
Void Horizon

Ares is a young man from the ruins of the third city. The world he lives in is still recovering from the Demon war which has left its mark throughout the continent. A chance encounter with a round sphere plunges him into a world of magic and adventure. He will delve into the mysteries of magic whilst also exploring his own unknown beginning. In doing so perhaps he will discover the secret of his black eyes. The story may be a bit of a slow start but from chapter 6 in its magic and spells, please be patient with it.

Lost_void · Kỳ huyễn
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57 Chs

Knight of Tartarus

The mission that Ares had selected was to explore the castle. Now he was within the grounds he began to look around. There was a large keep of which the huge door was partially open. Luckily due to the high walls and the sealed doors it was unlikely any of the reverends could enter the ground leaving him free to explore at his leisure. Regardless as he entered the Keep Ares remained cautious knowing danger could be anywhere.

The Keep was different to the rest of the abandoned city. If he didn't know better, he would have said it was only recently abandoned; the rooms were clean, bed linen still soft and there was no debris or damage inside. There was an eerie feeling as Ares continued to explore. Despite the lack of damage, it was clear then the building had already been swept of valuables. The rooms were empty of valuables and the walls had grey marks framing where ancient pictures used to hang.

After exploring most of the ground floor Ares finally came across a huge golden door, it was several men high and had intricate carvings of animals and plants all over it. It was surprising to see this door survived. It was clearly worth a great deal and even Ares was tempted to attempt to take it. Considering the rest of the castle had already been pillaged and the door remained caused Ares to stay his hand. If the predecessor explorers hadn't taken the door it was probably for a good reason.

Although Ares didn't take the door, he still wanted to see what was behind it and so placed his hand upon the golden door and pushed. The door did not move instead an animal carving within the door started moving and soon a golden figure of a huge owl was face to face with Ares. Its body still remained within the door its body outline raised from the door surface; it was poised in front of him staring at him with huge golden eyes.

"To enter the throne room, you must first answer a question. You may leave now in safety if you wish. If you choose to answer, a wrong reply will result in death. Do you wish to hear the question?" The Owl asked.

Ares was unsure if he should proceed. He had completed his mission now and asking to hear the question would be a risk he didn't need to take. Something about the golden door however made him doubt his choice and a reckless thought came though his head.

"Ask your riddle" said Ares impulsively.

The Owl blinked and began

"I resent those who turn to crime,

I am that which is without time,

I ensure the world remains right,

I am what makes the world bright.

The evil try to avoid my gaze,

I will erase them all.

What am I?"

Ares considered the words. He hadn't been given a time limit but he didn't wish to tempt his fate. Several considerations went through Ares's mind all of which he discounted. He was in a castle and it was likely related to the people they wanted entering the throne room.

"What is your answer?" The owl asked its golden eyes blinking.

Ares took a deep breath and decided to give the answer he thought fitted best.

"You are Justice." Ares said staring intently at the owl for a reaction.

"Correct, you may enter." The owl said as it faded back into the door. There was a creak as the huge doors slowly opened.

Ares breathed a deep sigh of relief and strode into the throne room. It was a huge room, lavishly decorated. There were deep red carpets on the floor and intricately painted scenes all over the walls and ceilings. At the end of the room was a raised plinth with a huge wooden throne. Ares inhaled deeply; there was a huge reverent sat on the throne. A golden crown upon on its head. Its eyes were blankly staring ahead and were raised to look directly at Ares.

"Boy, you are the first to enter my chamber, congratulations." The reverent said its voice grinding as if he had forgotten how to speak.

Ares was shocked he had never heard or read of a reverent who could speak.

"I am King Tartarus, this is my castle; what is your name boy?" The reverent continued.

"I am Ares. King Tartarus I do not wish to offend you. My intrusion in your throne room was only due to my wish to explore, I did not mean to trespass in your territory." Ares made his excuses quickly there was a pressure coming from the King which was spreading a terrifying feeling throughout the room. It was as if Ares was face to face with a behemoth creature from the wilds instead of a reverent.

"Fear not boy, I do not wish to harm you; my life is almost at an end. Talking like this has already expended the last of my energy and I doubt it will be long before I disappear. I will speak to you boy and bequeath my final wishes.

In life I was a King of a great city, the beauty of Eastwitch was the envy of countless masses. In my reign a great war swept across the face of the planet. I did my best to protect the city casting powerful wards. The people stayed and trusted in my protection. I failed them. A demon by the name of Azrath broke into the city boundaries and cast a heinous curse I could barely offset a portion of its power. Using my core I managed to wound Azrath causing him to retreat; unfortunately, even I wasn't able to avoid his curse and after he retreated I succumbed to my wounds and became this." He gestured to himself.

Ares stood still where he was and listened intently to the Reverent king, he realised this was one of the only chances anyone would get to speak to an Ancient.

"I could not kill Azrath. I do not doubt he has healed his wounds and remains in the world. I know you are weak and my wishes may be beyond your grasp. Never the less my life is at an end, you remain my last opportunity. I would ask if you become powerful enough you remedy the injustice done to my city, I wish for you to end Azrath and his evil ways."

The reverent King became still as he finished his request. Ares considered his options, his magical mastery was poor and any person capable of destroying a city would be far from his reach. It would require many years before he would be able to even consider the Kings wishes. It had however been thousands of years since the demon war though and perhaps Azrath was already dead Ares considered.

"If I am able, I will carry out your wishes. King." Ares promised; the future was long but denying the wishes of this King here may cut his short Ares thought.

"I am relieved that when I pass, my wish will not be forgotten. Ares come close and I shall gift you the last of my strength."

Ares was still wary but feeling the intense power from the Reverant king he was drawn to a spot in front of the throne.

A carved magic circle was embedded in the ground surrounding Ares.

"Long ago I would use this circle to promote my closest followers; you will be the last of my knights and I shall give you my final embers of life."

With that a white pillar of light surrounded the Throne. The figure of the King was barely visible through its gleam but Ares could see it stand. An ancient incarnation sounded; it was powerful and the tone deep.

The barely visible figure of the King began to diminish; Ares could see it shrink and fracture. It became fainter and fainter until it disappeared leaving only a faint white dust lingering in the air.