
voltron system

Eirik_Solisen · Khác
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6 Chs

The repair

Diya I want you to make repair robots and some soldiers. Hanna focuses on the display and shields that is the most important right now. now let's see what kind of vessel we have in the hanger bay. as I arrive at the hanger I relax that we are missing ten vehicles 3 fighters 5 bombers and 2 transport, and another 15 damaged. that adds the pool to total of 25 of 30 vehicles.I find a toolbox and begin remodeling a transporter. I plan to have more speed increases on the shield power unit. but there is a small problem and that is the engine can overheat, and explode.

but right now see if we have enough material, to build a prototype. Then the alarm went off then Diya came running over to me and said that the close sensor went off. what are our weapon choices? I have i sword the same one that Lanc and king alfor have, and in what area is where the alarm went off? Hanna gets the shield online now. Take power from the lights, Diya to me we are going to defend the castle.

To the armory, we need to get the armor and equipment to fight the intruders. Hanna report do you know ho is the intruders? no, she said but they are 60 in number. now we are at the armory I grab the sword and put on my royal armor. 70 ticks later complete armor on. one our way to the main entrance. They look like dwarves from <the battle of the five armies> we have already killed 5 of them, it was kinda easy nothing too good. then we arrived at the main entrance. then one of the dwarven stepped forward and begins to speak but I did not understand what he said so I step forward and spoke up and said you and your men are not welcome here, now live and I pointed at him and then at the door.

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