
chapter 2


I wake up in a white room with a modern look, I was sitting infront of a table and behind it was a kid, who was reading a book.

"Hi?" I asked confused, trying to remember what happened before my mind went blank.

:Oh you are finally awake: said the kid with a voice that belonged to neither man or a woman, neither a child or an old man.

"what happened? where am I?" I asked still confused.

:I am sorry to say this but you have died: said the kid with a voice that contained pure sadness and pity.

"oh... is that so" having read many fantasy novels in my life I just went with the flow, remembering what happened.

:hmm what a neutral reaction, you truly have went with the flow: the kid exclaimed with a bright face.

[aaand here it goes! he can hear my thoughts] I thought.

:yes, yes we do tend to have this types of powers:

"so... what happens now?" I ask with anticipation, thinking of being reincarnated in a fantasy world with magical powers.

:haha you really are a funny guy: said the kid whilst laughing.

:you committed a sin, and you think I'll just send you on a magical journey?: He said with a smug grin.

"what sin! all I did was defend my self!" I exclaimed

:yes exactly. you were destined to die then and there, that was your fate. but you resisted and killed a man whose story was not meant to end yet!:

At this point I was utterly dumbfounded.

:and now I shall fulfill your request of going to a fantasy world, just like you wanted, there every being has atleast a speck of magic in them... but you won't: he said as his face distorted and turned dark.

"WHAT?!" what... what did he just say?... ?

:you heard me right, and also you will be immortal so you won't be able to be reborn in a different world. that will be the price you will pay for your sins:

"..." ...

:Ok goodbye now and I hope to never see you again: he said with a smile on his face whilst waving his hand at me.


I wake up again but this time I was in a forest...