
VIVIAN: Dragon Wars Series #1

Avuya_Bandla_1838 · Kỳ huyễn
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Chapter 3 Part 2

Vivian P.O.V

After a long cold shower I finally cooled down and a said bad things about my mommy but its no excuse for me to be immature. What she was saying hit a nerve in me ,what she said about my true form felt true but the problem was that I didn't know what form she was talking about and I was tired. Didn't feel like frying my brain any longer. I needed some rest and I stayed in good faith that when I awoke my situation would be better.

The moment I laid eyes on my bed dreamland was calling me and decided to go on and take a nap but in just five minutes after I shut my eyes I heard a knock on my door and I cursed who ever it was. I could never catch a break in this hell they called a town and I was starting to regret my decision to move here.

I slowly got up from the bed and made my way to the door and opened,

And guess who it was?....

Yes it was the crazy annoying bitch who was supposed to be my boss, but ended up being rude thwart. She gave me a pretentious smile, I rolled my eyes and just as I was about to shut the door on her I heard Celeste's voice pleading for me to let them in. Since I like Celeste I decided to let them in and also this was technically Celeste's cabin so I had no other choice but to do as she asked. They got inside and said their greetings with Celeste looking graceful and Ivana looking evil.

So we all sat down, me on the bed and Celeste next to me while the vile lady called Ivana sat on the wooden chair across me. The horror!!

Celeste started speaking and I started to panic thinking that maybe she's kicking me out since its clear that Ivana is her friend. But turns out I was misreading the situation and what  both Celeste and Ivana were going to tell me was something that was going to flip my life upside down and I was not ready,  heck no one would have been ready for it.

"Vivian its no mistake you ended up in this town with us, we are your family and your mother took you away and made a promise to give you back when you were old enough to make your own decisions.


Now I was beyond confused and and starting to get abit angry because they were bringing up my mommy and I didn't like the direction the conversation was heading but something inside me was telling me to wait and listen.....

" before you were born your mother lived here with us, she came here with your father and after some time she fell pregnant with you, they were not meant to be together because our kinds are not supposed to be involved romantically or marry each other its against our beliefs. So we were all afraid of what will happen after you were born because the Elders were going to find out about your parents Union.

In time the Elders found out about your parents and crossed over to this world to deal with the matter. When they arrived your father offered them a deal they could not refuse. He offered to give up his freedom and possessions for lifelong servitude as the  Esendi's ( Elders) Guard in exchange they let you and your mother live. Your father knew they would be foolish not to accept the offer since he is the best warrior of our kind while they have many enemies in their doorstep

So they took your father and and your mother was left behind with us 8 months pregnant and after your were born the asked to take you and bring you back as an adult so that you can have a normal life and get an education since you are half human and half Dragon."


I was boiling with anger and my eyes were burning with tears Celeste tried brushing my shoulder but I backed away from her. I couldn't speak because inside I knew they were telling me the truth, I don't know how I knew but I always could tell growing up when someone is lying or speaking the truth. And they were not lying I could feel it in my bones.

The main thought in my mind was where is my father right now and whether I could get to him and kill those stupid Elders so he can be free. So I asked the first question that came to mind,

"Where are they keeping my father?"


I asked looking directly at Ivana

" He is in Otherworld in Drasil the Capital city of the Dragonlands"


Now I was clenching my fists and ready to free him and Celeste must have seen my determination and tried to bring me back to reality because truth be told I was acting crazy like I normally do when I'm angry.

" you need to calm down, there are many things you need to learn about your kind first and also you need a lot of training. Your father is not in any immediate danger at the moment and he is fine. I will teach you all you need to know about our kind and Otherworld , Ivana will teach you Dragon magic and Conrad will train you both in your human and dragon form. But you also still need to get a job because I want my rent at the end of the month you can't stay in my cabin for free.


She was right I was inexperienced in this whole thing

..wait did she say dragon form...


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