
Waiting For Your Love

Lucretia and her family moved to the states when she was only 4years old and settled in Washington DC. One day, Lucretia was playing with her puppy in the garden when a young boy her age walked in and introduced himself as Philip, a next door neighbor. They became friends afterwards, doing almost everything together. As years passed by, Lucretia became attracted to her best friend but dared not tell him with the fear of losing their friendship. What will Lucretia do with her feelings for Philip? Will this love be a one sided love? Find out more in "Waiting For Your Love." Disclaimer: Picture not mine. Credits to the owner Follow me on IG@Henrietta_Otu

Henrietta_Otu · Thanh xuân
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74 Chs

Something To Love Up To

Lucretia unlocked her door and sauntered in, hanging her bag around the chair in front of her study table. She was about to stroll over to the wardrobe when her phone rang. She checked the caller ID and it was Jayden.

"Hello Jay?" she answered without any hesitation.

"Hello Luc? Are you okay? What did your parents say? Do you need me to come around? I was..."

"Hey, hey hold up." She snapped in, her voice evident enough that she was smiling. "One question at a time. Anyway," She glided over to her bed and slammed herself on it. " I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Moreover, it's my parents we're talking about here. There is no way they're going to kill me over an issue like this. It was just....." She paused for some seconds. "Well...too disappointing"

"Mm...., I get it." Lucretia could hear from his voice that he was tilting his head. "It's good to hear you're okay. I was just worried about you. You just rushed off without saying anything. I was clueless and anxious."

"I'm so sorry Jay. Anyway," she sighed, "I will transfer schools when everything gets sorted out. That's after I get my name cleared."

"Is this about Philip?" He questioned, "You don't have to transfer schools if it's about him, trust me."

"It's not about him Jay." She hastily interrupted. "I'm just...." she let out a soft sigh. "I just want a change of environment. Where I can clear my mind and all that. It's been too tiring with all the drama and misunderstanding."

"So which school have you planned on transferring to?"

"I'm planning on going back to Australia. To my old school." she chuckled softly, "Anita and Linsey will be so happy to have me back. Not to talk about all the fun and the things to catch up to."

"Does Crystal and Mimie know about this?" He sounded quite concerned.

"No, I will talk to them about it. I believe they will understand. We've been friends for years now. They know me so well."

"But you're in your final year. Why don't you just complete it here? It's just a year and a half more to go."

"I know Jay but..." She paused for some seconds. "I believe it's the best thing for me to do. They paused for a long while without anybody saying anything. "I know you're worried about me." Lucretia finally broke the silence. "but trust me, I know what I'm doing."

"Aright Luc..." He finally accepted that there was nothing he could do than to support her. "Anything that will make you comfortable."

"Thank you." She muttered with a smile. "But please don't tell Philip about this." She hastily added. Jayden was quite confused and didn't understand why she wants to keep it from him. "But why?" He queried sceptically.

"It's best this way. Please?–" She waited with bated breath and anticipation as Jayden stayed thoughtfully silent on the other side of the phone. "Okay." He finally answered and Lucretia let out an inaudible sigh of relief.

"Thanks Jay, I owe you one."

"You sure do Luc." He chuckled. At that instant, Lucretia's mother's voice invaded her room. "Lucretia dear, come down now." She called.

"Alright mum– give me 5minutes."

"Okay dear, hurry down." Mrs. Angelica 's voice faded away. Lucretia turned back to her call with a smile. "I have to go now Jay. Mum wants me downstairs."

"Sure, goodnight." He answered and the line went dead. Lucretia dropped the phone on the bed, shuffled over to her wardrobe and changed into a casual outfit before staggering out of her room to join her parents for dinner.


It was around 7:30pm. The sky was downcast with mild cold windy clouds making the weather a bit freezy. Daisy laid on her bed smiling smugly to herself with the day's event at school running through her mind's eye when her phone rang. She quickly tossed herself to the other side of the bed and reached for the phone which laid on the drawer beside the bed. She checked the caller and it was Nelly. Without wasting another second, she answered. "Watsup Nelly?" she mumbled wittily, rolling back to the side of the bed where she tossed herself from.

"This is really bad Daisy." Nelly's voice sounded urgently from the other side of the phone which made Daisy sat up. "What is Nelly?"

"The issue with Lucretia damn it. I told you guys to quit with all those drama but what did you do? I'm really not going to forgive you if you guys drag me into the mud with you."

"What the hell are you talking about Nelly? Will you put yourself together and tell me what happened?" She shouted back, getting impatient. Nelly sighed, "Then you should brace yourself with what I'm about to tell you." She paused for some seconds. "Lucretia has gotten evidence."

"She has what?" She exclaimed, jolting up from the bed. "Let me get back to you Nelly. I'm gonna call Ethane. You should also call Nikita." She quickly muttered and hanged up. She hastily scanned through the phone for Ethane's number and after some few second, she got hold of it. She dialled it and within a short ring, he answered. "What the hell is going on Ethane? How did Lucretia got evidence?" Daisy interrogated.

"I'm sorry Daisy but there was nothing I could do. The hotel we took Lucretia belonged to Jayden's Dad. And they also managed to get to the waiter who served at your party someway somehow."

Daisy let out a deep sigh, "We're not going to let Lucretia have her way. We move to plan B. You know what to do right?"

"Yes." He hastily replied.

"That's okay." She uttered calmly and hanged up. She called Nelly and Nikita back and assured them that everything was sorted out.


After dinner, Lucretia retired back to her room. She headed straight to the washroom and freshened up. She changed into her nightee and glided on to the bed. She checked her phone and saw a missed call from both Mimie and Crystal.

She pulled the pillow and relaxed on it as she called both of them in a conference call. They talked at length with Lucretia laying out her plans of getting her name cleared and also transfer schools. Though they were not happy with it, it was the best thing they could do for a friend so they accepted.

"Anything that will make you happy and comfortable girlfriend." They both chorused on the other side of the phone.

"I love you so much girls." She replied with a smile. She checked the clock sitting on the mini drawer beside her bed and it was already getting late. "It's time rest girls. We have class tomorrow and it's really going to be a long– day." she added and they broke into chuckles.

"Alright, goodnight Luc." They uttered and hanged up. She pulled the pillow down to it's original place , turned off the light and straightened her back on the bed. Soon, she drifted off to sleep.

It was around 6:30am, the morning was bright and clear with the early morning sun dancing merrily on it's slow and majestic but steady journey to the west. Lucretia woke up quiet early as her father promised to drive her to school. The early morning breeze was coupled with the sweet cake aroma from the kitchen, making the atmosphere so refreshing.

Lucretia inhaled the aura and chuckled before rushing to the washroom.

After some few minutes, she was done. She returned to her room and changed into her uniform. She packed her books and made sure she had all the evidence she needed to clear her name and then sat behind her laptop.

She had a video call with Anita and Linsey for about 30minutes then her mother's voice called from the hall. She bid goodbye to her friends, shut down the laptop and hurried out of her room.

She got to the hall to meet everybody seated behind the dinning table except herself. "Good morning mum.., good morning dad.." she uttered as she pulled her chair and settled down.

"Good morning dear." They chorused.

Mrs. Angelica served everyone and they enjoyed their meals. "Let's get going Lucretia." Mr. Gilbert dabbed his mouth with his napkin and stood, slightly pushing his chair back.

"Okay Dad.." Lucretia did same, picked up her bag from beside the chair and draped them well over her shoulders. She pushed the chair well under the table after she has gotten out of her seat and headed out with her father. "Have a nice day mum.." she shouted over her shoulders.

"You too dear." Mrs. Angelica replied as she got the tabled cleared.

Mr. Gilbert walked over to the driver's side of the car whiles Lucretia stood at the passenger's side. He unlocked the car and they glided into their respective seats. After some few seconds, he drove out of their compound into the main street. Lucretia stared at Philip's house through the window as they sped off. Not long had they drove off that Mrs. Angelica head the bell ringing.

"Coming–" she exclaimed, heading to the door. "Did you guys left anything." she muttered as she opened the door but paused when she noticed who it was. "Oh Philip."

"Good morning Auntie." He smiled, "Can I see Lucretia?"

"Hmm...I'm sorry dear but Lucretia just left with her Dad. He offered to drive her to school today. Moreover, I heard from Lucretia that you've been busy lately."

"Ah, yeah. I will take my leave then." He excused himself and hurried out of the compound, taking up the pavement to the bus stop. Fortunately for him, the bus was already there with passengers getting on board when he arrived. He quickly joined the crowd and they glided into the bus. After some few seconds, it sped off.


At around 8am, Mr. Gilbert pulled up in front of Lucretia's school. "Goodbye Dad.." She pecked his cheeks and glided out of the car with her bag in hand.

"Goodbye sweetheart and take good care of yourself." He smiled, "I'll come by later in the day to work on your transfer documents."

"Okay Dad.." She waved him and he drove off. Lucretia shoved her bag over her shoulders and sauntered into the school. She was about to the take up the corridors to the library when she heard someone call her name from behind. She deftly turned and it was Mimie and Crystal.

"Hey, saw your Dad's car. Did he drop you off." Mimie questioned as they neared her.

"Yes." She mumbled with a smile and they continued their walk to the library with witty chats.