
Wakfu: Past in the Shadows

1 season: The World of Twelve is a place where all the different races live together in peace and harmony. A boy now roams the world in search of his past and his forgotten memories. After making new friends, he sets out on a new adventure with the aim of helping them along the way. But can he figure out who he was and who he should be? And if so, what kinds of discoveries will he make when he remembers his dark past? Chapters 01 to ???

VileTheMandalorian · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

The Black Crow

(A/N): English is not my language, so if you find a grammatical error let me know; 🇧🇷

Opening 1 ♪:

Edmundo is seen waking up from a nap before picking up his sword and clipping it to his belt as he jumps to his feet and runs down a road as buildings loom up behind him like pictures in a book. As he runs, various cities come and go across the scenery as he makes his way before stopping and using his Elemental power over Earth to create a pillar of rock that lifts him into the air when he lands on a mountain range.

♪ Sois ♪

♪ le feu et la terre ♪

♪ L'eau et la poussière ♪

♪ Héros malgré toi! ♪

Upon landing on the ground, the redhead starts running forward jumping from mountain to mountain. However, when stepping falsely on some loose rocks, he begins to fall and before he reaches the ground, a golden arrow of energy is shot in his direction, hitting his shirt and nailing the edge of the mountain, preventing him from continuing to fall.

The boy sighs in relief before vines appear below him, letting go of the arrow and landing on the vines that take him upwards before throwing him into the air. He rises a little in the air before landing in a jungle area with several images of trees behind him and when looking ahead the swordsman sees Evangelyne and Amália who helped him moments ago while behind them they appear a while with the two together as they smile at the camera.

The redhead smiles at the two as the three embrace before running ahead together with Edmundo leading while Cra and Sadida follow close behind.

♪ Vois ♪

♪ la légende s'écrire ♪

As they look up, the group finds Ruel digging in the ground before finding a gold nugget and smiles happily as he tucks the ore into his bag as a gear system behind him shows an image of his smiling face.

Edmundo then teleports him, Evangelyne and Amália to Ruel's side, who is happy to see the three of them while laughing happily.

♪ L'histoire se construire ♪

♪ L'avenir est notre aventure ♪

Shortly after, the quartet is seen climbing a moving circular platform and then a blue figure passes by them accompanied by a Tofu.

The figure then slows down when it stops at a gear and reveals itself to be Yugo followed by Az who lands on his shoulder. The boy and bird then wave smilingly at the camera as the system behind them opens a white flag that features the boy in the blue hat with a magic circle in his hand about to create a portal.

The little boy then opens a portal at his side through which Edmundo, Evangelyne, Amália and Ruel come out, who gather smiling around the boy in the blue hat while the redhead with the white belt messes up the hair of the smaller one who smiles before the swordsman catches him in the arms. arms and drape him over his shoulders as Yugo smiles happily at his brother as the quintet moves on.

♪ Fais ♪

♪ vivre la lumière ♪

Shortly after, in an area similar to the sea the group goes through a platform before stopping at the edge when two Tofu birds raise a red flag showing Percedal with a smile on his face raising his great Shushu sword in the air while doing a heroic pose and smiling victoriously. .

The Iop is seen falling from the sky, crashing into his flag and taking it down with him, he then falls into the sea wetting his clothes. Upon seeing this, Edmundo uses his Elemental power over Water to grab his brother in arms and place him on the same platform the group was on.

Then the boy uses his Elemental power over Air to dry the clothes of the young Shushu Guardian Iop who takes advantage of the breeze to smile heroically and resume his hero pose looking extremely amazing with the wind blowing through him while the others laugh about it before let the group move forward.

♪ Parler les éclairs ♪

♪ La magie entre tes mains ♪

Then the sextet is now seen divided into pairs, running while facing various monsters in their path. The first is a laughing minotaur that is knocked down by Percedal with a sweep and then Yugo appears from one of his portals when he lands on the minotaur's back before running after the Iop.

Next, Amália and Evangelyne are seen on a slightly higher platform while facing a vampire bat that dodged the arrows that Cra fired at it only for vines from vines created by Princess Sadida to grab it from behind, immobilizing it while a freezing arrow hits him freezing him in a falling block of ice as the two girls smile at each other before clapping their hands together in a high-five.

On the next platform, Edmundo and Ruel are seen running towards a Kamas-devouring Genie who attacks the swordsman who dodges his attack while using his Elemental power over Fire to launch a blast of burning flames towards the retreating Genie raising his arms. arms to defend himself and when he lowers his arms, Ruel appears hitting him in the head with his shovel causing the Genie's eyes to spin in their sockets before he falls to the ground as the Enutrof and the swordsman pat each other on the back congratulating themselves on a job well done.

♪ Pars ♪

♪ suivre ton chemin ♪

Now reunited again, the group finds themselves in a more jungle-like background as they come face to face with a large giant golem that resists everyone's attack and takes a menacing step towards the sextet while roaring ferociously at them causing everyone to retreat. .

♪ Et regarde ♪

Edmundo then takes the lead of the group as he holsters his sword before taking the horse's defensive fighting stance. A blue aura surges around the swordsman as a glow appears on his forehead revealing the dragon's mark. Then Edmundo cups his hands together as he gathers Wakfu energy in his hands before firing a powerful blue energy beam at the golem knocking him to the ground.

♪ Ton futur ♪

The group congratulates the swordsman on his feat when they suddenly notice several hooded monsters approaching them. Suddenly a rope ladder falls from the sky as the group quickly climbs it managing to escape their pursuers.

♪ L'aventure ♪

Upon reaching the next platform, they found Serena, an Eniripsa, and Adamai, a young arm dragon, who had thrown down the ladder and were waiting for their friends. The Eniripsa runs to Edmundo before hugging him affectionately while Adamai goes to Yugo and gives him a hug before everyone looks at the screen then at each other before jumping to the screen while Edmundo who was in the middle, draws his sword when you cut the screen in half it opens revealing a single word.

♪ Ta lumière guider ton destin ♪


The scene opens to some crows landing on a circular tree when, suddenly, a blue portal opens inside it. Percedal jumped out of the portal with Rubilax in hand and was looking for danger when Ruel stepped forward falling, Edmundo soon jumped through the portal before stumbling and falling feeling dizzy.

Evangelyne and Amalia leave right after, Yugo shoots out of the portal like a rocket and ends up hitting Edmundo who was getting up from the fall causing the two to roll over each other until they stop with Yugo on top of Edmundo back who had face planted on the floor.

Edmundo: Oh ouch... Did someone write down the license plate?

The crows then laugh at Ruel, Edmundo, and Yugo and the old man quickly gets to his feet before he dusts himself off.

Ruel: Isn't it exciting the first time you enter a Zap Portal, huh? Of course I'm used to it.

Percedal: Look here, you don't have to boast. I saw you fall straight to the ground, I did. But he got up quickly, old man! *laughter*

Ruel snarls at this before turning around shaking his fist at him angrily.

Ruel: I slipped! And have more respect for your elders, you kid!

Edmundo: I remembered why I never travel in these things.

Yugo: Don't worry, Ruel. Edmundo and I slipped too. And I ended up taking him down too. Sorry big brother.

Edmundo: Alright little brother. And I don't fall.

Percedal: But how not, I saw you falling too.

Edmundo: On the contrary buddy, I was just giving my nose on the ground *laughs*.

The redhead's comment drew a few chuckles from Ruel, Percedal and Yugo before Evangelyne cut them off.

Evangelyne: Stop behaving like children! If we want to get to Oma, we'd better stay together and not fight.

Edmundo: It's you who's being the dull one here Elfa.

Evangelyene: How is redhead?

Edmundo earns an innocent smile before speaking with a drop on the back of his head.

Edmundo: Nothing, nothing.

Amalia: Evangelyne is right, we didn't start an adventure to end up fighting like spoiled princesses.

Yugo: Alright, how about we visit the Kelba Market, huh? The last one is Gobbal's wife!

With that the little boy gets off the redhead and runs down the hill.

Edmundo: You're going to eat my dust, little brother! Let's go!

Edmundo starts running after him. Both start running as fast as they can, both trip over themselves and do a bunch of double rolls forward rolling like little balls down the hill. They reach the bottom and stop rolling with Yugo on Edmundo shoulders. They look at each other and laugh.

Yugo: That was amazing! We have to do this again!

Edmundo: Absolutely! But for now, let's take a look at the place.

Edmundo started walking with Yugo still on his shoulders. Soon they stopped at a stall and Yugo climbed down from the redhead's shoulders before looking around at the various stores with a surprised look.

Yugo: Oh my! There's a lot of amazing stuff here, what the heck!

Merchant: And for just a few kamas, you can buy whatever you want.

The others eventually arrive and walk over to the two.

Evangelyne: It's perfect. Well, the first thing we need to do is get together and buy a map of the world.

Ruel: I'm out! My purse is so empty it makes an echo!

Amalia: You spent all your money on those beautiful clothes, didn't you?

Amalia then starts to laugh out loud when, suddenly, a much deeper voice starts laughing along with her.

Edmundo: Wow!

Yugo: Wow, Amalia. You look like a Bwork.

Percedal: That's not very delicate for a lady.

Edmundo: It's because she didn't do it.

Merchant: Aaagghh, it was him!

The trader then points into the air, everyone looks up to see a figure flying towards the market.

Merchant: The Black Crow!

All the merchants then started to panic as they all closed their stores. Black Crow then flies towards the store and uses a giant sword to destroy some of the stores. Yugo then sees that Black Crow was coming towards him with his sword and then jumps out of the way, and dodges the attack as the shop behind has been destroyed.

Percedal: I'm starting to like the way they do things around here!

Evangelyne: Take cover! I'll deal with this crazy bird!

Edmundo: But not in a dream! I don't budge from here!

Percedal: That's it! You're getting all the glory, aren't you?

Percedal then picks up Rubilax before challenging the Flying Crow.

Percedal: Hey, Black Crow! Come at me!

Said lands on a branch of a tree before speaking.

Black Crow: Pathetic merchants! Behold the fire of darkness! Fear your worst nightmare! Tremble before the power of the Black Crow!

The Black Crow then points its wrist towards the ground and then fires several eggs at Evangelyne, Edmundo and Percedal. The eggs then turn into crows as they all explode and further destroy the merchants' stores. The Black Crow then flies into the air and starts laughing evilly.

Edmundo: Hey, you talker! Leave these people alone and go mess with someone your own size!

Percedal: Get down here and fight, you coward!

Suddenly, the Black Crow turns and flies towards the three as Yugo walks beside them.

Evangelyne: Uh, I think he heard you two.

Edmundo: Then come! Let's go for him!

Yugo: He's fast, but if we attack together, we can hit him! Are ready?

Everyone then got into fighting stances as Black Crow got closer and closer with his sword dragging along the ground.

Yugo: Four...

Edmundo: Three...

Evangelyne: Two...

Percedal who was confused about what comes before two and starts counting on his fingers. While doing so, Black Crow got close enough to attack, but dodged the four at the last second and destroyed the shop behind them.

Yugo: He did what he came here to do.

Yugo then walked towards the old merchant as he shouted to the sky.

Merchant: I knew that nasty bird would come back to attack us. But if you think that's all it takes to get me out then trust me you are dead wrong!

Yugo: Sir, I'm sorry, we couldn't do anything to stop him from destroying your shop.

Merchant: Well, at least you tried, that's something.

Ruel: Are there other merchants around here? We are looking for a map of the world.

Merchant: Ah, as much as it pains me to send you to the competition, a little further south you'll find Kabrok's shop. He is an expert in antiques.

Amalia: Does he usually get attacked too?

Merchant: Oh no Kabrok. He is as smart as he is rich. He built his shop underground, out of the Black Crow's way.

Percedal: Thank you very much for this information my good old man. And you can be sure that if you meet that "Black Crow" again, he won't get away, you know?

Merchant: Really? No offense, but you managed to catch him just now, didn't you?

Edmundo then whispers to Evangelyne.

Edmundo: *whispers* Isn't it kind of suspicious that the Kabrok is never attacked?

Evangelyne: *whispers* Do you notice airhead?

[Timeskip with Edmundo looking at the destruction caused by the black crow with a sad look before Amalia puts her hand on his shoulder and gives him a gentle smile making the redhead cuddle up a bit]

Everyone was now walking along the path the old merchant told them to go down and they were heading towards Kabrok's shop. As they walked, Yugo saw signs that advertised Kabrok's Shop.

Yugo: Look, did you see this? It seems that this Kabrok is well known around here.

Ruel: You're right. He is everywhere.

Everyone continues walking along the path and then they see a building in the distance.

Edmundo walks to the door before knocking on it three times.

Edmundo: Look at the pizza!

Yugo then runs to the door and starts yelling at her.

Yugo: Is anyone there?!

Suddenly, a female voice came out of the speaker that was right next to the door.

Speaker: If you've come to spend some kamas, you're most welcome, sirs.

Yugo then jumped out of the door and then stormed through the door while everyone else followed.

Edmundo: This place looks pretty fortified to be just a shop.

Percedal: If our little friend Black Crow wanted to demolish this shop, he'd have to turn the-

Edmundo & Percedal: Black Mole.

The two boys look at each other for having thought of the same thing before speaking.

Edmundo & Percedal: First! *laughs* We're both awesome!

The two of them then start laughing about it.

Amalia: Do you think they have a Sadida bag?

Once everyone reached the bottom of the stairs, everyone saw that the shop was full of different types of tools, items, and gadgets.

Percedal: I must be dreaming, that's Captain Amakna's shield!

Edmundo: Is there a symbology book?

Ruel: Isn't everything very expensive?

Evangelyne: They even have the Trool encyclopedia!

Yugo: This place is amazing! It's too much!

Ruel: There are other stores out there, buddy. If you're drooling over this cabin, wait until you see Bonta's shops.

??? : Well thank you very much! It saddens me to hear that kind of thing.

Suddenly, everyone hears a woman's voice and then they look back and see an Ecaflip woman known as Miranda wearing a red dress.

Miranda: Your words are very painful, Mr. Adventurous. And very misleading too. In my store you will find riches that you will not see anywhere else.

Ruel: There are treasures here that I never dreamed existed.

Ruel then walks over to Miranda and holds her hand before kissing her.

Ruel: Forgive my lack of tact, madam.

Edmundo rolled his eyes and whispered to Evangelyne.

Edmundo: *whispers* I think Ruel just proved us wrong, he has good manners and another passion besides kama.

Evangelyne just laughs it off in response.

Miranda: KABROK!!

Miranda then screams someone's name out loud, who was able to send Ruel flying backwards. A man with blue skin and a long white beard then got out and walked beside Miranda.

Kabrok: Welcome to Kabrok, where we have the world's greatest treasures for adventurers' greatest pleasures. Everything is for sale here, as long as you can afford it, of course.

Miranda : And to keep our customers from wasting our time, we put all customers through a little test.

Miranda then claps her hands and a small creature with blue fur comes out and lands in her hand.

Yugo: What is it?

Miranda: We call this charming creature "Snoofle". They can smell kamas like no one else. We use this to find money behind the furniture. Oh, and also, the richer you are, the more he loves you.

Snoofle then ran over to Percedal, Amalia, and Yugo and sniffed all three, but didn't like any of them. He then ran over to Evangelyne and sniffed her, and took a liking to her and allowed Evangelyne to pet her head. Then he walks over to Edmundo before sniffing him and rubbing his head on his leg while asking for affection. The redhead then bends down and pats Snoofle who jumps happily.

Edmundo: What a cute little animal, right?

Amalia: Eww, that won't smell like Ruel will it? That's nasty!

The creature then ran up to Ruel and started sniffing him. The creature then got stars in its eyes and started jumping and wagging its tail while taking a lot of liking to Ruel.

Ruth: I don't believe it. This business must be broke!

Miranda: Of course, of course. Ladies and gentlemen, we are at your service.

Amalia: Any bags? Do you have any Sadida bags? Mine is so last year.

Yugo: Seeds! I need tofu seeds!

Miranda: Some seeds? There, there. *to Amalia* My lady is in luck. I just got a delivery of Pandawa bags. KABROK!

Kabrok then walked away for a second before returning with bags completely enveloping his body.

Miranda: They're selling like hotcakes to the elegant ladies of Bonta.

Evangelyne: Unfortunately, we didn't come to pick up the bags. We are behind a map of the world.

Edmundo: Come on, Eva. Can't we get something else here?

Evangelyne: Edmundo, no! We just want it for the map and that's it.

Edmundo: But maybe there's something here that can help me.

Evangelyne: And that would be the map.

Miranda: A map? Maps are very rare. Kabrok, we have a map, don't we? *walks away* Very, very, very rare.

Evangelyne: These merchants are getting the most out of it.

Edmundo: Who knows?

Edmundo then starts walking around the store and Evangelyne asks.

Evangelyne: Where are you going?

Edmundo: Look for a symbology book or something similar.

Evangelyne: What do you need a book like that for?

Edmundo: To remind me.

Evangelyne raised an eyebrow in confusion before Ruel spoke.

Ruel: He said the same thing before.

Amalia: How so?

Ruel: We asked why Edmundo traveled when we were at Alibert's tavern and he replied that he traveled to remember.

Percedal: Remember what?

Ruel: I don't know, he didn't say it.

Evangelyne then faces the place where the redhead went, getting a little curious about him.

Edmundo was looking at a part of the store when he realized that Yugo had entered a room with a red curtain and decided to follow him. When he passed through the curtain, he saw that the walls of the room had several different monster heads.

Edmundo: Wow! A trophy room!

Yugo: I've never seen so many monsters!

As the two were looking at the different monster heads, they heard something land next to them, causing them to jump slightly. They look down and see it was a big bag of tofu seeds.

Kabrok: I found the seeds you were looking for. And that?

Yugo: Were you the one who hunted all those creatures? Some are quite impressive and bizarre.

Kabrok: *laughs* Oh yes, it's true! Impressive, aren't they? I was a big collector when I was young.

Miranda: Yes, yes, and now you're collecting the days are over!

The three then hear a voice coming from behind them and turn to see Miranda, Evangelyne, Ruel, Amalia and Percedla walking towards them.

Ruel: Oh yes, I know exactly what you mean, madam! As the Enutrof saying goes, "Collecting is great, but selling..."

Miranda: It's better.

Ruel and Miranda then laugh, angering Kabrok before Miranda pulls out a map to show everyone.

Miranda: Here's the world map you asked for. It should appeal to anyone who appreciates beauty, like you. It's exceptional!

Kabrok: No, Miranda, not the Grav'Mar'Av' map. Priceless!

Miranda: *slightly upset* Dear husband, everything has a price! And let it never be said that a traveler couldn't find what he needed in our store!

Kabrok: But what about his power?

All: *excited* Power?!

Miranda: Come on, take a look.

Miranda then opens the map and shows everyone, only to reveal that the map is completely blank.

Yugo: But, it's blank!

Miranda: Oh my sweet, my magnificent all-seeing, all-knowing map of wonders, show me the fair land of Kelba, please.

Suddenly, the map developed a face as it began to laugh at Miranda's fawning.

Map: Impossible to refuse such a polite request!

The map face then disappeared as a complete map of the land of Kelba appeared on it.

Evangelyne: Fascinating.

Percedal: He talks.

Edmundo: These people invent everything!

Yugo: We oars that caught him!

Kabrok: Impossible!

Miranda: Oh please come on, Kabrok! Making so much noise over a simple map is beneath you! *to Ruel* Sir Ruel, I have a proposition for you and your friends. You can have the map for free if you get rid of Black Crow.

Kabrok: Ah, not the Black Crow again. What do you really want? He never attacked us! In fact, he got rid of the competition.

Miranda: Adventurers don't visit often because of him and that's bad for business. Not to mention his horrible laugh that resonates for hours after each of his wicked deeds.

Ruel then runs to Miranda and kneels down before holding her hand in his.

Ruel: My poor lady, that should chill you to the bone. *kisses Miranda's hand*

Yugo: The map by Corvo? Easy.

Edmundo: Let's hunt a bird.

Percedal: Excellent, we have a score to settle with him.

Evangelyne: We need to make a plan. Ruel?

Ruel: Why are you looking at me like that?

The group of adventurers starts to leave the store, Edmundo for what draws the attention of the others.

Yugo: What's up big brother?

Edmundo: I wanted to ask Mr. Kabrok something, go ahead and meet you outside.

The others do as they're told and head outside, but not before Evangelyne stops to look at the redhead with a confused, curious look.

Evangelyne: Don't delay, okay?

Edmundo: I haven't even been yet, do you miss it already?

Evangelyne blushes at the teasing and Edmundo chuckles at it before Cra gets a small smile on her face before leaving the shop.

Edmundo then finds Kabrok putting things back together before noticing the redhead.

Kabrok: Huh? Is there anything I can help you with my boy?

Edmundo: Indeed there is, Mr. Kabrok. Do you have any symbology books?

Kabrok: Symbology? Hmm, unfortunately not.

Edmundo: Oh, all right.

Kabrok: May I ask why you need such a book?

Edmundo: Actually, I wanted to find something about this symbol.

The redhead then removed his katana from his belt before showing Kabrok the symbol engraved on the scabbard and blade. Kabrok watched the symbol for a while before speaking.

Kabrok: I've never seen anything like it.

Edmundo: Hehe, I hear that a lot.

Kabrok: I don't know what kind of symbol this guy is, but if you look closely you'll see that it looks like a dragon's head.

Edmundo: A dragon?

Edmundo then looks at the mark carefully before realizing that the merchant was right.

Kabrok: I'm sorry I can't help more boy.

Edmundo: Don't be sorry. At least now I have some idea what this drawing means. Thank you Mr Kabrok.

Edmundo then waves as he leaves the shop and Kabrok waves back before speaking.

Kabrok: He's a good boy.

[Timeskip with Edmundo looking at some items in Kabrok's shop while the rest of the group is setting up shop for Ruel]

The scene shifts back to the Kelba Market, where Ruel was in a makeshift merchant stall as Edmundo walked towards them, but was stopped by Evangelyne.

Evangelyne: You took your time.

Edmundo: Sorry for the delay Elfa.

Evangelyne: I'm a Cra!

Edmundo: But don't you have pointy ears?

Evangelyne: It's not the same thing, you little Enutrof!

Edmundo: I know, I just say it to annoy you. And I'm not an Enutrof and I'm not short, you're only two fingers taller than me.

Evangelyne: Shorty.

Edmundo: Elf.

They stare into each other's eyes for a moment before Edmundo gains a goofy smile on his face which leaves Evangelyne a little taken aback before he rolls his eyes and looks away as Percedal watches the two's interaction with a twinge of jealousy.

The redhead then turns his gaze to be greeted by an ugly looking shop with Ruel inside, not looking happy. Edmundo then decides to make fun of the old man.

Edmundo: What's up with the ugly shop, Ruel?

Ruel: Ahaha very funny...

Edmundo: What's the plan?

Evangelyne: We're setting a trap for the Black Crow, and Ruel is the bait because he lied about being poor.

Percedal: Absolutely perfect!

Evangelyne: He is a true Kelba merchant. *giggles* Ruel, remember his words?

Ruel : Here at Ruel you have everything you need: weapons for brave warriors, or food for Tofus!

Edmundo and Amalia cheeks puffed out as they tried to stop laughing at Ruel, but they were having a hard time.

Evangelyne: Perfect! Well done, you four in position!

The four then walked away as they positioned themselves to pick up the Black Crow. Evangelyne then takes her bow and ready an arrow to get the Black Crow's attention.

Ruel: But why do I have to be the bait, dammit?!

Evangelyne: *imitates Ruel* "My bag is empty like a field of Cawwots on Wabbit Island"! Seeing how Snoofle reacted earlier, you're as rich as Crassus, Mr. Enutrof. Either get bait or pay for the map yourself.

Ruel: Hum, I-I'm so brave all of a sudden!

Evangelyne: I hope so.

Evangelyne then turns and points her bow towards the sky. She then fired the arrow into the air when it exploded like a firework.

Yugo: Wow, I didn't know Evangelyne was so good at making fireworks.

Percedal: She won't attract the Black Crow like that.

Edmundo: You're going to want to reformulate that there. Here he comes!

As soon as the redhead said that, a familiar laugh was heard and everyone looked up to see the Black Crow flying towards the shop.

Ruel: *scared* Here at Ruel you have everything you need: weapons for brave warriors, or food for Tofus! *whispering* Hey guys, he's already here, you can leave now!

Everyone then came out of hiding and stood in front of the Black Crow.

Black Crow: Pathetic Mortals! Fear the fire of darkness! Fear your worst-

Edmundo: Hold on uncle, you can stop this litany.

Yugo: I ask you something!

Amalia: Careful, Yugo, we don't know what he's capable of.

Black Crow: Should have listened to your friend, boy. Fear the fire of darkness! Fear your worst nightmare! Tremble...

Yugo: Who chooses "Black Crow" as their name, huh? It's ridiculous!

Black Crow: What? How... what do you mean, ridiculous?

Yugo: All crows are black!

Ruel: Ha, that's it, the kid is right.

Black Crow: Uh, well, it's to emphasize my dark side. Like, like a Black Knight, you know? Anyway, anyway. Where was I? Oh yes! Fear the fire of darkness! Fear the--

Yugo: Yes, but still, you should change the name, something like "Evil Crow" or "Demon Crow".

Ruel: "Crow... Sinister"?

Edmundo: I think it can be improved. How about "The Raven of Shadows"?

Yugo: Hey, that one is really good! "The Raven of Shadows"!

Yugo and the others began discussing Black Crow's new name, as the villain was having trouble getting everyone's attention back.

Black Crow: No, but seriously. The fire of darkness? Your worst nightmare?

The Black Crow who was still being ignored by everyone then thrusts his sword forward and grabs Ruel with it before throwing him in the air.

Black Crow: You, my friend, you come with me!

The Black Crow then flies into the air and then grabs Ruel before flying off with the old Enutrof.

Percedal: Oh wow... I didn't expect that one. How are we going to catch the old man?

Amalia: Do we really want him back?

Edmundo: Looks like things turned BLACK for us, right? *laughter*

Evangelyne: This is not the time for redhead jokes.

With no other plans, everyone returns to Kabrok's shop to ask for help.

Percedal: So you think they'll lend us Snoofle?

Edmundo: Well, they'll have to. It's our only way to find Ruel.

Amalia: Can't you just sniff it?

Edmundo: He smells old and this place is full of them. I couldn't smell it even if I tried. And beyond that...

Edmundo then gains a dramatically angry face with white eyes, red vein on his forehead and a background on fire right behind him.

Edmundo: Do I look like a hound?!

Amalia: No. But with such a good sense of smell...

Percedal: How come you have such a good nose, Edmundo?

Edmundo: I don't know, it's a good question and unfortunately I don't have the answer. It's been like that for as long as I can remember anything.

Suddenly, Snoofle comes out the door and sits on top of Yugo hat as he looks around.

Yugo: I'm sure you remember the old man who reeked of kamas, right?

Snoofle then gets excited and jumps off of Yugo head and then tracks down Ruel scent as everyone follows him.

[Timeskip with the group following Snoofle up a mountain while Edmundo watches the cloudy sky]

Meanwhile with Ruel, he started to wake up and looked around to see that he was on top of a mountain with the Black Crow sitting on the edge.

Black Crow: Have you finished your nap, Grandpa?

Ruel: What... What am I doing here?

Black Crow: You are the bait.

Ruth: Again? You guys are so crazy.

Black Crow: We will wait patiently for your friends and then we will have an epic battle. The kind that goes down in history. It's a beautiful day to cross swords and raise a little dust from the Earth, don't you think?

Ruel: Yeah, but aren't we a little high here? You know, between the clouds. Couldn't we have done that somewhere on the floor my man?

Black Crow: What? In battle, the setting is as important as the opponent. Here, the scenery is ideal, the view superb, and the north wind will carry the echo of our confrontation to the ears of the bards whose songs will make us legends. Oh, it will be great.

Ruel: Oh, you crazy bird, it looks like you have a serious little problem in your head.

Black Crow: I just wonder how a guy like you has the nerve to sing my wife.

Ruth: What? Your wife? Wait I don't know...

He was then slashed when the Black Crow let out a laugh and then grabbed his helmet.

Black Crow: Poor pathetic Enutrof! You low-class charmer! And yes, the Black Crow is none other than...

Black Crow then tried to take off his helmet and reveal his identity, but he couldn't get his helmet off. Ruel then noticed a latch on the side of the helmet and opened it.

Black Crow: Thank you. None other than Kabrok the Merchant! *laughter*

Ruel: What a turn of events. Aren't you already so rich as hell? Do you really need to terrorize these poor merchants?

Kabrok: Nothing to do with that. When life is full of adventures like mine, it's hard to settle down. Even though I have the thinnest and most delicate woman there is, I need to feel the wind in my hair. You must understand this. You've spent your life on the road.

Ruel: You know, if I was lucky enough to have a woman like yours, I...

Kabrok: Oh, don't believe that. You and I are the same. We have a real need. Adventure, combat.

Ruel: Fighting? Are you calling destroying combat tents?!

Kabrok: No, that's just why I hate them all. It disgusts me that Miranda wants me to be like them. I'm an adventurer, not a merchant.

Ruel: Want a match? Just wait until the redhead gets here, he hates injustices like the ones you do!

Kabrok: Then our battle will be more than legendary! *laughter*

Suddenly, a familiar figure bumped into Ruel face and loomed over his face. The figure was revealed to be Snoofle as Edmundo and everyone else was following close behind him.

Yugo: Ruel, are you okay?

Ruel: I am, don't worry.

Percedal: Here's your shovel, old man. Oh, Kabrok? What are you doing here? Where did the Black Crow go?

Ruel: I'll tell you kid, the thing is kind of complicated. The Black Crow is actually Kabrok, who is an old adventurer, who married and became a merchant apparently. But he got bored and hates merchants, so he disguises himself and vents his frustration on them and any adventurers he encounters.

Edmundo: What a shame you gave me. *laughs* But in short, does he take out his frustration on poor people struggling to survive just for a stupid reason like that?

Ruel: In short? Yes.

Edmundo: Ah, but I won't let that pass!

Edmundo then holds the handle of his katana while giving Kabrok a challenging look and Ruel whispers to him.

Ruel: *whispers* Didn't I tell you he hates injustice?

Kabrok: *puts on mask* Right. Now that everyone is here, let's get started.

Kabrok then took his mechanical bird and jumped off the edge of the mountain and then jumped off before flying into the air.

Kabrok: I know you need this map. If you defeat me, it's yours. But if you lose, I'll take all your gear and your adventure ends here.

Edmundo: You can come! Edmundo will sweep the floor with you!

Kabrok then flew higher into the air and then hid from everyone's view by going into the clouds. Everyone then looked around for Kabrok, when suddenly, Kabrok came up behind them and slashed the ground and sent everyone flying. Evangelyne then fired several arrows at Kabrok, but he dodged all of her projectiles.

Kabrok then turned and pointed his arm at the group before hurling crow eggs at them. Edmundo took the front of the group, got into position and held the katana tightly.

Edmundo: Let's go! It's ninja time!

The eggs came towards the group as the redhead drew his katana before doing a series of quick slashes slicing all the eggs in half before they exploded.

Edmundo: Let's go upstairs!

Kabrok then saw that Edmundo was slicing his crows along with Percedal and then fires even more of his crow bombs at the group.

Evangelyne quickly shot several arrows at the crows while Yugo, Amalia and Yugo took cover from the bombs. One of the ravens hits Percedal and sends it flying back to Evangelyne as the two fall off the edge of the mountain.

Edmundo sees this before running to the edge and jumping just in time to grab Evangelyne hand as Percedal struggled to hold on to the blonde's leg. The redhead quickly takes his sword and sticks it in the side of the mountain, sliding a little until he stops.

Edmundo: What would you do without me?

Percedal: T-Thanks Edmundo.

Evangelyne then notices Percedal looking up while blushing and soon she realizes why before kicking him in the face while blushing.

Evangelyne: D-Don't look up!

Edmundo then swings his arm before throwing Evangelyne and Percedal back on top of the mountain before pulling his sword out of the rock and trying to climb up to the ledge.

Kabrok then flies towards Percedal and Evangelyne who were helping Edmundo up the edge of the mountain as he raises his sword in the air and prepares to strike. Amalia then sees this and then has an idea before taking out her doll.

Amalia: Ruel, use your shovel!

Amalia then throws her doll in the air and then Ruel slams the doll towards Kabrok with her shovel as she heads towards him. The doll then hits Kabrok in the face and pushes him away from Evangelyne and Percedal as they pull Edmundo back to the ground. Kabrok then took the doll and threw it away before pointing his hand at Evangelyne and Edmundo.

Kabrok: Fear the fire of darkness! Fear your worst nightmare! Tremble before the power of the Black Crow!

Kabrok then released several crow bombs and they all merged together and formed a large crow bomb. The crows then fly towards the three and Edmundo grabs Evangelyne and then throws her away before the crows hit and cause an explosion. The explosion then sends Percedal off the cliff before Kabrok flies up to him and grabs him.

Kabrok: *laughs* Do you think it's a wheeze little Iop?

Kabrok then throws Percedal back into the mountain as Yugo runs to him to make sure he's okay. Kabrok then flies towards Yugo and then grabs him before taking him into the air.

Edmundo who was lying on the ground gets up before looking around to see Kabrok lifting Yugo higher and higher.

Edmundo: Little brother!

Yugo then quickly uses his powers to create a portal and then proceeds to fall out of the air before making a portal underneath him and goes through it and out of what he did before and ends up above Kabrok. He then hits Kabrok and knocks him off his mechanical bird as they both fall through the air.

Kabrok: It's not over, boy!

Kabrok then fires more of his crow bombs towards Yugo as Yugo opens a portal as the crows pass through. Yugo then opens a portal behind Kabrok as the crows fly towards him and slam into his back.

Edmundo: My turn! It's ninja time!

Edmundo takes a huge leap into the air and goes up like a rocket before landing next to Yugo. Yugo and Redhead fly towards Kabrok and both hit him at the same time, making him scream in pain.

The three then fell towards the ground and a large cloud of dust surrounded the area they landed in. The dust cloud then settled and revealed Yugo and Edmundo victorious with the map in Yugo hand.

Ruel: Well done, you two! They caught that little bug!

Evangelyne: The map is ours now. *to Edmundo* Good job.

Edmundo: You're welcome.

Edmundo then looks around before seeing his katana on the ground and walks over to it before placing it in its sheath.

Kabrok: All right, kids. You earned the map.

Kabrok then took off his helmet and went to sit on the edge of the mountain and Yugo went to him.

Kabrok: You have amazing powers, little one. And courage too. With a little more experience, you'll become an amazing adventurer.

Yugo: It's true that I still have a long way to go before I'm as strong as you are. After all, it took six of them to bring him down.

Edmundo then sits next to Kabrok.

Edmundo: I agree with Yugo. You sir are very strong.

Kabrok: I should be the one to tell you that. Jumping from that height is not a common thing, boy. I'm not sure what you're after with that symbol, but I feel like it's something bigger than you think.

Yugo and the others are a little confused when Kabrok mentions the symbol that Edmundo was looking for, but they don't have time to think about it when they suddenly hear Miranda call out to Kabrok in a loud voice.

Kabrok: Oops! I think the real fight I already lost.

[Timeskip with the group going down the mountain while Percedal and Edmundo look at the map with confused looks]

Currently, everyone was heading down the mountain while Percedal was using the map for the final route to Oma Island.

Percedal: Map, show us Oma Island, keep it short!

Map: *sarcastic* Of course, yes sir. Keep dreaming! *laughter*

Percedal: Huh! What?

Yugo: Remember what Miranda did, you have to praise the map for it to work again.

Percedal: Oh yeah. Oh cute, smelly, good map, show us the way to Oma Island! Go please.

Map: No!

Amalia: Oh no, you don't care about compliments.

Percedal: Oh, this map is killing me.

Edmundo: Leave it to me hehehe.

Edmundo then takes the map and makes a small flame of fire ignite in his hand before threatening the map with it, making him nervous.

Edmundo: *smiling* Hey. Mind doing us a favor?

Map: O-Of course...