
Waiting For Your Love

Lucretia and her family moved to the states when she was only 4years old and settled in Washington DC. One day, Lucretia was playing with her puppy in the garden when a young boy her age walked in and introduced himself as Philip, a next door neighbor. They became friends afterwards, doing almost everything together. As years passed by, Lucretia became attracted to her best friend but dared not tell him with the fear of losing their friendship. What will Lucretia do with her feelings for Philip? Will this love be a one sided love? Find out more in "Waiting For Your Love." Disclaimer: Picture not mine. Credits to the owner Follow me on IG@Henrietta_Otu

Henrietta_Otu · Thanh xuân
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74 Chs

Fake Friends

Jayden seeing the pop up picture on his phone's screen, rushed off in search of Lucretia. He first went to the classroom but she wasn't there. She then went to the locker room then to the library before coming to a stop at the summer hut but found her no where around that area.

"Where could she be?" He murmured underneath his breath as his eyes scanned through the school compound.

Just then, he saw Claudia, an ebony girl whose locker was next to Lucretia coming out of the library.

"Claudia..., Claudia..." he called, racing off to meet her.

Claudia who didn't know where the voice of the call was coming from, glanced around and saw Jayden heading towards her.

"Oh Jay..." she stopped.

"Have you seen Lucretia?" he queried, panting out of breathe as he neared her.

"Oh Luc...? I saw Mimie and Crystal taking her to the infirmary. You should go check, they might be there."

"Okay, thank you."

"Sure.." she smiled and went her way as Jayden hurried off to the infirmary.

Mimie and Crystal were sitting around Lucretia, calming her down when the door slammed opened, drawing their gaze to it.

"Jay..." Lucretia cried rushing into his arms. He hugged her patting her back as he stared at Mimie and Crystal who were sitting on the bed, looking at them.

"I didn't do it Jay...,you have to believe me."

"I know Luc..." He slowly draw her back from the hug as he stared at his teary face. "I believe you Luc... I know you can never do something like that."

"You know...?"

"Yes I do..." He smiled, drying the tears away from her eyes with his hand. "You should stop crying now."

"Okay..." she chuckled amidst tears, slightly nodding as she hugged him again.

"But Philip doesn't believe me. He looked at me with so much disgust in his eyes." She said as she she broke from the hug.

"He will find out the truth soon. Trust me."

"You think so..?"

"Yes. Now, you have to put yourself together so we figure out how to get out of this mess."

She nodded in response as Mimie and Crystal joined them.

"We're all in this Luc..." Mimie draped a hand around her shoulder. "Just give him some time. He will come around."

Lucretia with a slight smile glanced at Crystal then back to Mimie.

"Thanks girls..."

"Sure Luc..., what are friends for?"

At the said of this, the bell ranged.

"We've got to get to class now. Being late to Mr. Arthur's class will call for detention."

"Alright, let's go." said Lucretia and they glided out of the infirmary.

After 30mins walk, they got to the classroom to meet it in quite a rumpus as the teacher was yet to come in. Just as they entered, the entire student glanced at Lucretia with disgust in their eyes, murmuring among themselves.

"Come on Luc...let's get a seat." said Mimie.

Lucretia threw a quick glance at her and nodded, taking the path to her chair.

"How much do you charge to for a night?" exclaimed one of the boys and the entire class rolled into laughter.

"Ignore them Luc..." Jayden urge her on as they continued to their seats.

She instinctively stopped when she met eye with Daisy who was staring at her with a victory smirk dancing on her lips. She slowly turned her gaze to Philip who was sitting beside Daisy with look that screamed her innocence but Philip just looked away.

"Cmon..." Crystal slightly dragged her away, followed by Mime and Jayden.

Not long have they taken their seats that the teacher walked in.

"Miss Woods..."

Lucretia's stomach chunked in panic at the said of her name.

"Is Miss Woods not here?"

"I...I am sir.." she stammered as she slowly rose from her seat.

"Can I have a talk with you after class?"

Lucretia knowing very well what the teacher was going to talk about just nodded in response.

"Alright, have your seat."

"Thank you." she replied as she sat down.

"Back to our lesson." she heard the teacher sy as she swiftly glanced at her friends and back to the board. "Now bring out your literature textbooks. In our last lesson, we talked about metaphor as a figure of speech. We saw various examples and so today.." He went back to the board, scribing something on it. "We are going to talk about simile. Turn to page 20 of your textbooks."

The teacher went on, explaining the topic of the day. Few students raised their hands for questions which he took his time to answer and also explain into details.

After about an hour and a half, the class came to an end with the ring of the bell for change of lesson.

"This brings us to the end of our lesson. Take the assignments from page 23. I will be expecting them on my table tomorrow morning."

"Okay...sir..." the entire class chorused dully.

"Alright, see you on Thursday." he took his hand book as he sauntered towards the exist. "And Luc, don't forget to see me."

"Alright sir..." she responded and he glided out of the class.

Lucretia checked from her time table and she noticed that she have some few minutes before the next lesson. She waited with her friends as the students strolled out of the class in groups.

"Are you sure this is going to end any soon? I don't want my parents being summoned to the school because of this. It will be so shameful and embarrassing to face them."

"Don't worry Luc.., we will figure things out before it gets out of hand."

"I think it's already getting out of hand Jay.., you heard want Mr. Arthur said right? Why will he want to see me if not because of this issue? I pray it doesn't get to the principal's desk."

By this time, all the students have left the class leaving Lucretia and her friends behind. They were thinking of ways to sort things out when Jayden heard someone call his name from behind.

He slowly turned to the direction of the voice.

"Mrs. Brooks wants to see you."

"Alright Nat, I will be there soon."

"Okay..." he answered with a nod and sauntered off as Jayden turned back to Lucretia and the rest.

"Don't worry Luc..., we'll find a way soon. I have to Mrs. Brooks now. Will you like to come along?"

"No Jay, I think you should go alone. I'm not ready to receive those horrible glances from the students in the hallway."

"Okay, I will be back soon. Don't think too much okay..?"

She stared at him, slightly nodding.

"See you girls later." He muttered as he hurried out of the class.

Not sooner had he left that Daisy and her friends strolled into the class.

"Well..., who do we have here..?" she smirked, clasping her hands together as she neared Lucretia and her friends.

"How could you do this to me Daisy..? I thought we were friends..?"

"Friends..? You're funny Lucretia" she snorted. "Do you know your problem Luc...? You trust people blindly and that was so helpful to my plans. How on earth did you think I was going to be your friend? You're so unbelievable."

Lucretia gaped in amazement as she stared at Daisy, her gaze slowly turning into a glare as she clenched her teeth in anger.

"Woow..., I'm so trembling out of fright now." she chuckled, "You should snap out of it Luc because that stupid glare is not enough threat to me. Did you think I was just going to leave Philip to you? That's insane."

"You're sick Daisy..." said Mimie, cutting in.

"You can think whatever you want stupid. You girls should..." but before she could end her statement, she received a dirty slap from Lucretia.

"This is for the disgrace you have caused me. And let me promise you one thing, I'm going to find evidence to prove that you were behind this scandal. Trust me. Let's go girls..."

She called out to Mimie and Crystal as she walked passed Daisy, shoving her over.

Daisy glared indignantly at them as they walked out of the classroom.

"Let's see how you do that Lu..cre...tia..."