
Villainess Angelica: Otome Game is tough for Mobs

Reading the manga of Trapped in a Dating Sim: The life is tough for mobs, I slipped on the stairs and died. When I woke up, I have been isekai'ed as the sexy villainess Angelica. Now, she is set to rule the world with the future knowledge she has, not wanting to do anything with the stupid prince.

SuperDemonWriter · Tranh châm biếm
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Slowly, I opened my eyes, only to get across face-to-face with father.

Wait...Did I just call him father?

Oh. Looks like a side-effect of getting memories of Angelica.

"Angelica! Are you alright!? Why did you collapse on the floor?"

"Ah. I couldn't get asleep last night, so I ended up reading a book till dawn. I just need some rest."

I made an excuse, which was pretty reasonable. I did study till dawn.

...It looks like I consider myself as Angelica fully with the integration of memories. Afterall, they were in first person PoV, not like a movie in 3rd person PoV.

Not that I mind it too much.

Father sighed helplessly.

"No studying today. Rest properly. Health is very important for a future queen."

"Yes father."

He ruffled my hair a bit and went back, leaving me alone.

I sighed and laid down, lost in thoughts.

I have become Angelica, the main harem member of the manga and the villainess in the original otome game that the protagonist played.

According to the Wiki, she had potential to be as strong as the heroine, but she couldn't focus much on her magic due to focussing more on managing the country to become the queen.

I am currently 15 years old, and have slightly more than a year before entering the academy. Which means that I may be able to get Luxion before Leon, if he exists in this world.

While I have all the resources I need, I might not be able to get permission to go adventuring solo. Since the stupid prince has an inferiority complex against me, he will most likely forcefully accompany me.

I don't intend to share my treasure, and if the Royal Family got to know about how overpowered Luxion is, they will take it away from me, saying that I will become the member of the Royal Family in the future anyway.

Wait... marriage? I ain't going to marry a man! Eww! Gross!

Even though I got memories of a girl who apparently didn't see any guy other than the stupid prince, I am still a man who has the inferiority complex of never getting a girlfriend.

That Marie loli can have the stupid band all she wants. If she isn't in this universe, I will place another girl on that guy so that I can get rid of him.

Firstly, I have to get Luxion. I know that I won't be able to go on adventuring alone, and I can't have slaves. The Duke's vassals will betray me at the slightest amount of greed.

Hmm, how about I just employ Leon as my bodyguard? He didn't want to become a noble, and wanted to live a peaceful life and save himself from being sold off to a old hag. Then I will appear as a ray of hope and offer him a huge monthly salary, sponser him to be enrolled in Academy and even help him in finding a wife.

I can even take care of his stepmother in the offer. I don't have much knowledge about the game, only that a portal appeared in the sea water and something like a cloud just above it, which lead to the lost territory where luxion is. Since I know Japanese, I will be able to become Luxion's master.

Wait... but should I really put my trust in him? He paid for luxion as an in-game microtransaction. He would want Luxion for himself, and would be doubtful about the intentions of a villainess since he is a generic goody-two-shoes harem protagonist.

But making him my underling will certainly be great in consolidating power. I will even make Olivia my personal maid.

Sigh. I will just take brother's knights with me, and disappear once I find it. I will just slip away from them when I spot it. So I should try to keep the personnel at minimum and not letting the stupid prince and Royal Family bother my treasure hunt.

I have to focus more on my magic. Recruiting Olivia as my maid is safe, but making Leon my underling is safe only after I get Luxion. I will let him borrow the ships and machinery for defeating the enemies in war.

Unlike Leon, when the principality attacks, I will kill the strongest old man there and conquer the principality in retaliation. Luxion is totally overpowered and can do that.

Seriously, since it can convert rock into gold, think about converting it into Uranium? One nuclear bomb is enough to make the enemies surrender.

And if it is Luxion, I bet it can come up with a countermeasure for radiation. Maybe it can create a new metal?

I feel giddy by the thought of making a suit like Iron Man or something, and ruling the world with a smoking hot wife. With such looks, power and money, I can get almost any girl I want.

Okay. So my first goal is to get Luxion. To get it, I will have to become an adventurer. I have to reduce the personnel with me to a minimum, about two or three. I have to do everything to stop the stupid prince from following me.

Second, find Olivia and make her my personal maid. And don't let Marie to steal her place, if she exists in this reality. Olivia's status as the Saintess will help me overthrow the royal family and put other nobles in their place.

Third, after finding Luxion, pay Leon enough money so that he can attend the Academy, and even help him find a girl which is not a bitch. Although I don't care much about others, I will not like to have him being married to an old hag. I will make him my knight to fight in the wars.

Fourth, conquer the world? I don't know. I will create a manga culture here, so that I get entertainment throughout my life.

Ok. That sounds like a plan.