
Void Magic Cultivator

Lucas was a high school student who took two part-time jobs simultaneously to support himself and his ill grandma. Her illness would only get worse and no medicine could heal her except for a very expensive procedure that no amount of part-time jobs could cover. But one day, a door to a new world opened up to him, a world where there’s magic, cultivation, and constant wars between kingdoms and empires. Moreover, Lucas was chosen by an unknown entity that gave him unimaginable power that was coveted by the immortal beings of the other world. Through joining the wars and the struggles for power, Lucas would use his blood, sweat, and tears to get all the money he wanted in the world for his grandma and the inhuman powers that come along with it. Although at the cost of his morals and sanity, Lucas was ready to do everything to get what he wished for.

darran_ · Kỳ huyễn
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25 Chs

Request Hub

Lucas found himself back again inside the large hall, the place where he appeared after the fake battle royale.

He stood right in front of the portal that had sucked him in before. The portal that took him back to Earth.

Unlike before when he was there with all the other people from Earth, Lucas was now alone in the large place that was brightly lit with what looked like floating stones.

The stones floated in front of the pillars of the hallway, shining bright as they illuminated the 350 meters of space with ease.

Lucas stepped outside the portal area then looked around and found nothing out of the ordinary.

There was only one place to look at, and that was none other than the huge open door straight in front of him.

If he remembered correctly, it was the same doors that Esme used to fly inside the room.

Right now, the door was fully opened, as if inviting anyone to go through it.

Lucas made his way through the room and arrived at the door, which actually wasn't left all alone as he could see two people standing at each side of the huge door.

He took a good look at the two men wearing armor and holding spears in their hands, standing in front of the building.

With a single look, it was clear that the men weren't just any random dude, but most likely guards of The Aarush Kingdom, assigned to guard the door to the teleportation circle.

Lucas became even more convinced of that fact after he noticed the amount of overwhelming mana he could feel emanating from the two men.

Comparing it to his own, Lucas felt that the amount of mana inside his body was nothing to those two men.

It was like comparing the light from a single candle with a car's LED headlight.

'Don't think too much about it, they started cultivating before you're even born. With your talents, you will catch up to them faster than you think.' Maya spoke in Lucas' mind.

She was still in her pendant form, which she would probably stay in most of the time while they were in Gula.

With a nod of his head, Lucas then walked forward and planned to greet and ask one of the guards where he could find Esme or whether they got him anything to do.

From Maya's story, Lucas thought that he might be told to go straight to war or at least train to be a proper soldier of the kingdom.

However, when he approached one of the guards and was about to ask him a question, the guard spoke first,

"There won't be any official task from the kingdom to you otherworlders until next week.

For now, the kingdom provides a service for you people who need help cultivating for the first time. So everyone else who came here will be going there so that they would become a proper cultivator first.

But… I already sense mana flowing throughout your whole body. You must have succeeded in studying the basic cultivation book.

In that case, you are free to roam the city before going to the castle in 7 days."

The guard who was speaking to Lucas did so while still looking forward, not even bothering to look at him while he explained all this to him.

But for the last few sentences, the guard finally turned his head and looked at him, "Succeeding in learning to cultivate on your own means that you have an incredible talent, kid.

Use these 7 days to cultivate as much as you can. You most likely won't break through the next stage, but having even the slightest advantage over the others would profit you greatly for the next event you otherworlders were about to be thrown into."

After saying those words, the guard turned back to his guarding duty, refusing to open his mouth anymore even though Lucas called to him.

Lucas wanted to know what the guard meant when he spoke about the next event that he and the others from Earth would have to deal with in a week.

But after seeing the guard's response, he took it that the last part was bonus info that the guard gave him and something that he should be thankful for instead of trying to annoy the guard by asking more questions.

With that in mind, Lucas said thanks to the guard and asked where he should go into the city, to which the guard actually replied this time.

"If you want to get some money, you can use your ability to help people's requests.

There's a request hub in the middle of the city. You should start looking there and find something you can manage.

There's a requirement on the requests, you should be able to find some requests that only need a first-stage cultivator."

The guard then gave Lucas the directions, which Lucas memorized easily as it wasn't that complicated. Then he thanked the guard before making his way out of the place.

The teleportation hub in the Aarush kingdom certainly looked different from the one on Earth.

It was just a simple Eastern-style rectangular building somewhere near the middle of the city with two guards standing on the sides of the front door. 

Lucas followed the directions that the guard gave him and easily made his way into the middle of the city which was filled with hundreds of people walking around everywhere.

Stalls where people sold all kinds of things were also present there as some even already took Lucas' interest with their mouth-watering smell.

Lucas was tempted to give them a try, but he soon remembered that he was basically dirt poor in this world after he exchanged all his gold coins into W$.

So Lucas shook his head and continued walking until he stood right in front of a large building near the dead center of the city.

He could read the building's banner just fine, where it said "Request Hub"

'So, this is like the adventurer's guild building in those comics that I read?'

Looking through Lucas' memory to confirm it, Maya quickly answered, 'Correct. You can find the requests that the guard was talking about here.

I also suggest you start taking requests here since you need money if you want to survive at all. 

Moreover, if you want to survive and make it in this world, you need to know how things work here. 

Doing requests would be killing two birds with one stone as you would get paid for doing the requests and you would also get practical experience about the social interactions and the environment in this world.'

Hearing Maya's rock-solid advice and suggestion, Lucas wasted no time as he went inside the building immediately.

His goal was still earning 100 gold coins for his grandma and with that in mind, he went inside, hoping to find the highest paying request he could find, no matter the risk he would face.

As long as it wasn't a suicide mission, Lucas had no hesitation in doing any kind of work.

Let me know what you think about this novel and what you want to see next!

darran_creators' thoughts