over his figure, the bard could

easily guess what he was thinking.

"Heh~ha! I know what your thinking," the

bard giggled in its girlish adolescent voice

"How could a cute musician travel all

alone, with no one to protect them," the

bard dramatically continued

"The answer might surprise you.

(Venti pauses for effect)

Alas it's because I'm a guy. Heh-ha!"

the bard playfully chuckled.


'Was… I just… attracted to a guy?!'

Mathias was left speechless, HOWEVER!

His bamboozled expression spoke volumes.

"Hahahaha that face! Priceless!" The bard


"The name's Venti, traveling bard, and

alcohol connoisseur!"

The bard remarked in between bouts of


Mathias packed away his first trauma after

coming to Teyvat

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance Venti,

I'm Mathias Em…"

Mathias abruptly paused as he was

struck by a revelation: Mathias Emmit was

who he was in his last life, the Mathias who

had been sent to Teyvat had the potential to

be someone else. Someone better. And he

had Noir to thank for his second attempt at

life, so in honor of her… he used the name of

the goddess of night/darkness from one of

the mythologies back on earth

"Sorry about that" he apologied for the pause,

"I'm Mathias Nox, but please call me Nox

and I'm… lost, haha."

He chuckled rubbing the the back of his

head as he attempted to follow suit of

Venti's introduction.

"Pleased to meet you Nox!"

Venti smiled looking off in the distance to

the city of freedom: Mondstadt. Though the

night was dark and view of the city was

obstructed by hills, Venti knew the city was


"If you need to get your bearings straight,

perhaps you should visit the city of

Mondstadt!" Venti suggested happily.

'City… Mondstadt… that sounds promising!'

Mathias thought

"That sounds like a most excellent plan, but

I don't know where Mondstadt is." Mathias

admitted causally.

"If you head northwest you'll be able to see

it-" Venti pointed to the obstructing hills that

hid the city "-but I would wait till morning.

Monsters are sure to be out."

He explained.

Mathias looked to where Venti pointed, and

could make out silhouettes in the shape of

hill. As he concentrated the gentle breeze

blew through the night air, once again

ruffling Mathias' hair.

" northwest you say?"

Mathias inquired, making sure he heard

Venti correctly.

There was no response save the sound of

the blowing breeze.


Asked Mathias turing back to Venti.

However venti was gone!

He had vanished! Almost As though the

breeze had carried him away.

Mathias then questioned his mental state

'surely I'm seeing things! Oh I know! Im just

exhausted! Ya, that's it and the exhaustion

is making me see things! Venti was just part

of the delirium'

It was easier for Mathias to convince himself

that he was crazed rather than admit he

was attracted to a man, albeit a cute man.

Concluding he wasn't in the right state

of mind, Mathias sat on the ground with his

back to the angel-like statue. As he closed

his eyes, an endearing sense of safety

welled up inside him and he closed his

heavy eyes, nodding his first day in Teyvat




And-Ven does not discriminate or harbor any negative aspects against same sex partners

Such references are meant purely for SHIPPING purposes. =)
