
Void's Embrace: Chronicles of a Pervert [DxD]

A lost soul reincarnates as your friendly neighborhood pervert, but with a twist: this time around, he's a [Gamer]. A/N: I've always wanted to write gamer fanfiction, but I've never had the appropriate opportunity. This is something I'm writing for my passion. Perhaps I have an unhealthy fascination with the gamer subculture because of the prevalence of a specific dark author's gamer fics on DxD. lol.

Krishnbarad · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs


As the lingering sensation of burning subsided, allowing cognitive awareness to seep back in, I found myself no longer in the endless void. Gradually, the feeling returned to my limbs, and with it, the senses of touch, hearing, smelling, and, most notably, vision.

Opening my eyes, I surveyed my surroundings. This time, it was a white room stretching into infinity. I was seated in a chair, facing a holographic screen.

"Where the heck am I?"

As I stared at the unfamiliar setting, thoughts raced through my mind – either I was on an otherworldly trip induced by hallucinogens, or some mischievous wizard had kidnapped me for their own amusement.

Then, the holographic screen in front of me flickered to life.

Welcome, Gamer! I am QUILLE...

"What the heck?" I muttered.

You have been chosen out of all souls to be reincarnated with special powers.

"Okay… What's with the words floating in front of me?"

Someone has noticed this situation you're in and took pity on you. Be grateful. If they didn't, your soul would have been stuck there for eternity.

"What do you mean they took pity on me? I was having fun there!"

That void in which you were in is known as the singularity or Akasha, a place that resides at the center of all the universes that exist. It's weird how you got there. Under normal conditions, it is impossible for a human to reach this place after their death. Fortunately for you, a certain higher being noticed you. While they cannot get you out and move you on to your proper afterlife, they can reincarnate you in another universe. And yeah, this place we are currently are on is known as the Dimensional Gap consider this as a crossroad between different worlds.

"Okay. What does that have to do with you referring to me as 'Gamer'?"

As compensation for this 'glitch,' you will be bestowed with the extraordinary system known as the Quirked Interface for Ludicrous Life Expeditions (QUILLE). It's like your personal cheat code for navigating life, now in an RPG video game format.

"Huh, that's… pretty awesome actually. Good thing I played a lot of those."

Yay… Good for you.

"Alright, what's with your attitude?"

Nothing, nothing…

"Uh-huh…. Just so you know, you're not winning any bonus points from me."

Meh, don't really care about that.


"Uhhh…. QUILLE, what was that….?"

Ignore that. Let's go to [Perks].

Perks Acquired:

[Gamer's Mind]

- Allows the user to maintain a peaceful state of mind in any situation.

- User is immune to psychological status effects.

[Gamer's Body]

- The user is granted the body of a video game character.

- User no longer needs to eat, drink, or sleep.

- User's HP and MP are restored when sleeping.

"Wow. That's all I have to say. Wow. [Gamer's Mind] sounds a lot like Ainz's skill that calms him down when his emotions get too high. And [Gamer's Body] gets rid of the need for daily food. Although I might not stop eating because of it. I always liked to try different types of cuisine. I don't think the fact I don't have to eat will stop it."

Yes, the overpowered perks all gamers love. They should get rid of these. Make things more interesting.

"I am seriously overwhelmed by your enthusiasm."

Quiet, you. The next part, importing your highest level skill from your past life.

Skill Acquired from your previous life:

[Gambling] Level: 90 [0%]

- The ability to assess risks and make successful bets, whether it's in casinos or life choices.

"I guess I'm fine with that. My gambling prowess was my proudest achievement."

This next part is optional and is my favorite part. You can choose to spin the Gacha Wheel up to 3 times, and you will be given a random Perk or Flaw.

"Why is this your favorite?"

I get to see the looks of despair on a LOT of gamers' faces when they get the terrible flaws. It makes me all warm and tingly inside.

"That's a bit creepy, QUILLE."

Everyone has their little quirks. Take Hisoka, for example.

"He was insane!"

Oh, please. Hisoka is a self absorbed and self fulfilling individual, he only does whatever he likes as long as it pleases him. But that did not stop him from becoming one of the most popular character in the series.

"I'm pretty sure I'm staring at the screen with an 'are you kidding me' expression."

You have problems. As the words left my mouth, the space I'm in shakes again.


"What the hell is that?"

Are you going to spin or what?

"Well, I always did have good luck with the Gacha Gods, so let 'er rip, QUILLE!"

I doubt that. Everyone falls victim to them. No exceptions.

[Spinning Gacha Wheel…]

Perk Acquired:


- Skill Experience gained is doubled.

"Nice! Let's go again!"

It won't last.

[Spinning Gacha Wheel…]

Perk Acquired:


- You will be immune to the passage of time and the effects of old age.

- Enhanced regeneration: Wounds and injuries heal at an accelerated rate.

- Immunity to most diseases and poisons.

"Hmm, not bad, depending on how you look at it."

There's still one more chance for a flaw. That is if you're daring enough to take it?

"HAH! Of course, I am. Why would I back down now?"

[Spinning Gacha Wheel…]

Perk Acquired:

[Love child of Lady Luck]

- The Lady Luck REALLY loves you, to the point where bad luck never seems to follow you wherever you go. (Unlike a certain drunk)

- Increased loot drops.

- Increased rarity of drops.

- 85% success at winning games of chance.

"Hehe. No exceptions. Told ya. The Gacha Gods love me."

[-5 reputation with QUILLE [-5/100] for your bullshit luck.]

Tch, spoilsport. You can dish it but can't take it. Whatever. It's time to pick your starting world.



[Game of Thrones]

[One Punch Man]

[Mass Effect]


[Highschool DxD]

Ninjas and jutsus could be cool, but do I really want to deal with all that hand-sign mumbo jumbo? Pass. As for marvel, superheroes and villains, a world-saving gig. It's tempting, but do I really want to be just another hero in spandex?

Game of thrones is interesting with it's Dragons and political intrigue, but it's like a never-ending drama. I'm not really a fan of unexpected beheadings. Next is... oh. Superpowers, monsters, and... Saitama. I don't want to live in a world where one dude can beat everything with a single punch. Boring.

What's next, space exploration and saving the galaxy. It sounds epic, but do I really want to deal with all those alien headaches? RWBY has Colorful characters and unique weapons, but it feels a bit too... animated. I'm looking for something a bit more grounded.

Highschool DxD? Now we are talking. Gods, angels, and sexy devils. Well, that escalated quickly. But hey, it's got action, supernatural beings, and some... interesting moments. Maybe this one?

Yeah this is the chosen one.

Ok. Now, it's time for your backstory.

"How does that even work?"

It depends on the world you choose. If you picked Naruto, we'd have to delve into a whole saga of picking a village, selecting a clan, and then unlocking additional perks. It's practically a ninja dissertation.

"Good thing I went for Highschool DxD. I'm not ready for a ninja thesis. So, what's next?"

Here's where it gets interesting. We get to roll your backstory. Yup, roll it like a pair of dice. Ready?

"Rolling a backstory? I thought we left the dice for board games. Anyways. Roll away, Quille."

[Rolling Backstory…]

"Drumroll, please."

Imaginary drumroll in the background

[A Perfectly Normal Family]

Your parents are the epitome of 'normal' in this world. Think suburban, picket fence, and a perfectly trimmed lawn. Not a devil, god, or hero in sight.

"Well, isn't that great? I'm from the mundane side of the supernatural spectrum. God, this sucks."

[Street Brawler]

You've been through the school of hard knocks, growing up as a street brawler. It's where you honed those reflexes and learned that sometimes, life is just one big street fight.

"Guess I traded in my ramen cups for alley brawls. Sounds like an upgrade."

[The Perverted Protagonist]

And now, the pièce de résistance. You're the protagonist of your own story, and it comes with a dash of perversion. You're Issei Hyoudou from Highschool DxD.

"Wait, what? Issei? The guy with the harem and... breasts obsession? Seriously?"

Yup, welcome to life, my friend. At least you're warned about the impending chaos.

"This is going to be a ride, isn't it?"

And now, for the skill set.

[Sprint] Level: 18 [0%]

Push energy into your legs to move faster. Perfect for those awkward first dates where you're fashionably late.

[Stealth] Level: 14 [0%]

Become one with the shadows or hide in plain sight. They won't be able to find you... unless they're higher level. Stealthy, but not against the pros.

"And here I thought I was the master of sneaking snacks into the movies."

[Street Brawler Techniques] Level: 25 [0%]

The art of street brawling. You know the ropes – dodging, counterattacks, and a mean right hook. Even devils respect a good punch, right?

"I'll add 'master of the back-alley tango' to my skillset."

Now, the cherry on top–

Perk Acquired: '

[Multiverse Shuffle].

This version of the Highschool DxD Universe you'll enter has bits and pieces from other multiverses thrown in for flavor. It's like a crossover episode, but with more spice that you can ever imagine.

"Multiverse Shuffle? So, my DxD knowledge is kind of like without a map in a labyrinth? Useless."

Not entirely useless, but this perk adds a whole new layer of unpredictability. You might find Harry Potter throwing spells or Persona users summoning their Personas in this mix.

"Okay, now I'm both intrigued and slightly terrified. Is there anything else we need to do, Quille?"

Nope, we're good to go. Time to leave before certain cosmic beings notice our shenanigans.



A bright blinding white light enveloped me, I felt a strange sensation, like being pulled in all directions at once. It was as if reality itself was folding and warping around me. I braced myself for impact, but instead of hitting the ground, I found myself in a completely different place.

"Quille, what the fuck was that!"

"Now, who are you, and how did you get here?" said this soft voice that seemed to echo all around me and sounded very female. This presence feels… Well, I'm not sure how to describe it. Empty. I guess?

"Who the heck is this?"

"No mortal ever survives my home for as long as you have. Also, it feels like the void is welcoming you as if you fit right in here."

Why does this voice sound familiar?

Uh oh. She's noticed. Time to go.

Initiating World Jump…

"Leaving already? No matter, we'll meet again in the future, but in the meantime, take this."

I noticed a ball appear in front of me, but before I could read it, I was hit with a blinding white light all around me.

As the light faded, I found myself in a place that was oddly familiar yet distinctly different. The air had a different feel to it, and the scenery was not what I expected. I took a moment to gather my bearings, realizing that I was no longer in the void.


The soft voice lingered in my mind, a last whisper from the emptiness I had left behind. The ball, however, remained in my hands, and my curiosity got the better of me. It was peculiar item—a small, shimmering crystal.

"What the hell is this?" 

A message appeared in my mind, seemingly from the mysterious voice, "A fragment of the Void's essence. It will guide you in your journey. Use it wisely."

Great. Now, I had a mysterious crystal and a whole new world to explore. 

"Well, wherever I am, at least it's not the void,"

Perk Acquired

[Blessing of the Infinite]

Ophis, the Infinite Dragon, has taken an interest in you and has decided to give you her blessing. Whether this is good or bad remains to be seen, but there is a very good chance you will run into her in the future. I hope you will be prepared.

- HP regeneration and MP regeneration are increased by 100%.

- All stats increased by 10%

.…Ophis. The Infinite Ouroboros Dragon God. I just started my new life and I already have a Dragon God's attention. I supposed it made sense I would eventually get her attention. The place I was in before was the Dimensional Gap, according to Quille. What did Ophis mean when she said that I fit right in the Gap?

The Dimensional Gap is a place of Void energy. It's something that slowly eats away at anything that enters. The only beings who can survive unharmed are Ophis and Great Red. We were there for a LONG time before getting discovered. The fact your soul was completely intact is nothing short of a miracle. We believe the Gap somehow resonates with your soul the same way it does with Ophis'. That's why the Void didn't harm you. Probably it has something to do with what happed to you during your stay in Akasha.

…We think.

You think?

This kind of situation has never happened before. There is no precedence. This is the best we can come up with with the information we have.

Then what about the crystal thing? The crystal pulsated with an ethereal glow, its surface shimmering with shades of deep indigo and cosmic black.

Oh. This is interesting, it's a void shard.

Void Shard? Is it some collector's item? God-damm this is pretty.

Try using [Observe] on it.

Item Name: Void Shard

Description: The Void Shard is a mystical crystal imbued with the essence of the cosmic void. Its appearance mirrors a celestial galaxy encapsulated within a crystalline structure. The crystal emits a soft, pulsating glow, and intricate patterns reminiscent of stars and cosmic dust dance across its surface. It is said that it can be used to attain a very unique hidden class if certain conditions are met.

unique hidden class?

Huh, alright moving on. I need to find out where and when I am. I don't know how much time I have until canon starts, and why the fuck am I in a garbage dump of an alley? Aren't you supposed to drop in my room or something, that's a classic.

Quest Added

[Dude, Where's My Map?]

You were dropped in an alley with no memories of your counterpart's time in this world. What exactly is your role? You the protagonist, but why are you here?

Objective: Find out where you are [ ]

Find out when you are [ ]

Rewards: Access to your counterpart's memory, Access to the mini-map, 2000 EXP.

Ok, let's get groovy then.


Some parts of this chapter is based on “Soul of a fate gamer” fanfic.

Krishnbaradcreators' thoughts