
Chapter 92 Kill Gods Like Ants!

"This world should be purified!"

The middle god named Rui Baron was very angry. He roared and said, "Why? Why do so many mortals in this world believe in demon gods?"

The guild leader who summoned this god hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Great god, that demon god is very powerful, and he is crazily eliminating dissidents.

All mortals who do not believe in him will be killed! All gods who fight against him, They will all be destroyed! We really can't fight against him, so we dare to ask the gods to come to the world to protect us! Please gods to take action and destroy those filthy devil believers!"

After the guild leader finished speaking, he buried his head deeply.

Rui Baron said proudly: "My believers, you have made a wise decision, I will help you eliminate the demon god, and you only need to offer me the most devout faith.

After he finished speaking, he took the other two gods and flew out of the city.

From the point of view of rank, Rui Barron is a real middle god.

The other two gods are 12 lower gods.

The guild that summoned them was very disappointed. God wars could happen at any time if the religious wars were carried out to such an extent, but the gods they believed in were too embarrassing to use in the god wars.

This means that when they hold meetings in the major guilds in the future, their right to speak will be further reduced.

No one wants this to happen, but it will happen.

Who told them that the gods they summoned were not powerful?

The three gods soon appeared on the battlefield.

The female god looked at the endless Demon God believers on the earth, a cold light flashed in her eyes, and she said disgustedly: "Dirty Demon God believers should be purified!

—Endless holy flame!"

In the sky, golden flames appeared one after another immediately.

These golden flames slowly fluttered and fell to the ground, like golden flowers.

This so-called endless sacred flame looks very elegant, but its lethality is extremely powerful.

The sacred flame fell into the crowd and immediately produced a chain reaction.

Countless Demon God Cult players were ignited, burning all their life points in an instant, and turned into white light to go to the resurrection point to revive.

The united front commander gritted his teeth angrily when he saw this scene: "Damn it, these guys actually summoned the gods directly!"

To die under the hands of the gods is to die worthless.

Because the players at this stage can't do any damage to the gods at all, and they can't even consume much mana of the gods, so they die in vain!

To deal with the gods, any tactics are in vain.

The united front commander hurriedly asked Logan for instructions, but Logan chuckled lightly and didn't make any reply.

But the united front commander understood it, and a sneer appeared on his face.

In the next second, a huge space crack suddenly appeared in the sky above the battlefield.

A blood-red giant sword descended from the sky, and slashed straight at the three gods summoned by the Ugly players.

When the sword was slashed, the whole world seemed to be still, only the sword was falling towards the three gods at an extremely slow speed.

Of all people, only the mind can keep up with the movement of the sword, and nothing else can be done, even the blink of an eye.

This was Zhang Qian's first attack in front of all living beings after he was promoted to the middle god.

This move contains all the laws that Chang Gan comprehended.


-2352 we!


With just one strike, three terrifying wounds appeared from the heads of the three gods respectively.

The bodies of the three gods were cut off at the waist, and they fell on the battlefield like garbage.

Then, the blood-red Qingtian sword stirred slightly, and the bodies of the three gods disappeared, but they were taken away by Zhang Qian at will, and they were used as nourishment for the small world.

Then, the blood-red Qingtian giant sword slashed at the distant city.

The indestructible city walls and defensive barriers were instantly shattered, and even most of the city was destroyed.

After doing all this, the blood-red sky giant sword slowly shrunk into the space crack.

Immediately afterwards, the space crack disappeared instantly, and time began to flow again.

Everyone, no matter the enemy or us, was deeply shocked by this scene.

"Awesome! Is this the power of the Chaos Demon God? It's too strong! Kill three gods with one piece! One of them is a middle god!" 070

"It's really exciting! He didn't even show his face! He just killed the three gods through a gap in space! What's the difference between this and killing three ants?"

"It's too scary to regard the gods as ants! The strength of the upper gods is nothing more than this?"

"This is the god we believe in! This is the god we believe in! It's really too powerful!"

"Haha! Ugly country players are dumbfounded right now? The gods that were finally summoned died without even seeing the enemy's face. How ironic!"

"Our god is so powerful, we can't embarrass him, go! Kill all the Ugly players!"

"That's right, take advantage of the victory to pursue and destroy the ghost of Tian Guo!"

The players of Demon God Sect were very excited, the scene just now was really exciting.

For ordinary people, what is more proud than following an invincible strong man?