

Love, betrayal, truth, lies, disappointments, success, happiness, sadness, death, desperation, and more. These are the challenges of life that have caused us to end up with wounds that are either visible, invisible or even both. In this story, Tasha is going to take us through her life and as well as that of those around her.

Passionate7CLARIS · Thành thị
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49 Chs


That's what they only talked about and the rest was silence until they retired to their rooms. Later, at midnight they were woken by the sound of the alarm, and it was clear that someone had broken into the house. Flo was the first to wake up, but she was scared to come out of her room. However, the moment she heard Ghost rushing out of her room to the Lounge that's when she dared to get out too. By the time she got into the lounge, she found Lisa Ghost exchanging blows with the intruder in the dark. She picked up a small stool that she usually uses to relax her legs and ran towards the intruder. She lifted it and tried to hit the unwanted visitor's head, but the other party smoothly dodged and it accidentally hit Ghost and she fell. The sound of Ghost's fall got her startled and she rushed to switch on the lights. By the time she turned on the lights, Lisa was pinned down and a knife was very close to her throat. She was holding the other party's right hand which had an apple in it, her eyes were wide open with shock.

(Shocked to death) "BOSS!"

(Letting go, standing up and continuing to peel the apple) "Long time no see Ghost," she said with her eyes fixed on the apple that was in her hand, her voice was indifferent you couldn't tell if she was angry or happy.

(Still can't believe her eyes) "ANNE," shouted Flo rushing toward her.

She couldn't approach to embrace her, a knife was held more than close to her throat.

(Confused, eyes focused on the knife) "Anne, what is the meaning of this?

(Unbothered, looking at Flo with eyes full of contempt) "This is just to show you that I'm not here to play games or for hugs. My sweet pie almost died right under your nose I am in a very bad mood now and I feel like slaughtering both of you right here and right now.

(Sits down, both legs crossed) "SIT DOWN BOTH OF YOU.

Anne's voice was scarier than that of Lisa, one wouldn't imagine that the person who had just spoken was a woman. She continued peeling the apple, after that she started munching on it, staring at Lisa and Flo with cold eyes. They did as they were instructed and sat down. Flora wanted to complain but Lisa (Ghost) who was sitting close, pinched her a bit and gave her a signal not to even think about it.

"Hehe, Stupid doctor do you have something to say? I might be asking for what is in your mind but you better think carefully because (turning the knife in her hand) this knife will do a nice job," she said gazing at Flo with lazy eyes.

She didn't dare to speak anymore, all she could do was look at her with eyes filled with tears.

(Acting as if nothing happened) "Anyway (Standing and stretching her arms) I have changed my mind, I am tired, and I have a terrible jet lag. Flo go ahead and show me my room, we will discuss more tomorrow. By the way, (facing the opposite side) Ghost there are a lot of bags in the car outside, make sure you offload the car before morning."

"On it, boss," said Ghost getting ready to go outside

"Catch," she said throwing the keys to Ghost.

Flo went on and showed Anne the room that she had prepared for her. After that, she then went back to look for Ghost and she found her in her room putting about 15 bags in order.

"Ghost we need to talk," she said grabbing her hand and moving toward the bed.

"Can't you see that I am very busy right now?" Said Ghost who vigorously released her hand from Flo's grip.

(Agitated) "Listen I don't care Ghost or whatever you call yourself, I don't deserve to be bullied or getting treated like a piece of trash by you guys. You can keep all your secrets for all I care (poking Ghost's chest) but remember you are in my house and I can kick you out anytime."

(Annoyed) "Why are you stubborn, you do not have respect why, don't you value your life?"

(Adamant) "I value my life very much but watching someone disrespect me is something that I will never do, also, respect is earned and you guys didn't earn mine. You witnessed what Anne did to me earlier in my own house and you expect me to just let everything go just like that?"

"I get what you are saying but in times like these everyone is a suspect an enemy. The same way you suspected me earlier, is the same way Anne is suspecting everyone. We are all guilty until proven innocent, if I were you, I would just behave myself and stop all this nonsense. Didn't Lisa give you a heads up?"

(Helpless) "Lisa did tell me she is heartless, and I only thought that was toward her enemies, not family and friends. Honestly, knowing you guys, was the worst mistake that I ever made, and I am regretting it. I kindly ask both of you to leave my house by the end of tomorrow."

(Unbothered) "I have heard you, but remember this is war and in times like these there is no family or friend everyone is your enemy until the war is over and that's how we survive. Let me finish what I am doing, we will continue with this conversation tomorrow."

Ghost continued to pack bags and Flo left for her room helpless. The following morning, both Ghost and Flo were woken by an inviting and nice smell that was coming from the kitchen. After taking a shower and tidying their rooms, they left for the kitchen to witness the delicacies that Anne had prepared.

(Setting the table) "You guys are just in time, take your sits and help yourselves," she said smiling, her expression was way more different from last night.

Flo was in confusion and she was even hesitating to eat the food.

"Stupid doctor, are you not famished?"

(Hesitant) "I…I. I am, but…uh…"

"Hehehe, you think I have poisoned the food, isn't it? Just look at Ghost she is digging in," she said looking at Ghost with cold eyes.

(Guilty, bowing her head) "My apologies boss," she said putting her cutlery down.

(Sitting down) "Ghost, what is the code of the mission," she said with a low voice, though it sounded friendly one could tell that there was more to it.

(Sitting straight and looking at Anne without blinking) "MISSION CODE RED."

(Chewing some eggs and bacon that she had just shoved into her mouth) "Meaning?" She asked looking at Ghost with her head a bit tilted.


"Very good, since your personality changed have you fulfilled anything yet?"


(Getting angry) "You suppressed Lisa, sot that you can correct her mistakes but DID YOU DO ANYTHING SO FAR?"


"Stand up and get back on your sit."

Ghost did as she was told, as for Flo she couldn't believe what her eyes were witnessing, she couldn't avoid getting more scared of this friend that she thought she knew. When she met Anne she was always cheerful, always acting silly, and laughing so loud even at the silliest thing. Yet the person who was sitting before her was way more different. She was so stunned to move or talk, and she even forgot that she was hungry.

"Good, at least you know that you have been sleeping, now slap yourself, 10 times 5 slaps on the right side and 5 on the left side. Make them more painful if not (looking at Ghost with intimidating eyes) I will break your legs," said with a commanding voice.

(Surprised and couldn't believe her ears) "Huh! That is preposterous Anne, how…"

She couldn't finish her words, she received two consecutive slaps that sent her to kiss the floor. She was shocked, that was something she didn't expect at all.

(Standing up, holding her right cheek, tears flowing) "You slapped me in my own house…"

She couldn't finish her words and was interrupted

(Pointing at Flo) "Ghost this stupid doctor is ruining my appetite, please get the strongest binding tape that is in one of the bags, bind her and throw her inside the van that is outside, make sure no one sees you."

Ghost didn't object, she got hold of Flo and did just as she was instructed, then came back, and sat on the same chair she was sitting on earlier also in the same position as before.

(Unbothered and proceeding with her meal) "Go ahead, I am waiting."

Anne didn't need to say more, Ghost began to slap herself just as she was instructed earlier. After she was done she was then permitted to eat and after the meal, they then began to discuss business.

(Acting as if nothing happened) "I spoke with Francis Junior earlier and he gave us a go-ahead to do a thorough investigation at the hospital. Hacker confirmed that some of the cameras were tampered with and he also managed to retrieve all the information that was deleted, which means we will be having a lead soon. I want you to deal with doctor Ed and also visit that officer who handled Tasha's case and ask him which bar did the incident happen. By the way, you said who did she meet that day?"

(Not flinching or showing any pain) "She didn't give a name, she only said that she met with an enemy."

(Leaning on the chair) "Very good, that means even if we can't find any evidence at the bar we still have leads because she might have met with Marble, Tiny, or any of her family members those are most likely Tasha's enemies. I hope the slaps woke you up, and I need you to do a nice and clean job as what the Ghost I know does. Report to me early morning tomorrow, don't forget to clean the dishes I am going to sleep. Don't worry about the stupid doctor, I will talk with her when she is calm."

"On it boss," she said with respect and not showing any form of anger or hatred.

At last, the heartless woman has appeared, please don't hate her, just know that her hands are tied. She is kind of unreasonable, isn't she? Anyway, what do you think about the following chapters?

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