..... Currently being rewritten, don't waste your time on it
Thirteen continued to observe Jin who seemed to have broken out of his Psychosis, if not all the way.
His expression, was shocked, almost as if… he was terrified.
Thirteen did not understand what was going on with Jin, he escaped from his psychosis, at least seemingly, but now he was terrified.
"Jin, let's get out of here, okay?"
Thirteen continued to try and convince Jin that they needed to go, but Jin continued to stand still.
As if he couldn't even hear Thirteen.
His focus was on something else entirely.
Before him was a young boy, his body was completely obliterated, yet he still stood before Jin.
"Why did you leave us Jin?"
Asked the young boy, there was no mouth on him to speak with, yet he did.
There were no eyes on him to judge Jin with, yet he still felt his gaze.
"I'm sorry… I'm sorry… I'm sorry…"
He continued to repeat Jin while holding his face, he continued to apologize time after time.
"Jin, there is nothing to be sorry about, let's leave already."
Thirteen continued to beg Jin to leave, and just like then, when the alert continued to scream in his ears…
More footsteps could be heard, they were storming on them.
Almost ten different footsteps, thanks to thirteens good hearing, he could discern the steps and know that there were ten of them coming.
"God damn it, Jin, it's time to leave, let's grab what we came here for, and let's leave!"
Continued to shout Thirteen, aiming his gun at the entrance of the door where the footsteps continued to get closer.
Taking another deep breath, he steeled his heart while continuing to call for Jin.
But he did not move, his feet were rooted in the middle of the room while the sirens continued to roar in both of their ears.
The electricity that was present around Jin's body began to get weaker as the visage of the boy before him started to fade.
'You did not deserve that… I shouldn't have left but I had no choice… I'm sorry, I'm sorry…'
Continued to repeat Jin, his vision starting to get clearer as the boy before he disappeared as if he wasn't even there.
Called out Jin once again, as if he had not done that before.
"What is going on?"
Asked Jin, his head continuing to ache just like the rest of his body, he overused his lightning power, causing him to suffer the backlash at an insane degree, but the worst part did not strike him yet.
His body did not begin to suffer on a cellular level, at least not yet.
"That's what I want to know as well, grab the datapad, and let's get the fuck out of here."
Shouted Thirteen, not looking back at Jin, only aiming at the door while the footsteps only continued to get closer to them more and more.
"On, and another thing, throw your riffle to me, you won't be able to use it either way, and I'M running out of ammo, not like I had that much in the first case."
Jin obliged and threw his hunting rifle without a question, he couldn't quite aim in his state either way.
Looking down at his blade, it was a miracle that it did not shatter.
'What the hell was I doing… I can't remember.'
The slaughter that he caused, the lives that he took, the chaos he unleashed…
He couldn't remember any of it.
His head was wiped clean, yet continued to ache.
Thirteen grabbed the hunting rifle and put his revolver in its holster, with the riffle in hand, he continued to survey the long bloody one-way corridor.
And just then, a head began to show itself to Thirteen, instantly prompting him to open fire.
He pulled the trigger.
The gun roared, and even amidst the loud siren of the alert system, it was easy to discern.
The shot instantly claimed the life of the guard, it was a clean headshot that managed to blow his brains out.
The walls only continued to get more bloody.
"Put down your gun!"
Shouted the guard, only to get ignored by thirteen who pulled the trigger again.
Another life was taken.
His hands were shaking and his heart continued to beat faster in his throat.
He felt the need to puke but couldn't allow that to himself.
More and more guards were visible at the end of the corridor.
Another three shots roared out, taking two lives and one of them piercing the side of another guard.
But they were all wearing black armor, something that protected them from any other shout other than a headshot.
He fell back to the ground, grasping his side.
"Man down, man down!"
Shouted another guard, rushing out and grabbing the one that fell to the ground by the arms and dragging him out of THirteens line of sight.
'Two more bullets.'
"Jin, hurry up and grab the datapad that we came here for, and throw me your bullet pouch."
Thirteen was running out of bullets, as he counted, he only had two left, and still, no idea about the enemy numbers, remaining here was nothing more than a death sentence.
Jin was still not ready to fight while Thirteen wasn't capable of fighting, at least nowhere close to the level of Jin.
Jin threw him the bullet pouch which thirteen instantly picked up, rummaging through the bag for rifle ammunition.
Meanwhile, even in his disoriented state, Jin began to search for the datapad, it was somewhere in the room.
He did not have the time to look around before.
He began to look around the room, it was filled with server blocks and computers, and even more, data centers.
In these data centers, every kind of datapad could be found, the real question was…
Which one is the one that they need?
Another shout roared in the building, injuring yet not killing another guard.
"Kill the bastards!"
"Swanson is done, get him out of the line of fire!"
"Cover me, cover me!"
The guards began to retaliate, unleashing a swarm of bullets that pushed back Thirteen making him unable to shoot back.
They began to slowly walk up to Thirteen while unleashing covering fire.
"Jin, they are coming, I can't hold them back any longer, hurry up!"
Jin could barely hear him as he was currently reading a terminal, searching for the datapad that they were here for.
'What the fuck, these are just numbered, but none of them tell me anything.'
Jin was getting frustrated his eyes were running across the files, reading mostly the names of the datapads.
But just like that, he finally found it.
The moment he read the name, he knew that it was exactly the one he was searching for.
'Children of Ark'
Starting at that specific file for moments that felt like hours, Jin clocked on the file from the terminal, the databanks began to emit a small chipping sound.
Walking up to it, Jin picked out the databank.
It was a small black brick-like thing.
'I'm going to find you guys… I swear.'
After that, he walked up to Thirteen who was cornered barely able to shoot back if able at all.
"Here is the databank."
He handed it to Thirteen, took another deep breath, and channeled the electricity into the data centers.
The electricity instantly struck the banks, destroying the data in a single moment.
Grasping the blade in his hand, electricity around his body continued to crackle, its intensity matched that of when he was under Cypher Psychosis.
But while he was out of his mind, this time, he was able to maintain his control.
His head was clear.
Grasping his blade, he walked towards the guards.
"Be right back."
Said to thirteen, and within a single moment…
He was behind the guards.
"What the f—"
They couldn't even finish their final words as the blade in his hand severed their heads, leaving them rolling on the ground.
He couldn't even brush off the blood from his face, but now, another layer was added to it.
Thirteen looked at Jin in terror who was standing in the middle of a bloodbath.