
Virtual Invasion

An invasion from another dimension is shut down by an Empire's traitor and the world has a scant few decades to build the strength to resist a multidimensional Empire. How will the world fair when no one even knows its doom is one barred gate away? Fortunately, the traitor has a plan. Maybe with a bit of luck and planning, he can build a force to defend the world without anyone realizing it. Authors Thoughts: What is litRPG? (From wikipedia) - LitRPG, short for Literary Role Playing Game, is a literary genre combining the conventions of MMORPGs with science-fiction fantasy novels.<sup>[1]</sup> LitRPG is a literary genre where games or game-like challenges form an essential part of the story. A LitRPG work simultaneously narrates the story of characters inside and outside of the game-world. At least some of the characters in a LitRPG novel, therefore, understand that they are playing a game: they are 'meta-aware'. So, while Tolkien's Lord of the Rings is a fantasy novel, a book about people creating avatars and interacting in a Lord of the Rings MMORPG would be a LitRPG novel. Why do I read them? You know, I am not too sure. I love MMOs. I played them, quit them, joined up and repeated the cycle. They are fun! They are a massive waste of time but so are most games. Do I want to read about someone else playing them? Sort of? The advent of VR and the possibility of VR someday becoming so immersive that you can't tell them from reality sets the imagination on fire. What if this could be life? But most stories fall short. At the end of the day the protagonist hangs up his VR helmet and goes to have dinner with his mom and dad or other family and it becomes meaningless. It's like the story that ends because the main character woke up and nothing you read matters. There have been some books that explore the concept of the intersection of reality and total immersion VR. Enders Game is a classic. There were a few others that escape me but they exist, however, the cross between the game and reality is weak. So what if the game was real? The technology needed for total immersion VR is so advanced that by the time we reach that goal technology should have naturally evolved to include several items. 1. You must have direct neural input. You simply can't have a total immersion (all senses and perfect presence) experience without this basic prerequisite. 2. If you have direct neural access, you can probably do neat things like feed knowledge and skills directly to that person. You can undoubtedly do many horrible things as well. 3. Muscles are controlled by the brain. If you control the brain why would you let the body just sit there and rot? A person that sits unmoving for 24 hours a day will have their body whither away just like a coma patient. However, if you control the brain you could control the muscles. On a basic level, this would be isometric impulses, working muscle group against muscle group to avoid atrophy. Taken to its logical conclusion you would be able to gain muscle mass and program muscle memory. The flip side is that you could remote control their body... but let's not go there. So what would people do if it were real? Well, they would probably limit and regulate it since the drawbacks are very obvious. Even if you look at the basic aspects of this you can see some negative possibilities. Look at the Sword Art Online anime. Personally, I think they missed the boat by putting a bomb in the VR helmet. Do you really need a bomb when you have direct access to the brain? So what kind of events would you need to have a situation where the obvious drawbacks haven't been explored? Maybe a society where the advancement of technology has so far outstripped the explorations of its applications that ignorance was truly bliss? Okay, so I had to put in an alien invasion to kickstart the premise, but that was just one of the possibilities.

druth · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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15 Chs

Prelude 2: Insufficient Means

"Why haven't they locked you up as war criminal," asked the man in a uniform across from Salthuin. They sat in a rather spacious conference room. The chairs were comfortably apportioned however the table itself as well as the walls were merely functional. The phone was bulky and looked out of place next to a flat disk which sat in the center of the table.

"Although I would like to say that your superiors had the best interests of humanity at heart," the warrior replied simply. "I think it more likely it can be attributed to greed."

"So instead they gave you the city you destroyed and we have to work with you?"

"If you want your race to survive, yes."

"So what can you offer the United States?"

"Naturally we need to work on your technology base. Unless I manufacture it directly, you have no means to create anything I give you the plans for. Even your computers take up an entire room and can only do simple calculations. It hurts my brain to even contemplate it."

"Nonsense, what good is a computer? We need weapons to deal with this Emperor of your."

Salthuin simply looked at him blankly. Intellectually he knew that it really wasn't this person's fault, but the ignorance was appalling. So short-sighted but it was something he should have expected. Hopefully, Alduin had taken this into account during his projections or they would not be able to meet the deadline. Their technology was so primitive that the Prime Calculator couldn't even hack into it.

"Alduin is… printing," Salthuin began slowly, with an ill look on his face. "Plans for factories to build the base technology industries. We chose to start with silicon-based semiconductors. If we plan it right we can move on to more advanced materials in twenty years. He is also printing manuals to train in the technology and science."

"If this Emperor is as terrifying as you say, we need weapons immediately!" The middle-aged man huffed excitedly.

"Anything you are capable of making would be useless against the Emperor's forces," Salthuin countered mildly. "Your… President has agreed to follow our plan. Your technology will advance as quickly as we can encourage it. It has been projected that if we move too fast your economy may collapse." It still may collapse, but at least it would be able to recover. "We have some stores of bioenhancers. Since you won't be able to create these until approximately the time of the invasion, we will use these to enhance the baseline of your race."

"You can give us super soldiers?" the man perked up, a look of delight on his face.

"Yes," the rebel sighed in disappointment. "I can give you super soldiers. Most of their enhancements will be dormant since it needs a specific technology to trigger and train the greater abilities."

"What can I expect," the liaison eagerly enquired.

"After the original incubation period…"

"What do you mean incubation?"

"It's a retrovirus. Did you think you can use cybernetic technology at your level? You're barely a Class 2 civilization. By the time you can use it, you won't need it."

"What's a retrovirus?"

The General stared at his visitor. Alduin had assured him that the terminology was appropriate for the technology level. Apparently, this person simply wasn't knowledgeable on such things.

"It's like a flu that gives superpowers."

"That seems too good to be true," the man replied dubiously.

Salthuin silently reached out with two fingers. Pinching the table lightly between them he easily lifted it a half a meter off the ground.

"Since we have no means of triggering the advanced features all you can expect is an increase of five times a human's strength, a bit more endurance and redundancy in the organs. Once in place, the basic functions can be triggered through some meditation exercises."

"This will catapult our armed forces into the lead," the man muttered gleefully to himself, forgetting for the moment his request for weapons. "But… what is meditation?"

Salthuin tiredly hung his head.