
Waifu Card Summons

It's a guy that started to play a very lewd game, but he died before he could start and went to a new world with the ability to summon hot waifus and have sexy fun time with them. *NO NTR* Cover is not mine. Disregard this one. Messed up and const delete it. Created other one that is fanfic. Same name but without the s at the end.

jonny_dangerous · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs

Meeting with a Litch

"So John, may I ask why you wanted to go to this shop instead of any other that some people recommend?" Kanae asked batting her eyelashes at me while she hugged my arm closer to her chest.

"Well, her name is Wiz, who has some products I'm interested in, which could be useful. The second thing is that she's someone very important and finally, she's pretty cute too," I said with a shrug.

"Oh~? How cute exactly?" Kanae questioned feeling both curious and a little annoyed. She had her fingers ready to pinch if she didn't receive a satisfactory answer.

"Hmm, like..." I started to say, trying to come up with something, but I got nothing. "You'll see what I mean, but I find you very sexy if it means anything," I said, kissing her cheek. It did, from the way she preened happily and moved her hand away from my stomach.

We turned a corner, walking into a less crowded street, allowing us to not be so mindful of others. Seeing our destination at the end of the road, I was excited. Noticing the welcome sign, I opened the door, allowing Kanae to enter before me.

"Welcome, I'll be with you in just a moment," Wiz yelled from the back.

The first thing that I noticed was that the store was empty of customers, which wasn't surprising since the stuff Wiz sells aren't exactly useful, not to mention very expensive. The second thing was it looked bigger than the anime showed and there's more items spread out.

I saw Kanae walking up to the counter curious and bend down to check the vials underneath, leaving me alone. I went to the bookshelf and I picked one out by random. "How to discipline your pet?" I read the title curiously and opened up the book to a random page, "Say with a husky deep voice, 'If you're a good girl, I'll give you a reward that causes your legs to give out and our neighbors across the street to know my name.'"

"Oohh~ Johnny baby, yes, give it to me. I'm your good girl," Kanae whispered sensually as she moaned into my ear, rubbing her breasts on my back and her hands sliding down my chest.

I lightly smacked her hands away from me in which she giggled in response and took the book from my hands. She read the title and started looking for similar books on the shelf. I on the other hand started looking for actual books that doesn't contain smut, yet. Business before pleasure and all that.

I pulled out a thick book that was a cook book. I opened a page, but I soon closed it up after finding that it describe how to cook up a frogs penis and balls. I so did not need to see that.

"Oh ho, what's this?" Kanae asked herself suddenly intrigued, and I looked over to see her holding a bound blue book with a red heart shaped lock.

Before she could open it, it was taken from her hand by a certain someone, "Don't open this book! It yells out and shows very detailed mature content to people whenever it's open."

"Oh really? Then can I buy it?" Kanae asked turning around to face Wiz and then she paused taking a good look at her.

Wiz is a lovely and well-endowed woman, looking barely twenty years old, with fair skin and a curvaceous figure. She has brown eyes and straight brown hair reaching down to the front of her shoulders, further behind her back and slightly curling at the tips. Her fringe is covers her right eye and she also possesses a single ahoge that arcs off the top of her head.

Wiz is wearing a light purple long dress under a dark purple hooded gambeson robe with golden props, and dark-purple boots. Over her robe, Wiz uses a golden cross brooch with bat wings.

'Huh, he's right, she's pretty and she's well endowed compared to some of the other women she had seen, walking here.' Kanae thought staring her up and down curiously. Her instincts are telling her that something's dangerous about her, but she's not sure what it is.

"W-well, y-yes, b-but n-no," Wiz stuttered, face red waving her arms around imagining all the rumors it would spread if people learned she had things like this in her shop... She paused wondering if it would be better than being known for selling useless items, but she discarded that thought. She was going to put it into storage to free up the space, but she was reluctant since the merchant said its very popular and will be sold in a flash.

"I-if you promise you won't tell anyone where you got it, t-then I can sell it for 150,000." She spoke nervously. When she didn't receive a response, she panicked and started lowering the price, "100,000? 90,000?"

"Make it 75,000 and you have a deal," I said nonchalant and she nodded in relief. "Ah, I forgot to introduce ourselves, I'm John Connor and this is Kanae Shinjou, it's a pleasure to meet you..." I trailed off as Kanae waved in greeting before going back to look for more books.

"My name is Wiz, it's a pleasure to meet you both," She greeted politely with a smile, taking the book to the counter and waited there for us.

"Hey Wiz, what does this item do?" I asked picking up a vial of some sort of potion. I shook it a little and it simply swirled around with little sparkles of red flashing before being consumed by the liquid.

"Oh, that? It's a potion that explodes upon being thrown or caught on fire." Wiz said calmly, which caused me to freeze up and slowly put it down to on the counter before backing away from it. Excitement bubbled in my gut as I swallowed down my eagerness to buy it.

"Oh really? How big exactly?" I asked wondering how big an explosion will cause at the deserted castle where a certain demon general will be soon. I can just blame it all on a certain loli and it looked fun watching it in the anime.

"Hmm, I don't really know. I was told it would cause a huge explosion and that I needed to be far away after throwing it."

"Are these the same or something different?" I asked pointing to the rest of the vials, which I counted 16 in total. They looked similar but had slightly different tints of red.

"Yes, there are a few of the same in there and there's a few that explodes when it either comes in contact with air or water," Wiz walked over and pointed them out for me.

I felt a grin grow on my face. I couldn't help but ask, "So how much for them all?" I checked my inventory for how much money I actually have and it was about 800 thousand, give or take a few hundred.

"It's about 269,000 Eris total for all these and the books." Wiz clasped her hands together excitedly after counting it all up and I had to blink at the small pile of books Kanae brought.

"Wiz, do you know what this item does?"

Kanae asked after grabbing a lightning bolt trinket from one of the shelves near the front of the store.

"I just had those shipped in! That allows the user to use a low powered lightning spell that causes temporary paralysis, but it doesn't work on those who have magic resistance. It also consumes a huge amount of magic and breaks after one or two uses.

"Oh, that could be pretty useful. How much is it?" Kanae asked intrigued, planning on using it on some people that annoyed her. It'll be useful to pants them and take their wallets at the same time.

Wiz beamed happy that someone agreed with her, other than the merchants that is, "Right? It's 90,000 eris!"

'S-so much for something not that useful after a few times!' Kanae and I thought looking at her wondering why she bought something like that.

Kanae placed the item back on the shelf and asked her someone that was on her mind, "Do you have any potions that recovers mana instantly?"

Wiz shook her head, "No, many tried but it didn't work. There's potions that boosts one mana regeneration, but it's pretty expensive and almost all of them are sent to the front lines to fight against the demon king's army. Same for health potions."

"Huh, say if someone creates something like that then..." Kanae trailed off staring at me from the corner of her eye.

"Then they will be very important to the kingdom and will be kept somewhere safe as they either teach others to make it or do it themselves if it's not possible."

I could read between the lines, 'They'll be kept in a dark room forced to produce it nonstop, creating a big target on their backs and worrying about assassins sent by anyone.' I sighed lightly wondering if anyone ever did pick the potion creation skill or something like that. It also made me wonder how powerful the demon king actually is if the people Aqua sent over the years couldn't defeat him yet.

I walked over to the weapons section and picked up a sword. It looked fairly normal and felt easy to handle.

"A that sword..."


We soon left with our purchases waving goodbye to Wiz who looked very happy and promised to come back again. I smiled lightly patting my new potions and let out an evil laugh at the chaos I'll be doing to that demon king. Though I would have to check if he's there first, it would be a waste of the potions of he's not.

As we walked back to the guild, I stared at my wallet and we're going to have to do more frog extermination missions tomorrow. I'm going to have to remind them to hold back so we can sell the corpses intact.

Which reminds me that I still need to distribute my stat points. I put in 2 points to my Int, Str, Con, Wis, and Luck.


John Connor

Class: Magician

(Gain +2 to Int and Wis for each level)

Level: 15 (400/1,500 EXP)

HP: 270/270

HP: Regen 13.5 Hp per min

MP: 1,000/1,000

MP: Regen 17.5 Mp per min

- Strength: 27

- Constitution: 27

- Dexterity: 30

- Intelligence: 50

- Wisdom: 40

- Charisma: 35

- Luck: 27

- Stat points: 0 (10)

- Skill Points: 10

[Congratulations! You have achieved 50 stat points in Intelligence. Gained perk: Mana Attuned- Additional 10 MP per 1 INT


I'm curious what job class is available for me now. I pulled out my card, turning it over finding the circle at the top right corner. I pressed and held it for 10 seconds before letting it go. After that, I flipped it back over, staring at the new screen with a list of jobs that correspond to my base stats.


Available Jobs:

Arch Wizard - Advanced Job 






Dark Priest

Magic Item Craftsman

Fortune Teller

Adventurer - Most basic job





I was disappointed not seeing the crusader class since I'm interested in the magic and physical resistence Darkness had. I did check the other classes but it doesn't have what I'm looking for. Though the Magic Item Craftsman is certainly interesting, but I want to research it some more before making a choice.