
Visionary - The Blank

This is a rewrite of my previous work with the same name. I will change quite a few things and the Bleach part might not be as long as it was in the other one. Gremmy Thoumeaux will not live as a Shinigami. He is armed with the Essence of the Blank, so he has limitless potential. What he does with that ... well you'll have to see.

Cedric_7512 · Tranh châm biếm
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15 Chs

Final Training

A/N To clarify. Gremmy can grow stronger endlessly and learn anything since he has limitless potential. It is the Essence of the Blank that allows him to use powers that shouldn't normally be possible, no matter his 'Schrift'.

Different universes have different energies and laws, but the Blank is what allows him to just work around that.


(Gremmy POV)

I am back in the prison. I really enjoyed my time learning Breathing Styles and swordsmanship or Kenjutsu from Yoriichi Tsugikuni himself. I almost want to immediately do it again. But that is not the way I want to do this. Helping out Yoriichi was something I could easily do and learning from him was amazing, but other worlds wouldn't be as simple. I would have to spend more time there and would probably lose track of time and my initial goal, if I enjoy myself.

So I decided to ignore all that and simply combine training and enjoyment. For that, I have a particular world in mind. Now, the question was where to go next, to learn something useful and fun. I was thinking about the world of One Punch Man for training. There are some cool martial arts I can learn and it wouldn't matter if I left for a few years. Bang and Bomb opened schools and taught there for decades before the story started.

So I close my eyes and simply imagine appearing in front of Bang's dojo.


I open my eyes and look at the dojo in front of me. Before I can knock, the door slides open and a 30ish-looking Bang appears. He is not that tall, but the aura he is giving off is impressive for a human. I know for a fact that Bang and his brother Bomb were considered unstoppable at this age.

"Yes?", he asks me. I am taller than he is, since the training I am doing, the physical one, is 'paying off'. Or at least I'm imagining it is paying off.

"Greetings. My name is Gremmy. I was wondering if I could learn martial arts from you."



"Ok come in."


Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist involves understanding and re-creating the flows of torrential and undulating forces within one's body, putting this into the user's fists. When used by a skilled fighter, this martial art is very effective and powerful, especially against humanoid opponents, and as long as the opponents are of a certain size, this martial art can still affect them.

When in use, a blue aura can be seen around the user's extremities that resembles the flow of water. Charanko in the story describes this style as "leading enemies around the nose by moving like a calm stream, only to finish them off with a punch strong enough to smash great rocks like a raging river", implying that Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist parallels real-life Tai Chi. Genos describes it as "the perfect blend of offence and defence". Users of this martial art can repel their opponents' attacks or redirect them with twice the power.

It is possible for the user to redirect attacks that are significantly more powerful than the user's strength, as seen in the story when Garou was able to deflect many of Metal Bat's swings despite taking a single one may leave him incapacitated. However, it has a limit for redirecting force, as the user cannot deflect attacks that have too much power behind them, compared to the strength of the user.


I started my training under Bang and even though he wanted me to start at the very basics, he noticed my physical condition and decided to test me. I went through a series of physical exercises and managed to do all of them without breaking a sweat. Sure, I never really sweat, so that isn't really that impressive. But Bang didn't know that.

I was then taught the basics of 'Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist' and surprised Bang with my 'talent'. I could give myself as much talent as I wanted, so I just imagined having more talent than Garou, Yuujirou Hanma and Gon Freecs combined. I picked up the martial arts instantly after seeing it happen and then did the same as Bang. To say he was surprised is putting it mildly. He was shocked.

On the very first day, Bang went from seeing me as a novice to a talented student, to the most ridiculous monster that ever walked the earth. At the end of the first day, I was sparring with Bang and while I could have defeated him, by imagining more strength and speed on my part, I kept it the way I was according to my training and absorbed the fighting experience from the 30-ish martial master.

But I was not the only one that benefitted from this sparring. Bang himself also benefitted from it, as he had to push past his limits. I was growing accustomed to his style and speed at a frightening pace and it didn't even take one week, for me to achieve a draw against him.


"So who are we meeting?", I asked while holding back my laughter.

"My brother. He told me about a student he found about the same time, you came to my dojo. According to him, it broke his mind when he realised how talented he was. I told him that there is no way, that his student has more talent than you.", Bang told me.

"Soooo ... we're meeting him, for you to show me off?"

"... Yes."

"I see. Well, where are they?", I ask.

"Hmm ... they should be here somewhere.", Bang says and looks around.

"Oi, brother!", someone calls and we both look to the right to see a tall muscular man, with black hair walking towards us.

"Oh, Bomb. I see you arrived. Let me introduce you.", Bang says.

"No, let me introduce you to ..."

"...My Student!" "... My Student!"

Both of them say at the same time and step out of the way, to show me to the other. But then something interesting happens. Standing opposite of me is ...

... myself.


Both of their jaws dropped when they saw two identical muscular blondes looking at each other. We both smile cheekily and then rub our heads at the same time. All movements are mirrored, which I do for comedic effect and to unnerve them a bit more.

"Gremmy, explain!"

"Haha, well the thing is, I copied myself and sent my copy to Master Bomb, while I came to you. I wanted to learn both of your martial arts, while not losing too much time, so ..."

"Losing too much time? LOSING TOO MUCH TIME?!?! You have been training for ONE WEEK!!!"

"Indeed. You are a genius without equal and will achieve great things in the future."

"Thank you both for the compliment. But the thing is, I don't have that much time right now and will leave. But don't worry. I will return one day and make both of your martial arts even more famous.", I told both of them.

"*Sigh* Youngsters these days.", Bang sighed.

"We're not that old ourselves Bang. We can see this as a chance to grow stronger as well.", Bomb told his brother.

"You're right. Let's do that."

"I'm glad you aren't mad, senseis. I will leave now, but I'll definitely return in the future. So don't be too sad, ok?", I told them and then fused back together into one. I got all of the training and memories of my clone immediately and smiled.

Then I waved at my two masters and disappeared like Oogway would.


I reappear in my boring prison in the Wandenreich and contemplate what I should do now. There are actually two things for me to do. Either, I continue this way and travel from world to world, so that I can learn more martial arts or techniques. Or, I train here by myself and improve my powers as well as my martial arts, to prepare for the upcoming Thousand Year Blood War against the Shinigami.

Thinking about it, I prefer to do my adventures properly. I will start and see it through till the end. Therefore, I will stay here and go ham with my training. Imagination can also be trained, which means, I can become even more dangerous. My horizons shall be broadened and I will rise higher on the power ladder.

I wonder what things I can create.

Surely nothing too dangerous ... right?



(A/N Don't get confused here)


- Unknown amount of time later -

(3rd Person POV)



Worlds ablaze.

A decimated empire.

A galaxy of green.

If some extragalactic species - some Xenos presence, blissfully unknown - had turned its attention to the realm of man, that was what they would have found.

An Imperium hollow and without hope.

A people scattered, screaming and fleeing for their lives.

Planets trailing the smog of destruction through the void. A broken dominion.

The Orks were everywhere. They were legion, and they terrorised their victims like monsters of myth. Their brutal technologies were heralds of apocalyptic doom. Their sheer number was insurmountable. They were a green tide rising, swallowing hive worlds whole.

Entire fleets plunged into the depths of their ramshackle barbarity, never to be seen again. The greatest armies of a millennium, uncounted regiments of the Astra Militarum, skitarii legions and Frateris Militia hordes, became nothing more than a bloody sludge through which Ork billions stomped as they butchered their way across planets, large and small.

High Admiral Thaddeon Trassq, flag officer of the Battlefleet Solar-Rimward, held a thousand battle cruisers and escorts on station in the Fantine Nebula, uncertain. But not of his order, no, he was certain of those. He knew what he had to do, he had to wait. And so he waited, for the one call that would sound the change of the relentless green tide.

The surrounding worlds of the Phadrian Cluster burned. Too late the High Admiral realised that his armada was hiding in the path of the different Ork fleet entering the subsector. Led by van-guard space hulks that tumbled ahead of the fleet like the colossal hunks of a disintegrating comet. The Orks smashed through the tight formation of Imperial vessels.

As battle cruisers and heavy frigates were pushed aside and overwhelmed, a trailing swarm of capsules, landers and assault boats descended upon their majestic wrecks.

Millions of agri-worlders perished with their crops as the sudden appearance of a monstrous Ork attack moon threw the worlds into gravitational chaos. Planets drifted out of their delicate orbits, some spinning towards their colossal sun, while others were flung into the frozen darkness of the void.

Entire swathes of Imperial space were left derelict and lifeless in the wake of the Ork destruction. Crowded worlds became planetary mass graves. Smashed cities streamed with smoke, staining the heavens an acrid black. Corpses and body parts hung from vanes and cables, off the baroque architecture and shattered statues - a testament to the barbarity of the towering monsters storming through streets and structures.

The creature they called the Beast was everywhere. His monstrous strength was in the brute swing of every primitive blade. His fury could be heard in the crash of rattletrap weaponry. His devouring madness could be seen in the fang-faced savagery of the hulking abominations that butchered in his name.

The Imperium tottered before his alien wrath and the green inferno that swallowed planet after doomed planet.

So much death. Destruction untold. Worlds fell before the irresistible and unreasoning might of the Beast. Populations were slaughtered, Imperial citizens blasted apart, cleaved in two and torn limb from limb by hulking monstrosities. Great star forts and space stations were smashed aside before the might of the Ork fleets, sent tumbling towards the surface of the planets about which they held station or into the blaze of system suns. In their wake, the merciless creatures left dead worlds of ash, rotting bodies and smouldering scrap.

Order had long since broken down on such worlds but their populations were unified by hope - hope that the greenskin blight of brawn and technological calamity might pass and that someone ... anyone could stand up to the absolute, insatiable appetite of the horde.


The warlord known only as the Beast led his greenskin horde on a rampage across yet another hapless planet. Men, women, and children alike were butchered without mercy, their screams drowned out by the cacophony of violence. To the Orks, this slaughter was not merely a means to an end; it was a source of boundless joy. Every death fed their insatiable thirst for combat, their lust for bloodshed. The WAAAGH! surged onward with relentless fury, leaving behind a trail of devastation that seemed to defy any hope of resistance.

But then, a shift occurred in the chaotic symphony of war

"WAAA- kkkk..."

Amidst the relentless slaughter, a sudden hush fell over the battlefield, punctuated only by the choked gasps of dying Orks. The Beast, towering above his greenskin brethren, possessed a cunning intellect that set him apart from the usual brutishness of his kind.


Another death, that sounded the same as the first one. That could no longer be a-


As the guttural cries of dying Orks echoed through the air, the Beast's attention was drawn to the source of the disturbance. With a grunt of acknowledgement, he motioned for his retinue of Nobz to follow him towards the unexpected anomaly.

Their path was a trail of destruction, as they bulldozed through anything in their way until they came upon a startling sight - a lone Space Marine, surrounded by the fallen bodies of Orks. One of the greenskins was impaled upon the Marine's power sword, a testament to the Astartes' lethal skill.

The Space Marine regarded the approaching Beast with an unwavering gaze, his armour gleaming with the blood of his enemies. Without a word, he pushed the lifeless Ork from his blade, a silent challenge to the indomitable might of the Warboss.


The Beast's psychic aura loomed ominously, its oppressive weight bearing down on all who dared stand before him. Yet, as he confronted the seemingly unyielding Space Marine, a flicker of confusion danced across his brutish features. How could this lone warrior remain unshaken in the face of such overwhelming power?

With a growl of frustration, the Warboss issued his challenge, his voice carrying the weight of centuries of dominance and savagery. To refuse would be unthinkable, a betrayal of everything the greenskin stood for. And so, with a reluctant nod to his assembled Nobz, the Warboss prepared to engage in the age-old ritual of combat.


The challenge hung heavy in the air, a palpable tension between two forces of unfathomable power. The Warboss, undeterred by the threat before him, bellowed a primal roar that shook the very ground beneath them. The Space Marine, a bastion of mystery and power, met the Warboss's gaze with steely determination, his grip tightening around the hilt of his sword and his bolter.

The two combatants collided, the air crackling with the fury of their onslaught. Each blow struck with the force of a thunderbolt, sending shockwaves rippling through the battlefield. The power of the Beast was much higher than anything other Orks are capable of. A testament to the potential Orks truly hold, if they experience enough fighting.

Blood and gore painted the ground as the combatants danced the deadly dance of death, neither willing to yield an inch to the other. The powerful blasters of the Beast hit the armour of the Astartes. Some punctured the armour, while others didn't. The death and destruction were going on around them, but they didn't notice. They were far too absorbed in their fight.

The Space Marine swung his power blade with ease and grace. He deflected blaster shots from the technological miracles that the Beast used. There were few tactics involved. Both sides simply wanted to kill the other and relish the challenge.


But in the end, it was the Space Marine who emerged victorious. With a swift and decisive strike, that came very surprisingly, he cleaved through the Warboss's technological and biological defences, his blade finding its mark with unerring precision. This was confusing for those who understood something about the lore of this 'fictional' universe. The power blade of the Astartes should have never managed such a feat ... and yet it did. The mighty Beast fell, his rampage silenced forever as his pieces fell to the ground one after the other. It seemed that the Space Marine performed a swordsmanship miracle and cut the Beast so fast, that no one was able to see it.

Yet, even in death, the Warboss's legacy endured. As the battlefield fell into an uneasy silence, the largest Ork Nobz among his retinue transformed. He took on the new authority of the Warboss, unquestioned among his kin. With brutal efficiency, he restored order to the chaos, establishing himself as the new Warboss with a reign of violence and fear.

However, amidst the tumult of succession, the Space Marine was not idle. With a roar of unknown emotion, he leapt into the fray once more, his blade singing a symphony of death as he cut down hundreds, then thousands of Orks in a relentless tide of carnage.

He appeared in front of the new Warboss. His blade swung with the force of millions of men. Only inches away from cutting the next Warboss down and possibly ending the WAAAGH! when-






Reality shattered. The reality, that Gremmy had imagined, shattered and gone.

Worlds, the empire, the galaxy ... everything disappeared and in its place stood Gremmy. He had an interested look on his face. Long ago, when he started his training, he created an alarm clock. This clock was to go off when his prison was changing. 

So if it went off now, it could only mean one thing.

It was finally time. Gremmy Thoumeaux was being let out of his 'prison', by Yhwach himself. The Thousand Year Blood War was starting.


I had help writing this chapter. I took some parts from the story of the Beast and some I wrote and then used ChatGPT to help me change some sentences, to make it fit.

Try to enjoy it and don't hate on it.

What happened at the end of the chapter here, will be explained in the next one.