
Waiting For Your Love

Lucretia and her family moved to the states when she was only 4years old and settled in Washington DC. One day, Lucretia was playing with her puppy in the garden when a young boy her age walked in and introduced himself as Philip, a next door neighbor. They became friends afterwards, doing almost everything together. As years passed by, Lucretia became attracted to her best friend but dared not tell him with the fear of losing their friendship. What will Lucretia do with her feelings for Philip? Will this love be a one sided love? Find out more in "Waiting For Your Love." Disclaimer: Picture not mine. Credits to the owner Follow me on IG@Henrietta_Otu

Henrietta_Otu · Thanh xuân
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74 Chs

Fed Up

"Why did you call me here Daisy?" questioned Jayden as he stared at her with an unexplained gaze.

"Hey..., chill Jayden, I don't mean any harm. Why giving me such a cold look." she uttered on noticing the expression on his face.

"Well...okay but it's kind of weird sitting around the same table with you especially today, being the first time of having an encounter with you."

"I know right but don't worry, It's not like I'm going to eat you or something." she commented with a slight chuckle trying to create a little humor but Jayden just gave a clear gaze.

"Can we just move on to the reason why we're here?" he inquired, making the smiles dancing on Daisy's face gradually fade away.

"Why is he being cheesy?He is no fun at all." she mumbled to herself with a puff.

"Alight, alright." she added, rolling her eyes as she composed herself well.

"I want us to talk about what happened last night."

"Last night..? What happened?" queried Jayden, acting dumb.

"Uh-huh..?" mumbled Daisy as she gazed at him, surprised.

"Are you playing dumb with me just protect to protect her or you're just playing along with their stupid games." she added, pissed.

"I don't know what you're talking about Daisy."

"Really? Then why did you rushed out of the party early yesterday? The expression alone on your face when you saw them was enough to give out a glue what was happening so I went over to check myself. And lo and behold, I caught that bitch red handed. She...."

"Enough! Daisy." he exclaimed, smashing the table.

"I won't have you call her names. I know you two are at loggerheads but that does not give you enough rights to be calling her names. So, what if I saw them? Lucretia have every right to choose who ever she wants to love." he added indignantly whiles Daisy looked on sheepishly.

"I guess we're done here." he muttered as he stood up from his seat and dashed out.

"Shit!" she muttered furiously, thumbing the table with her hand.

"He's of no use, such an idiot." she added, picking up her bag as she stood up from her seat.

"I know what to do." she mumbled as she strolled out of the shop.


Lucretia was about to get into the bus when Anita and Linsey caught up with her.

Anita, panting as she pulled her back, "Wait Luc..."

"What is it Anita?" she shouted, pissed as she wanked her hand from hers, slightly looking away. The bus driver took a quick glance at them and sped off.

"Oh great." she commented,rolling her eyes.

"You girls just made the bus left us behind and now we have to wait for another 30mins." she mumbled as she strolled over to the waiting stand to take her seat.

"Sorry Luc but you need to calm down first, it might not even be what you're thinking." responded Anita, following after Lucretia, taking her seat right beside her.

"You've known Jayden for a while now and I believe he hasn't done anything to put you in any danger or anything like that."

Linsey still stood looking on as Anita tries to calm Lucretia down and hived a sigh.

"Stop overreacting already Luc." she commented, strolling over to them.

"Jayden should be the one in this mood not you. Have you forgotten already? But he is not." she added as gazed keenly Lucretia.

Lucretia's forehead suddenly creasing in realization.

"But...." (sighs)

"I know Luc but you have to hear him out first. You shouldn't be judging a book by it's cover."

Anita looking over as the bus pulled over.

"Come guys, let's get going it's already running late."

Lucretia looking up as she stood up from her seat, slightly patting Linsey.

"Okay.., let's go."

Linsey hived a sigh and stood up from her seat to join her friends as they strolled over to the bus, gliding in.

They stepped in to see few passengers, about two or three of them.

Anita, pointing to the seats two steps away from the driver.

"Should we sit over here?" she queried.

"I think we should rather go over there." said Lucretia, gazing at the opposite side, about four steps away from where they currently stood.

"Don't you think that's a far end?"

"No Ani, I'm okay with it." she replied and strolled off.

Linsey and Anita glanced at each other and Linsey shrugged, following Lucretia.

"I guess anywhere is okay." mumbled Anita as she followed after them and the bus sped off.

Mrs. Raina was in the kitchen when she heard foot steps descending the stairs.

"Phil..., is that you?"

"Yes...mum..., I'm heading out."

"Where to? Dinner is almost done, why not wait and have it first before leaving?"

"I know mum.., but I have to meet a friend. I'll be back in no time."

By this time, Mrs. Raina was already standing at the entrance of the kitchen, gazing at him.

"How certain is that, young man?."

"Well....I will call you if anything." he mumbled sheepishly and dashed out.

Mrs. Raina watching keenly at him as his slowly closed the door behind him.

"Oh Phil..." she mumbled, slightly chuckling as she strolled back to the kitchen.

Lucretia and her friends were returning from town when they run into Philip.

"Luc..." he mumbled, as he slowed down.

Lucretia briefly gazed at him and strolled passed with Linsey and Anita looking on, surprised.

"Hmm..., sorry Phil.." mumbled Anita with a shrug and they raced after Lucretia with Philip gazing after them.

"Luc...?, what was that for?" uttered Linsey as they caught up with her, about to enter into the compound.

Lucretia, slightly glancing at Linsey as she pushed the main gate opened.

"What was what for?"

"That Luc.." uttered Linsey, slightly pointing to Philip's direction.

"I thought you have been wanting to talk to him since yesterday. I even notice you trying eagerly this morning to get him on phone. So what happened?"

"I'm just not in the mood Linsey." she replied and dashed into the house.

"Huh.." muttered Linsey, surprised as she gaze at Anita.

"I guess that's it, Linsey." replied Anita and sauntered after Lucretia into the house.

"Oh mine, I guess it's someone's turn to have a hard time." commented Linsey as she slowly closed the gate, strolling off after Lucretia and Anita into the house.


Philip was surprised and carried aback by Lucretia's attitude. He swiftly glanced at Lucretia's house, his forehead suddenly creasing in realization.

"I need to do something." he uttered, reaching for his phone from his pocket.

He slowly pulled it out, glancing at the screen as he searched for Jayden's number.

Jayden was about to get into the bus when he heard his phone ringing.

"Sorry..." he mumbled as he quickly reached for it, getting back to give way to other passengers.

He pulled it out from his pocket and hastily answered without checking the caller.

"Jayden, can we have a talk." uttered a voice from the other side of the phone.

With a surprised look, he drew the phone back to check who the caller was.

"Philip...?, what does he want to talk about?" he mumbled as he gaze keenly at the screen of his phone.

"Hello...?" cried Philip on the phone, hitting Jayden back to reality.

"Where do you want to meet? I'm already in town."

"Okay, give me five minutes, I will tell you where to meet." he answered and hanged up.