
Wakanda Forever: I See You (Marvel Fanfic)

Not everyone can be born with a silver spoon. Even fewer with a gold spoon. But J'Zaki was born with a vibranium spoon in his mouth. As the twin brother of Shuri, he is a member of the famous Wakanda Royal Family. This is his story. ------ Story takes places in a universe similar to the MCU, not the comics. Repeat, MCU not the comics. Do not read this if you can only see things through the lense of your culture. MC is frim Wakanda and will adhere to their customs, some of which may offend or confuse you.

TrueBoredAsura · Tranh châm biếm
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56 Chs

The Time Before The Hunt

J'Zaki was originally going to pursue the man that killed his father but before he could start his journey, his Kimoyo Beads started ringing. The prince already knew who was calling him so he ignored the first call. And the second. And the third. But during the 4th, he finally decided to pick up.

"What is it, Ro?"

[Let the government bring him in. He has killed our king. They will hand him over to us. All you need to do is just wait.]

"He has killed our king. He must pay for it and I do not trust these outsiders to do it."

[We both know what you're about to do. And we also know that if you go after him like you want to, you will leave a trail of destruction and innocent bodies in your wake.] Ororo's soft and soothing voice came from the beads. She knew that even if J'Zaki didn't want to say it, he was feeling very emotional.

"So what should I do?" J'Zaki stopped walking. He stood on the sidewalk and looked at all the people walking by him. How everyone else's lives were continuing on while his father's ended for no reason. Not because of war or from someone who had a blood debt with him. Simply a random madman that decided he wanted to plant a bomb.

[Call your siblings. Call your mother. Make sure your father's body is honored. Let them bring that man to you.]

"And if they fail?"

Ororo paused before answering.

[Then burn everything that stands in your way until you get him.]

J'Zaki settled with that. He would give the others a single chance. If they failed, then they couldn't blame him for what happened afterward.

"Thanks, Ro."

[Of course. The Divine Princess that speaks reason into the mind of the Mad Prince has been my title for the past few years after all.]

J'Zaki hung up the call and took a deep breath. He focused all of his rage and sadness and pain into that breath. And then he just let it out.

"Come out."

Okoye appeared from around the corner and bowed slightly toward J'Zaki.

"You called, your majesty."

"How many are protecting my father's body?"

"I have assigned everyone except for myself. The white men will not even be able to perform an autopsy with them protecting him."

"Good. Go with them. I want my father back in Wakanda within the next 6 hours. He has already died in a foreign land. No need for his soul to remain so far away from his body for long."

Okoye crossed her arms and silently acknowledged his orders. She then turned around and left J'Zaki to do as he pleased.

J'Zaki pulled out his phone and was about to look up the latest information about Bucky Barnes when he got a phone call from an unknown number.

"Hello? Who is this and how did you get this number?"

[Forgot about me already, King J'Zaki?] Natasha joked trying to lift the king's mood

"Ms. Romanoff."

[Glad you remembered me so fast. We have tracked Barnes to Germany. I can bring you over to the center where he will be jailed after you are done taking care of your father's...]

"I am ready now. Our guards will be handling that."

[Alright. If you haven't gone too far, I'm in a blue car near the site.]

"Alright. I will meet you there."

J'Zaki turned around and returned to the center. It didn't take long to find Natasha. The woman naturally stood out. After getting in her car, it was a silent car ride but the woman understood. The other person had just lost their father and was burdened with the responsibility of leading their nation now. Chit-chat was the furthest thing from his mind.

They drove to an airport where there was a Quinjet waiting for them. Inside the jet was a man that J'Zaki had not seen for years.

"Mr. Stark," he greeted plainly

"Your majesty. Sorry, we couldn't meet under better circumstances. Mango?" Tony offered one of the mangos he had just grabbed from the nearest grocery store.

"No, thank you."

Soon, the pilot arrived and the jet took off. The ride was just as quiet and awkward as the car ride. But Tony was not as understanding and sympathetic as Natasha.

"So... Didn't you and your sister come to my first press conference as Iron Man?"


"Wow. Makes me feel old. You guys could barely make it to my waist. Can't believe you are so big now."


"So why didn't your sister come to M.I.T.? I was waiting for her for a couple of years. She inspired me to make all the different versions of my suit as well as the quick response system."


"The quick response system allows me to mix and match the parts from various armors. That way, in case a mission is going in an unexpected way, I can get an extra umph to me."


Tony continued with his one-sided conversation for the entire hour-long trip. When they landed, J'Zaki walked off while Natasha held Tony back.

"What the hell was that, Tony?"

Tony took off his sunglasses and looked Natasha in the eye.

"I've been in his situation. Not as bad as seeing my dad die before my eyes but death by assassin? I can relate to that. Right now, he is pissed. He wants to burn the whole world down. The leader of a nation can't feel that way. May as well let him focus that anger on me for a bit."

Natasha was surprised by Tony's understanding. She also thought that he still thought that it was a car accident and not an assassination. She only learned about HYDRA being behind their deaths a couple of years ago and was still trying to find out who did it.

"How did you know that they were..."

"Assassinated? Cause dad's a drunk and an asshole but he is also the smartest man I ever knew. He knew his limits. Plus, if there was one person he did love, it was mom. He wouldn't put her life in danger."

The pair entered the building at the time that Captain America, Falcon, and Bucky Barnes were being brought in after getting arrested by the German police.

"Didn't I tell you not to do anything stupid, Steve?" Natasha shook her head at Steve

"Sorry. I had to save him."

"And you're in handcuff," Tony added. "You and Eagle."

"But at least he's alive."
