
Let's get lost.

I didn't he was a real person he was just in my dreams. I hoped that he was or so I told myself. I went on about my day. When the bell rang I usually waited until everyone left the room, then I would leave. I liked the silence, just being alone...

That was until I looked behind me there he was. The boy with the pale skin and hazel eyes. I had an urge to just hug him. I pushed the feeling down. It would be foolish and inappropriate of me....

"Do you remember last night?.."

I jumped out of my seat.

"What about last night. I was sleeping. I had a dream with someone who looked similar to you, but it was nothing more than just a dream.." I said with confidence yet, you could hear doubt in my voice.

"So that's what you think, huh. What if I told you it wasn't a dream. What if I could prove to you that what ever happened wasnt a dream.Would you believe me then?" He replied.

"Theres no way you can prove it. It was a dream. Nothing more than a dream!" I was terrified. What if it wasnt a dream.Hwta if he had actually been able to fly?

" Come with me. You need to see the full extent to my abilities!" His voice was sharp and full of adrenaline. He got up grabbing his backpack and throwing it over his shoulders. He grabbed my backpack and wrist.

"You need to see what I can do. I need to prove you wrong. I can do things others cant. I'm not an angle!" His eyes widened.

"Stop your hurting me. Please Aaron! Your hurting me!" I was begging but it was no use. Everytime I would tell him to stop he only griped my hand tighter. He dragged me until we got to the parking lot. There a gray Toyota flashed its lights. He unlocked the car.

"Get in please! Now!"

I was terrified. My whole body felt numbed. My head was raising. Living in a place like Organ could be dangerous. Most if it was forest which I actually enjoyed, but there was still dangers. Most of the time it was the weather or the landscape. It was raining most of the time and beyond the forest there was cliffs that leads toward the sea or lakes. He quickly opened the door for me and out my seat belt on for me. He ran toward the driver seat and raced out of the parking lot in a matter of seconds.

" Please Aaron listen to me I believe you is that what you want to hear?!. Please this is a bad idea. I dont even know were your taking me what happens if my parents get mad at me!?" I begged for him to stop.

" I promise that nothing will happen to you. If anything ever does... I–I dont know what I would do." His voice was different. It had fear in it. He kept driving going faster and faster. Until we finally stopped. We opened the door and un buckled my seatbelt. He grabbed my wrist once more.

"I told you that you hurt me when you to that! Aaron please listen to me! I–I believe you. Now stop! Let me go."

We approached a cliff. He didnt stop at the sight of it. He kept walking toward it faster and faster.

A–Aaron, Aaron! Aaron theres a cliff. Please stop it were going to fall. Aaron!" I yelled at him. Trying to get him to let go of my wrist. He didnt let go.

" You said it was a dream! This curse is not a dream its real!" He said with anger. He didnt stop we were getting closer and closer to the edge.

"Aaron were going to fall! Theres a cliff please stop it. Please!" He didnt stop to anything.

" Let me show you Alicia! Let me show you that this world you live in isn't as simple as you think!" His grip became stronger.

" No. What are you doing. What do you think your doing that's dangerous! You can die if you do that. You'll hurt me if you do that!" Aaron walked up the cliff. He grabbed my wrist tighter putting me in front of him heading towards the edge.He stopped right before I could fall of the edge. He was still holding my wrist. He held me there at the edge.

" No Aaron. Stop let me get back up! I'm going to fall if you dont let me get back up! Aaron please!"

"No! I need to prove to you that it's not a dream! This is true what you saw last night was real!" He was angry. I was terrified. My whole life depended on him. He could drop me at a any moment he wanted and I could die...