
Vows Of Love (L&M #1)

"Shravan. You are here" she asked cheerfully "What the hell are you doing?" "Relaxing! This is amazing. Like having your own shower in a swimming pool. So cool." "Get out of there right now." His icy tone slid off her, his unconcealed disapproval having no apparent effect on her exuberance. "Are you listening to me?" He asked again "I’m just cooling down. Why are you wearing a suit? Why did you change? Aren’t you slightly overdressed for the weather? It’s boiling." "I had a video conference. I was working. Get out of the fountain. Now." "Why? I like it here. And you’re very bad-tempered today. You should cool down" "I’m not asking you again." "Good, because I can’t stand nagging. If you want me out, you’ll have to come and get me." "Drishti" He called out in a warning tone Her fingers skimmed the surface of the water and her eyes met his. Something wicked gleamed there. Reading her mind he breathed in sharply. "Don’t you dare." "Are you going to come in and stop me?" The shower of cold water splattered his hair, his jacket and the front of his shirt, which promptly welded itself to his skin. "Are you crazy? This suit is silk." "Better take it off then, before it’s ruined." He did just that, shrugging the shrugging the jacket from his shoulders in a violent movement and saw her gaze slide to his damp shirt. Drishti let out a low whistle "Nice body hubby. Now why don't you get into the fountain with me" Drishti asked with a wink. ** Meet Shravan Maheswari and Drishti Singhania Shravan Maheswari, born with a silver spoon wanted to make a name of his own. A workaholic by nature ,his sole focus is on his company SM Groups. What will happen when trouble maker Drishti Singhania lands in his life creating chaos all around. Mind you, trouble follows Drishti or Drishti follows trouble? The question is still unanswered. Fall in love with them when these total opposites fall for each other. BOOK 1 IN L&M SERIES STAND ALONE NOVEL

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Chapter 7

The private jet landed in the Bangalore International Airport

"You don't even have any luggage with you?? What's your plan?? A shopping spree with Shravan's credit card??" Isha asked and Shravan groaned mentally

What had happened to the sweet natured Isha?? Where did this bitchy avatar come from??

"Ofcourse yes. I'm a newly wed bride. New brides are entitled to their shopping spree with their husband's credit card" Drishti said batting her eyes lashes innocently

"Ofcourse I know girls like you" Isha said

"You ought to. You must be looking at the mirror at least twice a day" Drishti said

"For the love of God!! Will you two please shut up" Shravan was finally losing it

What did he do to deserve this??

"Isha, I will drop you at your place. Will see you the first thing in the morning. We have to get this deal somehow" Shravan said and Isha nodded

Business!! Drishti rolled her eyes

Shravan is reminding her of her father.

Her father before he met her mother again!!

He was a workaholic until his Diya came back to his life

A smile formed on her lips thinking about the love her parents shared

And the next moment her smile disappeared

She had dreamed for years and years of finding that kind of soul deep love

Will she ever be able to find that kind of love now

She is married now. Accidentally!!

Dear God!! Does that really happen in real life??


Yet it had happened in her life

She glanced sideways at Shravan who was focused on his phone

Will she ever be able to love him??

Will he ever fall in love with her??

After dropping Isha at her place, Shravan instructed his driver to take them to his penthouse suite

He could see from Rajesh kaka's face that he was confused as to who the girl with him is

"Rajesh kaka. This is Drishti. She would be staying with me for a while" Shravan said and the older man's eyes widened in horror

Drishti punched him in the arm and glared at him

"What??" He asked frowning as he rubbed his hands were she punched

"Don't spoil my reputation" Drishti said and he looked at her confused

"What reputation??"

Drishti turned to look at the driver and pulled out her mangalsutra and showed it to him

"Rajesh kaka. I'm not what you think I'm. I'm married to this man" Drishti said

And that's when Shravan realised what Rajesh might have thought when he said Drishti would be staying with him


"Married?? Shravan baba got married?? No one told us" Rajesh said in disappointment

"Actually kaka-" Shravan was cut off mid sentence by a dramatic sigh from Drishti

He glanced sideways to see Drishti looking at Rajesh kaka leaning forwards in her seat with all the animation on her face

"It's a long story kaka. Actually it was like a Bollywood movie with lots of drama and twists" Drishti said and proceeded to narrate the entire thing happened from the moment she planned to kidnap Kiara and until the moment they entered this car.

And she was telling all these with added spices here and there making it sound more dramatic than it was

She is totally crazy??

Is she planning to say this story to everyone she meets related to him

No way!!

No way in hell would he be made to look like a fool in front of everyone

He would tell this as soon as they reached his penthouse suite

If she is planning to stay married to him, she will have to adhere to certain rules

It's upto her whether their marriage would be on or not

He doesn't mind either way

He had no intention of getting married anytime soon, but now that it had happened, it would get his mother off his back

And if she wants an annulment, he could give it to her as he doesn't feel anything for her. And still could keep his mother down with the marriage talks pointing out his one failed marriage

It's a win win situation

As long as this girl doesn't causes trouble

As soon as the car stopped in front of the apartment complex Shravan got down from the car and Drishti followed suit

He owns the penthouse suite here and has a partnership with the construction company which built the complex

Shravan took his suitcase and turned to Drishti

"The penthouse suite is mine. This area is considered the heart of Bangalore city and you will find everything you need within walking distance. But I hope you won't wander around alone and invite trouble. No place is safe for a single woman nowadays" Shravan said as he walked towards the elevator

"I'm not single anymore. I'm married" came the instant reply

"Well, the muggers and rapists won't have any idea and they wouldn't even care. You have to take care of yourself. If you need anything, call Rajesh kaka. He will take you wherever you want"

"Why should I call Rajesh kaka. You are my husband. I should call you"

As soon as the elevator door closed Shravan turned to look at her

"Look Drishti. I'm a very busy man. And right now I'm handling a very important business deal. So, I would be very grateful if you won't trouble me for anything. I guess you need to go shopping. You can take my credit card. I can ask Rajesh kaka's wife to accompany you" Shravan said as politely as he could

Drishti stared at her few hours husband in wonder

How could someone be so insulting and polite at the same time??

"I don't need company. I can take care of myself" Drishti said with a shrug

"Yeah. I can see that" Shravan muttered under his breath

And the elevator opened directly into his apartment and that's when Drishti realised they were in a private elevator

Drishti looked around the penthouse and was wondering whether she actually liked it or not

She was torn because there were things she liked and there were things she didn't

The apartment was painted black and white which gave it a classic look

But Drishti was more into bright colors ,yellow being her favorite

The living room could look formal but she hoped the bedrooms where a more lively color

She loved the paintings on the walls and she loved the carpet

"And one more thing Drishti" Shravan said and Drishti looked at him

"I would prefer if you keep what all happened today a secret." Shravan said and Drishti pressed her lips in annoyance

Her feelings are not hurt

Her ego is

Damn it!! She is Drishti Singhania