


They were poison—the plants that grew as if I beckoned them to. Some could be found on this continent, others originate in faraway places. Adam told me that he woke alone then couldn't find me anywhere in the house but discovered that the back doors were unlocked. He shifted and followed my scent as if something stole me from our bed. He found me laying on the forest floor in a circle of belladonna, death caps, oleander, hemlock, and many other plants he did not recognize. A vine of poison oak had begun to wrap its way up my leg. It left no rash on my skin.


/"Sorry,/" I mumble and look up at Vivianne and Imogen, /"I can't stop daydreaming./"

/"I asked about Adam being here,/" Vivianne repeats. /"People say he's been here since this morning./"

/"Yeah. I came with him. H-He said he has things to do here, I don't know./"

/"Is he here all day?/"

I nod and rest my arms on the lunch table. /"I think so./"