
Monster in Blue (1)

Leaving the apartment, Thirteen was running across the streets.

His body was weaker than that of most Cyphers, yet he was still sprinting with all his might.

'I'm coming, Jin you dumbass.' 

After a minute of running, he came across the same opening of the very same alleyway where Jin was forced to take down the machine-like man.

'I… I should rush after him.'

Yet even still, his curiosity got the best of him.

Walking into the alleyways, he followed the same path that Jin walked, letting him find the remains of the machine.

'What the…'

He crouched down, looking at the remnants of the machine.

'Barely any human parts, literally nothing, not even internal organs.' 

Looking down at the parts, he saw another thing that was more than worrisome.

'Fuck… he cleanly ripped it off, completely gone…' 

He assessed the situation completely, seeing how much ruin was caused by Jin who lost his mind for a moment.

He instantly left the alleyways, leaving the 'corps' behind as he ran through the streets to find Jin.

'COmpletely lost his position after he destroyed his watch, but he has to be at the building.' 

Running through the streets, his weak body began to take effect.

His lungs were burning, his legs were in pain.

His breathing became ragged.

While continuing to run as if there was no tomorrow, his lungs were burning even harder.

Taking breaths was painful as he tried to get oxygen.

'Not now, weak fucking body.'

Cursed Thirteen, his body was failing him.

"No! Not now!"

Screamed Thirteen in anger, not wanting to stop.

He was gasping for air.

Yet, still continued to run, no matter how painful it became to even exist.


After what felt like hours yet in reality was nothing more than six minutes, he finally saw the building quietly hiding in the shadows.

The same building that they wanted to break into silently, but this miserably failed the moment Jin lost control.

Thirteen was now painfully aware of how much they failed in their break-in as he saw two headless corpses on the ground.

'Fuck, worse than I thought.'

 Wasting no more time, he grasped his revolver even stronger and slowly began striding into the building.

The light was not like it was originally supposed to be, it was red and he could barely see.

The air was stiff even breathing was rough for Thirteen as he grasped his weapon even tighter, walking cautiously through the mostly empty corridors.

The sirens continued to scream in his ears while the red light blinked inside the building.

Thirteen's throat was dry and he was on edge.

Aiming his weapon forward, he heard a small sound that made him even more on edge.

His finger was on the trigger, ready to fire.

Walking closer, he finally saw the source of the sounds.

It was one of the guards.

Bleeding out on the floor.

Coughing and shivering on the ground, slowly bleeding out.

Thirteen looked around a bit more, only seeing more dead bodies.

This one before him was the only survivor, the walls were damaged with cut marks, destroying parts of the walls, and revealing the pipes and machinery behind the walls.

"… me…"

Muttered the guard to thirteen, his hand was extended, albeit barely as he could no longer move his body.

His eyes were bloodshot and his mouth was leaking blood.

"I'm sorry, but there is no helping you." 

Thirteen felt terrible by the sight, knowing that his partner was brutally murdering left and right, but one thing helped ease his mind.

'That's what you get for siding with these bastards.' 

While gazing into the guard's bloodshot eyes that looked back straight at him, he aimed his revolver at the guard.

Only from an angel that he couldn't see the gun aimed directly at him.


The sound of a gunshot could be heard, instantly taking the life of the guard as the bullet penetrated his skull.

Granting him a relatively painless, swift, end.


He took a deep breath and got up from the ground, continuing to search for Jin.

The ground was covered with blood while walking on the ground, his leather boots made a sound as they stepped on the bloody, wet surface of the metal floors.

'He made a mess.' 

There was barely a single spot left without blood as the aftermath of Jin's slaughtering was still present.

The red light and the alert sounds were still loudly roaring, but no one was rushing to help.

Barely anyone was left to do that if anyone at all.

'This is bothersome, I'm not sure if I can even stop Jin.'

Thirteen was beginning to worry as his legs were still in pain from running so much, that his weak body was betraying him.

Taking another deep breath, he continued to run through the corridors, only to see even more dead bodies, even more blood, and even more marks on the walls.

'Okay, this is starting to look scary… he has gone full Cypher Psycho.' 

Cypher Psychosis, the thing that made Cyphers one of the scariest beings in all of Dust City, they had powerful abilities and strength, speed and intelligence was above those of normal people.

But this wasn't it, the real reason that people failed them was the fact that they were unstable.

And the moment one of them finally broke, taking them down became one of the hardest tasks.

A job that is considered… 

S rated in difficulty, the highest paying, and the highest mortality rate.

Coming back from this Psychotic state was most of the time impossible, but not for all Cyphers.

Thirteen was more than aware of it, he could still save Jin from this state… 

'I can do it again.'

This time, he was rushing through the corridors, only to see the same gruesome sights, smell the same stench of blood and hear the same deafening screams of the alarm.

But just then, Thirteen's ears perked up.

He heard a muffled voice just by the corridor next to him.

Grasping his revolver even tighter, he steeled his resolve.

Jumping forward, he was ready to fire, but he did not need to.

He saw another group of dead bodies, their blood flowing on the ground, still dripping out of their wounds.

Drip Drip

The dripping sound of their blood made him Sick, but he continued to stare at the bodies.

He was sure that he heard another survivor, someone out of them was still alive.

Listening to their sounds, he was focused extremely on the sound of breathing, his ears managed to pick up on them.

Even while physically being weak, he was a cypher, his senses were stronger than most, making him able to find the one that was still living.

Walking to the source of the breathing, he only saw two bodies.

One of them was obviously dead while the other one was alive, his life hanging on by a thread, his whole lower body was missing.

'God damn it Jin… hope you won't be this rough on me when I find you.'

Chuckled Thirteen sarcastically to himself.

The guard switched his gaze to Thirteen as he heard him darkly chuckle, his eyes were filled with primal fear.

Only worsened by the fact that Thirteen was laughing in the midst of the slaughtered bodies and the chaos.

"… are… you?"

Asked the guard, his words barely audible.

Ignoring his question, Jin crouched down right beside him and looked at the dying guard.

"Where is the one that did this to you?"

The guard's eyes which were previously filled with tears began to get overwhelmed and began to dwell tears in his eyes.

He already knew he was dying, there was no changing that.

Raising his hands weakly, he began to point towards the end of the hallway while barely managing to open his mouth to say one final thing.

"Blue… Mon… ster."