

Amara Aquilla

Founding Member of O.W.

Codename: Magma

Its been a long day. 2 earthquakes and a small volcano eruption. Honestly being a member of OverWatch i thought it would be a lot more fun. However i do still have that thrill knowing im all that stands in between the civilians and death in most cases. But there is one other thing that makes me happy.

"Mara, whatcha thinkin bout?" My best friend Kitty asked. When kitty joined the team we instantly became fast friends. As much as i like Domino and Laura our relationship was never as close as Kitty and I.

With a cheeky grin i reply "Im thinking about payday. One or two more paychecks and we can buy that house in Manhattan we were looking at." A couple of us women had decided to live together. Me, Kitty, Jean, Anna, and Tandy.

"Ooooh i know so exciting. Who wouldve ever expected we could get paid to be superheroes?" Kitty and i change out of our work clothes and take a quick shower passing by Jean working with Frost? When did she get here? Anyways a quick check to my bank account had me frozen.

What the hell? I thought it should've been more than this? A quick glance at kitty checking her bank account to see something amiss and i knew it wasnt only me.

"Im short 2 days?" Kitty said after doing some quick calculations. The members of OverWatch are only required to work one full day a week or 5-6 missions. Damien doesnt want us burning ourselves out. Which is funny considering im on fire when i use my powers.

"C'mon we'll go to big bro and find out why. We cant be the only ones with this issue." Kitty and I started heading towards the main office when we run into Quentin and Kurt. The two of them were also on their way to deal with their messed up pay.

We finally get to the office when we hear a slam sound.


Wow ive never heard him sounds so pissed. What did the bald weirdo do now? I see Kitty and Kurt look taken back. Apparantly they never expected someone to yell at Xavier. They were ready to go defend him when Quentin stopped them with a shush.

"Damien i assure you the barriers in Jeans mind are for her own protection. They aren't to harm her i assure you." - Xavier

"They wont harm her youre right. Im not worried about Jean. I told you shes the Avatar of the cosmic embodiment of rebirth. Thats what im worried about. One day the Phoenix's power will overflow and itll be Jean who breaks first as it comes tearing down her barriers. Then itll be you for constraining its host. Then itll direct its answer on the planet knowing damn well The Earth can go boom and Jean will be fine."

Holy Shit! I look at my compatriats and we all share the same look. If that happens can any of us stop her? Damien is by far the strongest Meta ive seen and if hes afraid then....

"Young Damien if you truly believe that to be the case then i will reinforce them. But letting all that power out is not a good idea for anyone."

"You'll break her Xavier. Her mind wont handle the stress of the Phoenix fighting your barriers. Release the barriers."

"Im afraid i cannot do that Damien. You havent seen- "

"I DONT CARE." He slams his fist again. Well Natalia already has back ups made anyways. "Remove them from her or else ill find a way to do them myself."

I wanted to stay but at that time we heard foot steps coming. Kurt panicked wnd teleported us away. But the thing about his teleportation is that its mental based. And after the conversation we just heard Jean Grey was the one thing on all of our minds.

Landing in front of Jean and Frost was enough to startle them both. But the thing about mind readers is when they see you they instantly read your surface thoughts. And seeing Jeans eyes widen i can tell exactly what she just read.

Her eyes start glowing and Emma looks taken back. Jean's eyes start to calm and she's crying. "12 years ive followed him. And to think he's been messing with my head? After all those lectures of minding my own mind. HE DARES MESS WITH MINE!"

Jean flew out of the room with a burning passion and Emma has a wry smile and shake her heads talking about American hypocrites.

Kurt is the first one to speak up and say "Should we stay around for this?" Of course we're staying! Jean has all that power behind her and now she has the rage to back it up.

Me and Kitty takes off running back to the office soon followed by Kurt and Quentin. The Alarms start blaring on the walls telling everyone to evacuate. Shit shes already going dark.

I activate my powers and take off. If we're not talking teleportation im the fastest one here. Kurt disappeared and im almost to the room when i spot him again. Unconscious stuck to the roof with everything not bolted down flying around the room hecticly.

"KITTY PHASE US THROUGH!" She grabs me and quentin and we run straight ahead ignoring all obstacles. We kick open the door to see Jean and Xavier locked in a Psychic battle with Damien doing his best to cover Natalia from the fall out.

The tides change when Jean starts releasing flames and starts melting her surroundings.

"AMARA" i turned my head to Damien's voice "YOU GOTTA GRAB HER! SHE'S ANGRY BUT YOU HAVE TO CALM HER NOW!"

I nod and rush in to grab my future roommate. I dont blame her at all. Id be mad too if someone fucked with my head for most of my life without telling me. I get close when i start sweating from the heat. And i never sweat.

I grab Jean's hand and pull her closer "JEAN SNAP OUT OF IT. YOURE LOSING CONTROL." I must admit her telling me to let go with the double voice and glowing eyes unnerved me but i refuse "JEAN TAKE CONTROL. ITS YOUR POWER. CONTROL IT."

She starts fighting it off and with Xaviers help she succeed for a second before it comes back stronger. All seems lost when Frost kicks the door down and joins the Psychic battle with Quentin behind her. Under the combined might of 4 telepaths they manage to force the Phoenix back to sleep temporarily. I catch Jean as she falls to the ground and hold her.

"Xavier" Damien huffed finally moving from his spot "Fix her. Or i will."