
Villainess Becomes A Merchant Of Death

Cynthia was scorned by her family as an illegitimate child. She didn't care as she had her sick mother to worry about. Her half-brothers told her to stay away from the family business. She cared more about her mother's hospital bills. Cynthia fell in love with a man but her half-sister ended up with him instead. She did whatever she could to retain that man but failed. In the process, she gained deepened hatred from her siblings. She wiped her regrets and left the family after graduation with her now healthy mother and started her own successful business. Cynthia even found someone who she could call her true love. Unfortunately, her father gave her a large part of his company's shares as an inheritance. She was dead the next day. Fate wasn't having it with the poor girl not getting any breaks so it decides to let her be rebirthed 20 years in the past. Our story takes place on the Planet Gaia, alternate earth with superpowers and monsters pouring out from mysterious gates. -------- This is my first novel and I'm still learning. Give me a chance and feedback in the comments or reviews when we are well in will be appreciated.

Ashley_Dannes · Thành thị
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35 Chs

Tsundere Dad

"You don't need to do this yourself, Lilly. Don't steal the servant's jobs." Cynthia used a reprimanding tone as she felt that her willful little sister need a little discipline.

She was glad that Lilly could not hear things very clearly through the closed door as there was a good level of soundproofing present.

"Okay big sis. I will not do it all the time," she replied. When she heard this, Cynthia could not help but feel like facepalming. With how she worded, Lilly basically could do this every time.

"Let's go."Cynthia knew she was not much of a match with this sibling when it came to words. She could only hope that she becomes more controlled in the future but that was most likely impossible.

She clearly remembered that Lilliana doesn't become any less uncontrollable and impulsive in the future.

She would only become more understanding and considerate of other people but only when leading teams of Extractors into Gates.

When they reached the dining room, the mod was somewhat heavy as everyone turned their eyes towards Lilly who had taken a seat right beside Cynthia as usual.

Alexander, Alison, and Antoine looked at her with different thoughts reflecting in their eyes. They then took a glance at Cynthia. The mother and son became confused while the father showed no change.

'YEEESS!!! They seem to be getting along. I don't think my senses can betray me!

My two lovely daughters are getting along! My heart can relax now. NO! This is not the time.

I should take them somewhere fun for the weekend so they can get even closer. The more they are like real sisters, the more peacefully I can live. I just have to find the right excuse to make them go with me.'

These were the remarks of a father who was unwilling to show any feelings to his kids but was beyond pleased to see them getting along.

Everyone on the table could sense the difference in the two sisters today as they walked in together and were even conversing peacefully.

Before today, there was an awkward yet imperceptible gap represent between them. It seemed to have completely vanished.

Antone did not question this change as he preferred if his siblings could be closer. Having Lilly around Cynthia was better for her safety as well when he thought about the self-sent message from the future.

His thoughts then naturally meandered to his own failure to spend time with his siblings.

'I should really find a way to spend more time with the girls so I can understand this sudden progress. I need to find a good excuse.' he sighed will thinking. His thought process of finding roundabout ways to spend time with his siblings seems oddly familiar.

Antoine then looked at the empty chair next to him at the same time as his mother, Alison did. They remembered his pained expression that turned soft when he was put to sleep by the doctors.

They were preparing a surgery to restore his manhood to normal his it had been mangled by the residual force from Lilly's missed kick.

Alison wants in a good mood because of her own daughter's actions.

'If only she was more like the tame Cynthia. They look closer now. Hopefully, Cynthia can brush off on her' She could not help but compare her own daughter to the girl who is considered her stepdaughter.

One was a wild cat who ran all over the place and wreaked havoc, while the other was quiet, mature, and elegant. These were the good traits she wanted in Lilly but at the end of the day, this is her daughter who she loves no matter what she does.

"We can begin now." Alexander motioned the head butler that then let the servants serve the food.

As they ate in peace with the occasional sound of Lilly's energetic voice talking to Cynthia who always responded somewhat quietly and calmy.

Alexander wondered how he could get his cute daughters to spend quality time with him unknowingly. He had to maintain his lofty image while also gratifying his heart.

It didn't take him long to come up with an idea.

"Duketh entertainment has recently opened a new theme park. Lilly and Cynthia, are you free tomorrow? It is time you two start t involve yourselves in the family business."

He spoke with his daughters with an expressionless face and tone filled with authority. It made it seem like his purpose was to let the young ladies experience a facet of the family's business.

"No. Cynthia and I are going shopping with our friends tomorrow," Lilly said while chewing n her food. She said nothing else, outright rejecting her father. She indicated that she had the intention to cancel her plans.

Antoine looked at his father as well as he had stolen the idea that he had just figured out himself. He made eye contact with his father. The father and son duo understood each other intentions very well.

'You too, dad?'

'Yes, son. Want to work together?'

'Yeah. Want to use 'that' strategy?'

'The one we use when Lilly was younger?'

'Yup, that one. It never failed us.'

'Okay then.'

They made a nonverbal agreement to find ways to get the girls to go on an outing with them. they had become comrades in arms towards a greater goal.

Alison looked at her husband and son's eyes and understood what they were thinking. She found them absurd and childish but choose to stay out of it.

As a mother, she wanted to spend time with her daughter as well but at least she could do it without having to conceal her intentions.

'If you want them to have some daughter-father time, just say it out loud. They call people like you tsundere's in Japan.' She shook her head at her husband's actions.

"How about Sunday? I can show you around the office first. I promise not to bore you." Antoine knew he could find ways to take time out of his schedule.

His plan was to bring them to the office and then take them into the employee relaxation facilities they had in place.

There was a whole arcade, pools, set of fancy restaurants, and bakeries within the office building. This made for a fun and not soo stressful environment for the employees. It is a common perk provided by all of the large conglomerates on the planet.

All Antoine had to make sure of was to keep them engaged at all times and spout some business nonsense here and there so they don't doubt his intentions.

Alexander made eye contact with him again and understood what he had to say as well.

"After getting a fair understanding of how the office works, I will take you two to the theme park to receive onsite experience. It is important for members of the Duketh family to understand the business even if they don't participate in it," he said in a stoic manner.

He would make them take rides with him and try out the foods and explain it off as first-hand' experience'.

"Hmmm..."Lilly put her finger on her chin as she looked up and made a face that showed that she was contemplating. She then turned to Cynthia and asked what her opinion on this is.

'I don't remember something like this happening in the past?' Cynthia was sure that nothing like an office tour and worksite experience ever came this early. It was to be much later.

'Does it have to do with how Lilly and I are closer? No, what would that have to do with our business training.' She was at a loss for what to do as the butterfly effect was serious.

Then she suddenly thought about the things she read in novels. She realized that things like tours of family business often turned into cliched events.

Events that cause the main lead or leads to discover that something is wrong with the business or their competitors might make trouble. The trouble is easily solved by the protagonist.

This also meant that if Cynthia tried to get out of the cliche event that was set up by Gaia might make things tough for her. As the system said, she had to just go with the flow of the story.

"I am interested in the business," Cynthia said emotionlessly. This was in line with the persona she showed the family. One when she does not speak more than necessary.

Say that was equivalent to agreeing to their request. She wasn't lying as she really wanted to know more about the Duke business. The tour she got before was to cure and with Lilly coming with her this time, she was sure that there would be specific details.

Unknown to Cynthia, she would not get what she wanted this time as her father and brother had different plans for her.

She never understood them in the past so she couldn't decipher the sinister plans hidden under their professional ideas.

Lilly pouted when she heard Cynthia had agreed. She felt that it did matter if her brother had promised that he would not let it be boring.

She found anything done with business boring. She was more interested in spending time with Cynthia, her friends, and practicing her power with her master. She found the lessons provided by her master to be extremely enjoyable.

Since Cynthia wanted to go, she could only comply.

'I got just interrupt brother whenever he spouts boring nonsense....Never mind, sis is interested in that stuff. But if she gets bored, I will take her and run to the company arcade. Hehehehe.'

With that, Lilly had thought of all kinds of things she could do with Cynthia. She could only hope that her elder sister gets bored quickly.

Alison could only commend these two men as they always would figure out a way to get Lilly to accompany them on all sorts of excursions.

They didn't have to be so picky with their words in the past as Lilly was always happy to go to fun places as a child. This all changed when she got into fighting and training her powers.

Her master is also a very creative and amusing character to be around. She is very good with children.


Dinner did not last very long as eating inst much of a complicated process. Cynthia returned to her room and had the system confirm that no one was keeping an eye on her at the moment.

She was not worried about being spotted or interrupted by the system's ability to detect everyone in a mile radius around her. It could also detect if there were any sound or video recording devices present.

It could tell if she was monitored or not. The announcement and emergency of the serum when Ryan came in unannounced was proof of this.

Cynthia was also worried about the government's observation of her that might have not started yet. However, she was sure that they were aware of her buying the weapons and explosives.

Most likely, they even knew about her awakening as they some mysterious way of confirming awakenings within influential families.

With the system around, she would always be aware when people had their eyes on her. No one could hide from the system, at least that is what it claimed.

'With that out of the way, let's get things started.' Cynthia took the cap of the test tube and drank the serum in one gulp.

She could feel a somewhat sweet taste of lemonade on her tongue as the liquid flowed down without a hitch.

he then felt an unprecedented warmth in her stomach. this warmth was very comforting as it flowed all through her body before retracting and going up to her spine.

The warmth reached her head. At this moment, there was sharp pain of ten thousand needed poking her brain simultaneously.

She fell flat on her back as she grape her head and made an expression distorted by the nasty pain.

There was a melting pain that made her want to grab her hair rip it out. She opened her mouth and for the first time in her life, she screamed in immense pain.

No pain no gain. It would be stale if everything went smoothly.

Ashley_Dannescreators' thoughts