
Wait, who do you work for again?

I am a janitor, however I work for both the heroes and villains of this world...oh well, neither asked about my other jobs so I guess it's all right.

chaoshandnerd · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

Work stuff part 1


The rusty hinges of a broom closet opened. "Chore number thirty five for today, fix hinges" a young man with a light blue jumpsuit walked in and wore a cap hanging on the inside of the door.

Walking to the corner of the room, bending over and walking back to the door he got an oil can and proceeded to oil the hinges. "Chore thirty five done" the man then proceeded to take out a cart of cleaning equipment and walk off into a long dark corridor. It was square shaped with completely flat with a yellowed once white paint covering everything. One could hear whispers of temptations and threats ringing out every now and then in the darkness. Eventually he arrived in a spot that was completely pitch black and moved forward until he saw a table with an old red rotary phone, above it was an old yellow light bulb that was flickering, every time it went out you could hear noises around you. Subsequently he stepped on the table and replaced the lightbulb with a new more powerful one. The space had illuminated far more showing that he was in a cubic room with a singular mattress in the corner... except that wasn't the only thing, it also illuminated a vuagely female figure tall and lanky with vibrant amber red hair which was in contrast to the rest of her body. It looked as though a tall malnourished person had been skinned and gnawed on alive with scraps of skin muscles and tendon few and far between folding together the horror. It slowly swayed to the centre, it's dark holes where eyes should have been, fixed on the lonely janitor. It stopped moving tilting it's head slightly exposing it's mouth which at this point was just teeth embedded into a skull with bits of flesh blood and ligament on or between them.

It then proceeded to turn and saunter out of the room or at least try to but the janitor walked in front of it. "Stella, you better not have had another all nighter or I will make you mop it your vomit yourself and how many times do I have to tell you to get maintenance to replace things?" the figure looked down at the janitor and proceeded to hold it's hand over it's mouth. Almost instinctively the janitor grabbed a bucket from the cart and gave it to her. "Bleurgh" the creature vomited multiple times of the bucket before mumbling "You went to Garant's proposal party too how are you not hung over or tired?" she asked as she received a bottle of water.

"Firstly I don't drink and secondly I actually go to sleep instead of skulking around the office like some sort horror movie stalker." the said with a deadpan face. "And thirdly I don't sleep on random mattresses in isolated rooms in the office until three in the afternoon. Why is this place even like this and how did a mattress get here."

"I need a coffee" she grumbled as they made their way back through the corridor "What you need is grapefruit juice, it's healthier and it contains limonene which helps you wake up, as for the headache...I dunno just deal with it I don't have a tip for that."

Eventually he made his way back out through the corridor making his way into what could only be described as a lobby of the first floor of a skyscraper, modern furnishings with marble floors a receptionists desk with state of the art computers. The red haired lady sat down at one of the desks.

"Sorry the last guy who was in maintenance retired Last week, If you do the maintenance work too this month I'll triple your salary for a month." she tried tempting him but due to her hangover the tempting voice came off as a little raspy "You're going to give me 30k?" he asked in puzzlement. "TRIPLE with a T not decuple." the receptionist retorted.

"No I heard correctly, It's just that I already get 10k a month" he shrugged. "How?!??" she asked feeling a headache coming along from the hangover and the surprise of finding the janitor being payed more than her. "Well You guys hired me before we signed the standard contract-" he was cut off "Yes but why wouldn't they settle the paperwork first?"

"The guava incident." they both went silent as she instantly understood, nothing more was said.

"So anyways after cleaning that they let me take the contract home and rewrite some parts." he said as he sprayed down the desk and wiped it with a cloth. "So how much did you change?" she asked slouching into a chair.

"Most of it, I even added 50 pages, but I did also take off about 50 from the standard contract so they may have thought it was unmodified as it had the same thickness." he said as he started to fold out a wet floor sign out a mop ready to mop the floor. "But isn't the standard contract about 50 pages thick."

"The day I handed it back the 'lino incident' happened and I think that they were just fearing the worst at that point and just decided to sign it without looking because of all the mess and I guess due to me using as similar font and shaping my paragraphs in roughly the same way as well as keeping the first 2 pages and stapling them onto the front it fooled them into thinking it was unmodified."

"Do Jimmy or Alyx know about this? Cuz if they do it will give them another incentive to fight again or punch you so hard that you land in the hospital all the way from here." she said making dramatic hand movements. "Maybe but say that to my diamond insurance that's payed for by the company and if they do end up killing me on purpose the final clause states that all the company's assets will be liquidated and given to charity."

Ok, just for context I work for an evil organisation Known as 'Bad Company' essentially to sum it up (Clears throat in inner monologue) 50 YEARS AGO A METEOR PHASED THROUGH THE EARTH AND REACTED WITH ITS CORE CAUSING M-DAY AN EVENT THAT CAUSED MANY MINERALS AND ANIMALS TO UNDERGO FUNDAMENTAL CHANGES CHANGING THE WORLD FOREVER AAAand I'm getting tired of this inner rambling so I'll just cut to the chase, corruption is everywhere blah blah blah, do legal systems really work blah blah blah heartbreaking story of the founder blah blah blah we take justice into our own hands to establish a new world order even if it means doing bad things to do so....just don't think about it too much I had an inner facepalm as soon as I heard this, anyway he had a child but due to an incident involving human trafficking a kidnapped mother and a radioactive magic stone, to cut a long story short it irradiated two kids and forever changed their DNA and guess what? One was his child, the problem was his wife was kidnapped while she was with child and passed out after the birth and there was another woman in the same situation except she died during the process, both a boy and a girl were born that night and were cast to the side and irreversibly changed by the aforementioned magic rock, the boss saved them all but due to the whole passing out of the mother and the changing of genes he never found out which kid was his so he raised both as his children. Now after the boss retired both kids were given equal ownership of the company and they were worried that there would be a power struggle between the two, hehehe little do they all know there won't be one....

Also why didn't he get and echo before hand to check the baby or to do a gender reveal party? Because he wanted to do it the classic way and find out after the birth. It would have saved a lot of trouble but medical bills are skyrocketing these days so I guess it's reasonable.

"Do they know anything about this?"

"Technically they should do, and anyway clause 37 makes it so that they can only change it with my consent soooo" (Thumbs up).

"Wow that is actually worse than what this place does." she did in a tone of voice that audibly trying to get over her confusion.

He proceed to go to the CEO's office and started to mop and polish the surfaces of shelves and desks.

"Haashabardan Iiikeb esbbs syddykl" he heard mutterings as he got near shelf he then proceeded pick up various obviously cursed and sentient items. "GGGGRRRRR" a vase then growled at him, he then proceeded hold it and stared at it with a cold dead look in his eyes, it whimpered. "And that is just a taste of this world, I'm sorry for scaring you." he gently placed it down and polished it, various sentient items then shook and after a firm talking to he polished them all too. He then turned to the side of the room and entered the lounge.

He opened the sliders to the lounge only to find some of the furniture had been knocked over on the carpet with bits and pieces of clothing everywhere with an alcoholic aroma filling the air. Two figures were hugging each other snoring on a sofa covered in hickeys and a blanket, the smell of sweat starting to permeate through the alcohol the closer the janitor got.

....And that is why there won't be a power struggle, they have been together about three years now. The funny part is that they are just shy because of their public images, in actuality they really like each other.

Silently upturning ever piece of furniture, he tiptoed around the room deciding to not brink the cart in. He put a table next to them and wiped it down and layed a cloth out. He then tiptoed out and 5 minutes later shakily carrying a tray with cutlery he came back and gently placed down plates, glasses and cutlery on the cloth to dampen the sound, over the coming minutes he repeatedly left carrying in various food items one at a time, some toast, eggs, a pitcher of water, juice and muffins. Then he slowly brought in other dishes like miso soup in a pot Then a large plastic covered bowl of congee, then some french toast and a carton of grapefruit juice. Around a half-hour later the room had two more tables set up near them, each having various dishes from around the world, he even snuck in a microwave and plugged it into a socket in the corner of the room. Finally he went into the office wrote something onto a piece of paper, walked back in and placed that note onto a plate that was in front of them.

He then called from their office and cleared their schedule for that day which just consisted of attending an optional seminar. He did various chores around the office such as clear the various goo's and gunk's off of the lab. Took all of the things that needed to be washed to the dry cleaners and back such as bedding for all of the employees that lived in the building. Wiped down the surfaces in the employee gym. Fight whatever interdimentional monster the lab summoned with his mop,(you know the usual) He then proceeded to take down the sign that said "Hench people training room" and then put up a sign saying "employee gym" it turns out someone has been vandalising various things around the building. The then went into the employee changing rooms and and sprayed hypoallergenic air freshener all over and wiped down the various cyber skull suits.

Then he decided to clock off for the day at around 7 and went to the employee cafeteria and got some Tteok-bokki, some methi paneer and a custard tart. He sat down in the corner and dug into his meal, near the end he spotted his bosses wearing jumpers and scarves and sunglasses physically trying to counteract the effect of the hangover and cover the hickeys. To everyone else it looked like s bad hangover. Spotting him them ordered their dinner and walked up to him "Thanks Joe" they patted him on the shoulders, partially out of respect and partially because they were losing balance and needed someone to hold on to. He helped them back up. "Just don't overdo it next time, I worry for the health of your liver's." he cared for the two like siblings and even was the one to get them to start dating in the first place so they trusted him. "But it's technically ok if its occasional because it gets damaged less often and my brain need food to make argument and process brain speak into mouth speak." she said as Jimmy swayed lightly in his seat. Both still heavily hung over and were finding it hard to concentrate.

"Just get a good rest tonight and drink lots of water, both of you." he saw Alyx look at the incoming meals. "I'll leave you two to enjoy dinner."

he bade farewell and left the building, he took a city bus home, he was surprisingly the only person on it and arrived at an apartment block near the city. He got into his room did some household work and went to bed.