
Chapter 1

"Ah! So you want a story. But you know I'm not interested in telling you fairytales with so nauseous happy ending... Well happy or sad that's what the person faces in the story. Hmmm so where shall i begin... Oh so how would little brats like you want it to go... "we want it about a princess" said the kids with sparkling eyes. "Hahha... A princess...well a princess or not but a damsel is a before from princess no... So a damsel it is.." said the man in the gown. "Not a damsel in distress. we're not a little kids anymore!!" said the kid in the crowd ". " Hmm a damsel in distress or joy that you will decide for my intention is just a tale, a tale untold .....

Once upon a time....


Rostock, Germany


As Ceylan Reinhardt Chronos strolled through the bountiful wheat fields, her amber eyes caught the gentle rays of the setting sun, illuminating them with a warm, golden hue. Her black hair, cascading in loose waves, danced in the breeze, framing her face with an air of youthful vitality.

Beside her, Reinhardt Johan Chronos worked with a seasoned grace, his amber eyes reflecting the fading light of day. Despite his age, he maintained a nice figure, a testament to years of outdoor work and a life dedicated to the land.

Together, father and daughter immersed themselves in the peaceful rhythm of harvesting, the golden fields stretching out before them like a canvas of tranquility. Their amber eyes mirrored the serene beauty of the landscape, while their black hair caught the last whispers of daylight. In this moment of quietude, amidst the whispers of the wheat and the gentle rustle of leaves, they found solace and unity, a bond woven by love and shared aspirations for a brighter future.

Ceylan and her father paused in the fields, admiring the wheat. "it's beautiful father" Ceylan said.

Reinhardt smiled proudly. "A bountiful harvest," he agreed.

Ceylan looked up with excitement. "Can't wait to show Mother," she said.

Reinhardt nodded with warmth in his eyes. "I wish it lasts. " he said and turned his face to sky "it's getting late."

"Yes you'll get a scolding from mother. Hehe" Ceylan giggled lightly with innocence of a child.

"Oh dear me that has a bad sound to it" acting worried he lifts Ceylan up and moves toward the horse to ride it back to their hometown.

They venture from the country side to urban Altstadt. With its medieval architecture and city bustling as the night approaches both reach their home. While their house wasn't lavish but ordinary it had all necessities and was well kept symbolising a healthy family.

"Mother, we're home" Ceylan enters the house with a big smile and runs towards her mother's embrace who was eagerly waiting for them. "Kuzum (means my lamb in turkish) , how was your day." hugs and joyfully asks Ceylan. "And you!" looks at Ceylan's father who tries to avoid her gaze by looking here and there but then asking her by pointing at himself "Who me??". "No, I was talking to the walls, you aptal(idiot)"

"Uhh, w-well you know me and Ceylan were just enjoying the fields" sweats and still avoids her gaze "Isn't that right lass"

"Mother, just leave him be. You know he doesn't listen. " hugs her mother and snickers at her father. "Pftt" her mother chuckles "well while that's true but you should take his side shouldn't you, after all you both were together in it but anyways I've prepared dinner so wash up" she stands up and leaves.

Ceylan looks at his father "Well look at this devious little lamb" said her father and leaps at her to catch her playfully and so the night passes by with a joyful day.

The next morning blooms a wonderful start of day Ceylan wakes up from the ongoing conversation from his father and someone else.That someone had a tall figure, scar on his forehead above his right brow and a soldiers attire. " I tell you they're upto no good, the fat cats just want to stir up problems it's like they want all hell to fall upon us" he said.

"But you don't seem like you are here to have a friendly discussion anymore Graham" said Reinhardt while sipping his tea. "Still on bitter terms are we, I said it before and I'm saying this again I had to follow orders. We can't entertain our morals in front of orders" said Graham looking at Reinhardt with eyes determined to persuade him. "Graham" stands up and goes to the window nearby with the cup of tea in his hand "you know our great father Malvin Chronos said that noone is good or bad themselves but everyone is good or bad for others, on a quick glance it seems quite illogical but as I moved forward in life i realized the authenticity of his words" turns to Graham " So i ask you again was it really right what you did and made me do that along with you". " (sighs) I just wanted to see your face for the last time. You, you live your life happy that's the blessing I leave you mate. I made wrongs and I know very well I am a traitor to my people but know that that i will not let it go to waste" said Graham. "Father!" said Ceylan who came in rubbing her eyes. "Who's the guest?". "Ahh! Little lamb he's not a guest" said her father cheerfully. " Allow me to introduce myself little lady I'm Graham Milan, you can call me uncle" said Graham with a big cheerful smile. "Yes call him that for now since he won't be here anymore. And know that Mr. Graham you killed your family along with your people just to prove your loyalty so don't expect me to be your friend as I feel not but rage while thinking about what you did" said Reinhardt. "Hold your trap what kind of language are you using in front of a child" said Graham who was covering Ceylan's ears "alright I won't do that but don't forget my generosity i won't call you ungrateful for that but a favor is a favor" Graham said and turned around to the door. He gave a last stare to Reinhardt who turned other side showing his anger.

"Sir Graham! Don't leave just yet i prepared som..." Ayelin, Ceylan's mother came in while saying that aloud. "Did he just leave? " looks at Reinhardt "You sent him knowing the hardwork I put up for guests" said Ayelin.

"He isn't worth calling a guest... Ayelin we have to leave this place" said Reinhardt with his anger still visible. "Why! What happened why do you look like you lost a farm to kurts(wolves)" said Ayelin following behind Reinhardt who went into the room. "Father what happened all of a sudden? Where are we going to?" said Ceylan worriedly. "Berlin... you are.. you both are going to Berlin" told Reinhardt with a serious expression on his face. "Ashkuhm! (my love)

You're making me worried is everything alright what's gotten you so riled up....Tell

me is it because of nightmares?" Ayelin asked him with a worried expression. "Yes... My fear has awakened and it will soon haunt me when I'm awake so I... I just don't want you to get caught up in it I know a friend there he will guide you to some place safe.You'll move by morning and you'll take the train" said Reinhardt. He punches the room floor which breaks as it was hollow under and takes out a long broad sword with hilts having ancient glyphs and a blue and black light radiating from sharp sides. He takes it out and raises a bit about like straightening his arm with it and it vanishes in thin air. Then he takes out a pistol and belt and a vial of blood.

He hands the vial to Ayelin who takes it and hides it in her shawl. Reihardt hugs both of them tightly and rubs Ceylan's head gently who was also in his grasp. He then kisses both of them on foreheads. Ayelin who is barely holding her tears doesn't utter a word but Ceylan's eyes are tearing and she asked Reihardt "Father you will teach me how to swing the sword (sobs) promise...". "Yes! I will my flower just listen to your mother..." turns and leaves the home,the home where he made memories. Indeed he wanted to cry and curse the fate so cruel that made him abandon what he adores but he's a man so he'll fight the fate with or without a tear. He leaves and hence the story begins of a damsel... A damsel who begins her fate from peace to untold hidden and shadowed fate that she'll move through.

It took a lot of brainstorming to make a genuine war but whatever my head hurts just enjoy I'll post this story regularly now

ROGUE_SAILORcreators' thoughts