
Villainess's Suicidal Butler [Dark Fantasy based LitRPG]

[This series draws its complete inspiration from Dark Souls and Lovecraftian Horror.] In the immersive world of the highly popular heroine game "Devourer IIX" where players navigate the complex dynamics of a fantastical realm filled with powerful heroines and heroes, one loser named Leon finds solace in his obsession with the villainess, Celestia Draven Dreadborne. Little does he know that his virtual infatuation is about to become a reality beyond his wildest dreams or nightmares. After a forceful entry by killing his friend, he is inexplicably transported into the game world, but with an unusual system and a role of a butler for the villainess. Will he emerge as the savior of Celestial Conquest, or will the game's intricate web of alliances and betrayals consume him? https://www.royalroad.com/profile/455641/fictions. I am on royal road as well.

underwearloafer · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

Chapter 14: Peace doesn't exist.

Leon passes a purple transparent door, breathing a sign of relief. He gets transported a to raggedy wooden place, almost like a bar but cleaner than it looks. Small tentacles-like things floating around and around guiding people to sit around the rounded worn-out sofas and free drinks.

Leon lifts his body to the table on the edge of the bar before tossing a coin.


As soon as everybody hears him, they round him up before begging nonstop.

"Please, provide me some food too."

"My child is hungry--

"Please provide this child some food." Few women beg him on their knees, with their hands joined.

[Butler's Composer repulses.]

Leon waves his hand, suggesting they go away. As Leon has started to eat his two pieces of stone-cold bread, as well as some medieval type of English curry, a bulky man approaches him. Leon is forced to get up from his chair as he is picked up by the bulky man by his collars. Leon's eyes interlocked with his, and his eyebrows frowned.


A few coins drop on the floor, everyone is watching those two with loathing eyes, ready to grab him up for some money.  Leon spins his eyeballs around, side by side, 'Look at all these eyes, they don't even see me as a human being.'

Leon's eyes fall upon somebody suddenly, he smirks a little bit, 'Rosalyn is here too? That means I need to show off a bit.'

The man looks at the floor and looks at him, with his large mustache and chest full of hair, he smiles with a reeking rotting breath and his golden unbrushed teeth. 

He slams the chair, trying to intimidate the boy.

He speaks, 

"Эй, слышь, пацанчик. Меня зовут Вяд. Мне пофиг на пустые разговоры, так что ты можешь быть уверен: я заберу твои бабки и оставлю тебя моим маленьким рабом." while others laugh with him, even at seeing causal child abuse.

Leon tilts his head with his veins popping out of his head, his eyes blood red gleaming. He slams the fork on his forehead, almost deep inside that it starts gushing blood. Vylad starts shaking. He puts his hands on his forehead and sees blood on his hands and the blood dripping on the coins below. Leon slaps his ears on both sides.

A man who was sneakingly trying to catch the coin retaliates when he sees the blood before the man falls straight on him.


"I know a bit Russian due to that bastard, that was my self-proclaimed rival in the game."

Leon spits on the ground, "Who's the little bitch now?"

The man falls to the ground while foaming from his mouth, his ears ruptured and bleeding severely. Everyone gulps and quietly sits on the ground while a person laughs out loudly. 

A woman with bold looks with her eyeliner curled up, enhancing her shiny red hair, drags a chair along stepping on the corpse. She places it beside him, "I didn't know that our household's butler was this strong."

"Won't you get a penalty just to be here?"

She takes the drink that was originally for Leon, "Rosalyn Vidya is too strong for such penalty to work." Leon smirks looking over to Rosalyn with his dark hair laid out almost covering his red eyes, and the several curved dots that stand out the most in Rosalyn's eyes.

Leon is very excited but he speaks with forced calmness, "What do I owe the pleasure?"

"Hmm~ It seems like the dread bone's curse has touched you." Rosalyn spins her cup with the drink inside, the ice dancing around.

"What does that mean?" Leon says but he meant, 'Just fucking take me there already, old hag.'

"That means death." Rosalyn drinks it in one sip and slams the drink on the counter. She looks over to Leon, with a wicked smile, and her eyes fixated on her.

"So say kid, Do you want me to help you escape the curse?" 

'I know what you mean, you old hag. I'll show you the boldness that you teach the knights in your squad.' Leon thinks as he snatches the drink from her hand.

He smirks and speaks while pouring the drink on the floor, "I am a butler who obeys 'The Master' not some old lousy woman with abs and scars all over her."

The woman laughs and slaps his back, almost sending him flying away.

"That's the spirit."

"Squad!" A group of people enter through the door, all dressed in silhouettes officers clad in their distinguished black uniforms entered. With strong steps, they crossed the threshold, exuding an aura of authority and confidence.

Their polished boots echoed against the floor, drawing attention but no one dared to look at their black uniform and the shiny golden patch on their shoulder.

"Don't blindfold him up, just cuff him and throw him to the rest," Rosalyn commands them to go.

After a few hours, 

Leon is sitting in line with other people, all blindfolded and cuffed up. Leon looks around, with his hands behind him.

'Hmm, they are making no noise. They must've been drugged.'

'Only thirteen people including me.' Leon stretches his neck here and there, 'All of them have the mark.'

The cart suddenly stops, jolting everyone inside. The Knights picked up the kids, one by one, removed the blindfold, and commanded them to get down the cart. A blond-headed kid jumps ahead, helping others to jump down one by one even though all of them are cuffed.

Even though it hurt him to give his shoulder for the kids to drop easily, he did it with no hesitation.

The knights laughed at the blond kid.

"That's so dumb kid."


At last, Leon peeks through the curtain. His dark hair blew backward due to the wind, the orange sun glistening on the cart. Leon looks over to the kid, closing his eyes while extending his shoulder by pulling his head a bit to the side.

Leon smirks and jumps down and BAM!-- He lands on the foot of the knight.

The blond kid looks to the side, with his mouth open as Leon just jumped on the knight's leg. The kid's eyes fixated on Leon's red eyes and Leon's smirked face fixated on the blond kid's blue eyes. The blond kid is flabbergasted as he cannot take his eyes off Leon.

The other knights laugh at him, "A kid made you roll on the ground with a foot stump!"

Leon takes a huge whiff of the air outside, 'Finally here, and our protagonist looks fine.' He glances over at the blond kid and smirks at him.

The blond kid gets all red, breaking eye contact. 

'Good-looking with all the dust on his face, yep, that's our protagonist, Tristan Whitewing of Devourer IIX' Leon thinks.

The knight shouts, "Alright everybody, on Line."

The kids scared by the knight's order, slowly follow him around. Nobody makes a noise until Tristan tries to speak up but his voice won't come out. They are lined up in a place, like a kitchen, with their hands cuff opened. They are allowed to rest.

Everyone is crying, some are sleeping on the haystack with some exceptions. Tristan is helping around all the eleven kids there. He is helping others, but his eyes are trying to reach someone out. He looks around and around before asking someone, "Where is that kid with red eyes?"


Nobody answers. Tristan sighs and turns back slowly, 

"BOO!" Leon exclaims, scaring Tristan out of his wits. All the other kids laugh at him, while the purple-haired girl completely ignores them. 

'I can't believe I get to see your face, in reality, the face I was sick of seeing in the dungeon explorations and with FUCKING CELESTIA.' Leon extends his hands kindly even though he has a dagger in his heart.

"I'm Leon. Leon Kaiser. and you?" 

"I-I'm Tristan Whitewing."

Leon taps his shoulder, "Quite the heroic name, well deserved someone who helped everyone." The kids nod in unison, elevating the mood a little bit. Leon scratches his head while putting his arm on Tristan's shoulder and speaks, "Alright, everybody listen! A man will come here, with a big bag and examines everyone. But before that, don't forget to bow!"

Tristan is stiff, while he tries to ease his shoulder, "My shoulder is hurting but I don't want to remove his hands."

Leon looks over to Tristan, "You got it too?"

He nods super fast.

A few minutes later, A man comes inside the room, before examining everyone on their legs, arms, and mouths. The man with a long white coat puts a bandage on Tristan's shoulder before leaving shortly.

Rosalyn enters the door, while all the kids hide behind Tristan. 

"Alright, Alright. No need to worry."

She announces, "This is the main house of the Dreadbone's residence."

"And before you meet your masters, keep in mind, don't talk directly or you will punished."

"Move and you will be punished."

"Gossip and you will be severely punished."

"Don't make eye contact unnecessarily or you will die."

"Do you understand?" The kids nod in fear, while Leon is trembling in excitement.

"Here I come, Celestia."