
chapter:3 A Day in the forest

A drop of sunlight reached through the window illuminating the face of the sleeping girl the sunlight reflected off her bright white hair with blue tips slowly opened her bright golden eyes and yawned she slowly slipped off her bed and tottered to her closet. She got up on her tippy toes and took down a pretty white dress with vibrant purple lilies she took to light purple ribbons and tied her hair into two buns, and tied two pretty little bows. She slipped on her shoes and grabbed her little bunny bag. She turned around with her hand on her hip and made a finger gun at herself in the mirror. squeal am sooooo cute she said while cupping her cheeks. Alex a voice called out she turned her head to see her brother and cousin standing at the door waiting for her are you ready she smiled and ran to the door grabbing hold of their hands. the three children walked into the forest with their little baskets. meanwhile a bit further into the forest three black-clothed teenagers were chasing a six-year-old boy. He had long black hair and scarlet red eyes along with a very cold but cute face the was a dark red mark on his left cheek that was glowing a faint red glow the young boy was wearing a black robe with beautiful golden flood dragons climbing a pretty red plum blossom tree although the robe was lavish it was slowed with the bright red blood the golden dragons now had a tint of red slowly tuning the dragons bright red. jezz and we just kill him already number three said Jezz relax number three let's have some fun it's not like the brat can do anything to us he'll die eventually number two said, number two stop messing around we have to finish the job, and return home to her majesty number one said in annoyance. the young boy in front was running a fever he dizzily tried to maneuver his way through the forest a glowing red mark on his left cheek slowly crept towards his left eye and started to bury itself into his left eye. the sudden pain caused the boy to hold his left eye an agonizing scream left his mouth as he fell to his knees the boy could hear his heart beating in his ears the poor boy lay on the floor and clutched his eye in pain. the black clothed teens stop and slowly walked up to the boy number three started to laugh while Number looked at the boy with disdain So the first prince is not high and mighty after all are you Prince Draco do you think just because your mother was the empress you would be safe do you want to know how your mother died that same aunt su that is now the empress that you thought would take care of you was the cause hahahahahahahaha so stupid and they said the first prince was a genius. number one looked at number two and shook his head he felt sorry for the young prince he is the emperor's favorite son he wanted to know if the new empress will explain the disappearance of the young prince well he was just doing his job. number two raised his sword ready to kill the Draco when everything froze they could not move but they could see what was happening in front of them the young boy would be curled up on the floor and started to grow two obsidian horns on his head, his red eyes were now a darker shade of red with silt pupils, his canines grew longer and a black dragon tail grew out of his back along with two big and beautiful dragon wings the boy got up with at stager and stretched his wings he spoke but instead of a child's voice a deep and bone-chilling voice came for the boy, it's been centuries since I saw the light of day a dark and eerie chuckle escaped the lips of the young boy the three teens felt a shudder run down their spins when the boy's eyes landed on them. hmm, what's this Draco said as he turned his head to look at the teens with a gentle yet sinister smile, oh fresh meat he open his hand but paused looking at his hands that were of a child he groaned, it seems like I have woken up too early he said to himself oh well but then he felt himself slow fading he cussed snapped his finger thin line ran across the neck of the assassins a to eliminate the threat to his life and slowly closed his eyes it seems like this body is too young it can handle my energy he whispers as he passed out. back to the others Alex!! the two boys yell as Alex followed the basted system deeper into the forest to collect herds to make a marrow cleansing pill to open her meridians in hopes of her to start cultivating the system Identified the last herd she needed behind a large rock the mist illusion flowers she went to pick it she notices there was a trail of blood she secured the flower and filled the blood only to find three dead bodies on the forest floor and a boy not too far away from the rest her legs started to shake and she fell on her butt this was her first time seeing a dead body a small scream exited her mouth yet she notices the boy's chest rising and falling she slowly crawl towards him to check his breathing it was faint yet he could be saved what Alex didn't know was that the boy still had a sliver of conciseness and saw and young checking his condition a wave of relief washed over the six-year-old he was saved. ALEX? ALEX! the two boys yelled and ran off to look for the sister when they passed the rocks they saw their sister trying to wake up a young boy they looked across from the to see three dead bodies the glued and Andy had Zen run back home to get their grandpa to prepare a bed and some medicines to stop bleeding as he tried to lift the boy as carefully as possible and he stared to walk, Alex walked behind her brother as soon as she walked passed number on he grabbed her foot causing her to scream but instead of trying to attack her he tried to hand her a jade seal and looked at the prince before passing away.who was that being in the young boy's body, what was this jade so many questions she followed her brother home.