
VIXEN: Curse for a King

Leo, a demon hunter with eyes like embers, stood beside his wolf, Vixen, in the king's death chamber. No demon's mark marked the king's throat, just a killer's brutal efficiency. The castle, once joyous, reeked of betrayal. Navigating whispers and veiled threats, Leo, a truth-seeker with Vixen's keen senses at his side. A deadly demon Curse or Human Atoricity, no one knows. but one thing is sure, Lies flow like water in this castle. ............................................... this is my first novel on here, so any suggestions, tips, advices are welcomed.

Alan_seb · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs


Curse for a King: 4

"Your scars make you beautiful Leo" Lisa said in the lowest calming tone possible as she set her hair back in a bun. Her pale skin blended with her white robe. "I'm not really known for my scars between the ladies" He answered as he climbed out of bed, his robe still loose and hands still wet, lips still red and bright. "You are among the few Humans that didn't mind them" He walked closer to the lady and softly leaned down kissing her neck. Lisa didn't resist or speak more than that, she enjoyed the silence and the soft embrace more. Soon their robes went down the floor and lamps shut for the night.

Leo stood silent as he studied the print of the death mark on the king's forehead. The lines were carved deep within the skin. Leo knew no such patient and calm Demon. "What kind of monster had enough time to carve something so deep.." The wolf tamer whispered as his hands traced down the marking. "King Eamon was popular among the witch society and not for the good reasons. Maybe a curse spell" The Elf across the table spoke as he leaned on the wooden bench. "Witches.. but what spell would turn the victim blue-" Leo felt a sudden jerk in his body, his eyes widened as he looked down deep into the eyes of the rotting body. "Blue.." he finally whispered as he walked off the room, leaving behind the elf and the rotting smell.

"Sir Hunter, you wanted a word with me?" The guard walked closer to him as Leo placed his beer silently on the wooden table. The guard in his heavy metal self appeared too drunk to talk but Leo had experience on catching the truth from the blabbering.

"Tell me, did the king have a feud with the princess or any of the courtsmen?"

"Feud? Oh! you mean..the..princesses ' anger?"

"Anger? About what exactly"

"A bastard..gulp..child..King Eamon's bastards are all over the kingdom..it only happened that Helen got to meet one.."

"She met her Father's bastard?"

"Yes..it was chaos in the palace..Princess Helen left for Highmor the next night..a huge fight indeed.."

"And what of the bastard? Where is he?"

"We don't know..no one knows..no one knows who, when, where..Fuck..we don't even know if it's a boy or a gir.." The guard's eyes shut as he hit the floor with a bang.

"So what demon did this Leo?" Vixen spoke with his deep voice as he leapt over the guard. "Demon?" Leo giggled while taking the last sip of his beer.

"We shouldn't blame demons for evil of humans Vixen"