
Villainess Becomes A Merchant Of Death

Cynthia was scorned by her family as an illegitimate child. She didn't care as she had her sick mother to worry about. Her half-brothers told her to stay away from the family business. She cared more about her mother's hospital bills. Cynthia fell in love with a man but her half-sister ended up with him instead. She did whatever she could to retain that man but failed. In the process, she gained deepened hatred from her siblings. She wiped her regrets and left the family after graduation with her now healthy mother and started her own successful business. Cynthia even found someone who she could call her true love. Unfortunately, her father gave her a large part of his company's shares as an inheritance. She was dead the next day. Fate wasn't having it with the poor girl not getting any breaks so it decides to let her be rebirthed 20 years in the past. Our story takes place on the Planet Gaia, alternate earth with superpowers and monsters pouring out from mysterious gates. -------- This is my first novel and I'm still learning. Give me a chance and feedback in the comments or reviews when we are well in will be appreciated.

Ashley_Dannes · Thành thị
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35 Chs

Sisters Reconciliate

It's a Friday, the second most anticipated day of the week for students. Saturday is obviously the best day of the week. Sunday and Monday are debated as the two worst.

This is how most students felt and it was the same for Cynthia. She woke up in a very joyful mood.

Yesterday, she laid the very foundations of her revenge that she 'might' be taking.

She also created a base for having a stronger superpower and has more money to build a considerable fortune with.

After taking a brisk shower and wearing her uniform, she went downstairs to have her breakfast. The only person in the kitchen was Lilly.

She was munching happily on a large BLT with melted cheese spread all over the top. One of Lilliana's favorite things to do with practically a sandwich was to douse it cheese.

"Good morning." Cynthia greeted Lilly after sitting down and calling over a servant to let them know what he wants for breakfast.

"3 honey glazed french toast and powdered sugar on top. A mildly sweet chocolate dip on the side saw well."

The servant then left to inform the kitchen staff. The two sisters did not talk to each other.

One ate while showing a blissful expression while another one did things on her smartphone with a deadpan face.

it only took about five minutes for her food to arrive so she put away her device and started to eat her food elegantly.

She liked using her utensils as she hates getting her hand dirty. Washing it every time she ate felt troublesome.

Lilly did care as much about such trivial hassles as she was already a very sloppy eater, washing up felt very natural.

The two did not take very long to finish eating. Cynthia eyed Lilly with a skeptical look. Her sister finished her sandwich at an awkwardly slow pace.

It felt very unnatural compared to when she shows down like a starved pig. Then again, she does enough exercise in a day to demand a very heavy caloric intake.

Somehow, they had finished eating their last morsels at the same time. The servants came by and took away their plates.

Cynthia got up and Lilly followed her as she wiped her hands and face with a napkin. It was covered in cheese.

Right as Cynthia stepped outside the manor, Lilly stopped her by patting her on the shoulder.

"Hey, do you want to go to school together?" she asked with a smile and bright eyes.

Cynthia looked at it questionably and then nodded her head after some deliberation.


A luxurious black sedan then pulled up in front of the two. They walked up and went in.

While ridding, Lilly kept her eyes locked at Cynthia. This made her very uncomfortable. She was wondering what the girl wanted from her as her stare was quite intense.

After finally being able to choose her words, Lilly made a simple request.

"I know that we haven't been able to find much in common but I'm confident we can get along. Can we try one more time?"

Lilly was asking for Cynthia to give her one more chance at getting closer as sisters. There was a decently sized rift between them.

Not only did they not find common interests, but they also had contrasting personalities(at least on the surface) and there was always the stigma of being the illegitimate child.

They tried for a couple of days to learn about each other but it just didn't work out. Cynthia was also very biased and judgemental in the past.

She knew that that the main fault lay in her inability to communicate honestly to Lilly. She just didn't like Lilly that much as an angsty teenager.

She only understood her naive mistakes when she had matured. This could be considered very natural.

That's whys he had decided to change things even more. She does care much about the consequences and the great theory of the butterfly effect.

She may think she had matured, but in some aspects, she was still pretty stubborn. Then again, everyone has the right to be stubborn when comes to certain things.

"Alright. Let's try it one more time. If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out." Cyntia tried to give her a smile while saying this but was only able to lift the corners of her mouth ever so slightly.

When Lilly got an affirmative answer, she beamed an even brighter expression.

'One of these days, she was sure to cause permanent blindness to someone.' thought Cynthia.

She wished she had some sunglasses right now but forgot to bring them as today was supposed to be very cloudy. There is also a 37% chance of rain.

Lilly had more than one reason for her smile as she thought 'Hehehe, my big sis is so cute!!! She was trying to smile but failed. No worries! I swear that I will make her give the most brilliant of smile.'

Lilly had a very keen vision. She immediately saw the curved corners of her lips and added another set of plans to her internal agenda.

"For starters, can I call big sis?!" Lilly hugged Cynthia's eyes and gave her an adorable look.

'She really wants this one huh.' Cynthia clearly remembers that at one point, Lilly had indeed just started calling her 'big sis' out of the blue.

This was when she was much older and the relationship between the two had become somewhat mellow.

"Sure." she agreed but didn't know that else to say. She felt that she was saying 'sure' too much but that was her best way of keeping a casual tone. Cynthia admitted that she needed to speak with her as loosely as one would do with a sibling.

She doesn't have the experience but was willing to learn. She hoped that Lilly would teach her how.

"Alright then. Now it's your turn, big sis. Call me Lilly or something cute." Indeed, Lilly was going to teach her cold sister to become an adorable one.



"Here goes nothing.....Do you want to have lunch with me, Lilly?" She did it. After a couple of seconds of internal struggles and hurdling over invisible barriers, Cynthia finally called her younger sister by name.

She had done this very rarely in the past and now felt that it felt good. She wanted to say it more and was going to say it more.

"Yessss!!! I have a spot I want to take you to as well. Are you fine with Hwagyo barbeque?" she said cheerfully. It looked like she was very eager to go there.

This was one of her favorite places to get her daily intake of proteins. 'It doesn't have anything to do with how fatty and juicy the meat is.' This is what she told herself.

"No. I really like Hwyago dishes. They have more spice and layer of flavors than our continent's food." Cynthia shared her opinions on certain regions' foods.

(Hwagyo is basically Asia for this planet. It's Asian people and food. Hwagyo is Korean barbeque if you hadn't guessed.)

"I feel that too. Our foods are usually too greasy and oily. Fast food is probably one of the unhealthiest food inventions but our country's people are proud of it." replied Lilly.

And with that, started a conversation about food that would last a car ride.

Even the driver at the front was distracted by the talk of the two as they often shared both criticism and praise for food from all over the world.

"People really like fats foods because they taste good and are convenient to eat You may feel guilty later but you have to agree that it's convenient and cost-effective."

'You are right about that but it's mostly men who consume it right. Women wouldn't really want all that extra weight."

"Isn't that sexist?"

"I know it's sexist but that's what mom said."

"Yeah, your mother isn't that wrong but even you know that's some people just like fast food or can't afford much time for healthy food or are just plain lazy."

"Yeah, humans suck in many ways."

"Yup, they suck."

"Heeheehe, you know exactly how they SUCK!"

"HAHAHHAHAHAHAAA!!!!" x2 The girls laughed without restraint.

The two sisters had somehow started to reconcile. During this long car ride, Cynthia had learned that she had communication skills, she just didn't use them correctly until she grew older.

It was too late to regret her childishness now and had moved over it pretty quickly.


Masterfat Academy

No one knows why the name of Narvas City's best private school was this strange. No one paid much much attention to it anyway. They were too lazy to research and there weren't even any clues.

When the founder of the school was asked, he only said the words felt powerful when put together.

'Master' and 'Fat', no thought they sounded well together. Maybe the founder was too proud of his very big belly and status as a master of a rich family.

The 10 graders, aka the second year's students, had all their classrooms situated on the second floor. Only the canteen and gym were in different school buildings.

There are 7 classes per grade with an average of 15 people per class. Combined, the whole school catered to around 420 students. The faculty was only around 130. The cleaning staff is 40.

No one wants a dirty school, the rich are more than willing to pay exorbitant fees to create the best learning environments.

The two girls entered the school through the main gate and were dropped off by their driver in the parking lot.

He would park the car there and go out to do whatever he wanted. he just had to make sure to be close enough if the girls suddenly called him to leave before school ended.

Thanks to Alexander's willingness to make sure his two, cute little girls got along. he made sure they ended up in the same class.

'Class 1. It brings back quite the memories.' Cynthia reminisced about all the good she went through her with Natsumi, her best friend.

There were also the unpleasant ones where she had to tolerate the verbal and sometimes physical abuse of those bored kids who did not fear retaliation.

"Big sis, can I beat them up?" Cynthia had told Lilly about the mop water bucket incident that happened inside the bathroom.

She even told her about how they insulted her with words. The key ones are 'bastard', 'ugly', 'commoner' and some other lame things.

These kids were idiots who could barely write a high school essay with a proper amount of vocabulary. You can't expect them to think of better insults.

They are not as good as our Lilly who is both academically talented but has the glibbest tongue on the planet. That is if you exclude Ryan Frontera.

"No. All I need from Lilly is to show off our sisterhood. They will crumble on their own." replied Cynthia as she chuckled internally.

"As you wish, big sis!"

"Let's not overuse 'big sis' or it will lose its novelty."

"Yeah. It would get annoying quick." Lilly agreed.

With that said the two entered their very furnished classroom. As the students would be sitting on their chairs for hours, they were made with comfortability and back support in mind.

That's why the desks are all large and have enough space for a full stretch of the arms. The chairs were the latest models from the top gaming products in the nation.

Yes, they sat on gaming chairs with full reclining features.

Clack! Clack! Clack!

The sounds of two distinct footsteps had melded together in a rhythm. The sister walked in sync. It looked a bit storage as there was an unmistakable difference in height.

(Cynthia: 5 Feet 5 inches - a great height for a 15-year old girl. Lilliana: 5 Feet 1 inch - Not bad, average I think?)

That didn't matter though as they are the two most gorgeous girls in this room. The boys had agreed upon this endlessly while the girls had always been jealous.

One is a peerless ice princess that makes them want to be stomped under her heel and the other a goddess who brings the warmth of the sun to melt their hearts.

They could only blame genetics as the two sisters dominated these simpletons with their presence.

While some were feeling blessed to be in the presence of two beauties, some had other thoughts in mind.

'Sh*t! I thought they didn't get along.'

'What do I do if she told her?'

'I am so dead man, so dead."

'Guys! Let's skip class today.'

Four guys with these exact thoughts looked at each other and knew what they were thinking.

These are the four guys who chose to mess with Cynthia whenever Lilly was not around.

The same was true for the group of 3 girls that were in the class as well. As soon as the pair of sisters sat down, Cynthia in the back row and Lilly in the front, the 7 perpetrators had gotten up and calmly exited the room.

"They may not understand their textbooks but they sure are socially intelligent," Cynthia said to herself.

Lilly on the other sat there with a dazed expression.

'Big sis was right!' she thought. Lilly was planning to punch them sometime today if Cynthia's plan didn't show any results but there was an immediate effect.

'Oh well, I will pound them into the dirt when her plans are over. It's not like I want to defy her but you see, my fists have a mind of there own.' She would let Cynthia have her fun crushing them mentally.

Lilly preferred physical reminders as strength is indispensable, one of her fathers lessons.

The next chapter is a little bit of fun with the bullies and then an eventful lunch date between the sisters. When I say eventful, I mean it.

Drop some power stones in this story of mine and I will continue to feed everyone my high-quality content. :)

Ashley_Dannescreators' thoughts