


When I get back to Adam's after spending the rest of the day at Elara's, I find him eating dinner in the kitchen.

/"I would have waited for you if I knew you were on your way back. Here, sit down, I'll fix you a plate,/" he offers.

I sit with him in the breakfast nook. /"No, no, you eat. I'll grab something later./"

/"When was the last time you ate?/"

/"Oh, you know, didn't I grab something before we left for the academy?/"

Adam sets down his fork and knife. /"You told me that you would go to the cafeteria before class. What's going on? You can't tell me that you aren't hungry after not eating all day./"

/"I don't know. I just haven't had much of an appetite lately,/" I admit. /"Maybe it's because of the power my father restored to me. Maybe I don't need to eat anymore./"