


/"I'm sorry, I can't stay long. I've just come to grab a few things./"

/"Are you sure it's a good idea to say with Adam longer? Things were a little bumpy there, Wren. Maybe a break will be good for you two./"

I look up from my bag. /"Mom, I said that was just a little argument. We're doing great now. I just—I really think I should be with him right now. It's werewolf business; it's hard to explain. He needs me right now,/" I assure her then stuff one last shirt into my suitcase before zipping it up. /"Tell Grandma that I'll call later. Adam—he just really needs me there with him./"

She nods, leaning against the doorway to my bedroom. /"Okay, no problem, as long as you're going to school./"