
Villainess's Slave: I Transmigrated into an Eastern Fantasy Comic

Helpless. That's the only word that could explain Li Chen's life. At twenty one, he was the most famous author because of his ongoing book; Calamity Rise. Unfortunately, his great life took an unexpected turn as he found himself in his story and as the Villainess slave! What? A Duke offended the underworld queen and her slave wiped out the entire dukedom just by waving his hands! Follow Li Chen in his quest for freedom from his story. What will be his reaction when he discovers, People in the real world were still reading, assuming it was just an ordinary story? -------- Discord server: https://discord.com/invite/8Ufe4789YX

DD_TheDreamer · Huyền huyễn
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205 Chs

Moonlight Cultivation

He could feel his body sizzling!

Or was it his imagination?

Li Chen didn't know but his focus was faltering. Was this because he took the pill in a different way?

Unable to come up with an answer with his upper body literally emitting white smoke, he focused on full circulation.

He wasn't willing to let this go to waste.

Finally, his tolerance paid off as he fell into a trance and appeared in his sea of consciousness, right in the star realm.

Floating cross-legged, he attracted energy into his stars, filling them up. From 18 stars, both light and dark stars filled until 23!

The whirlpool within the center of his sea of consciousness grew bigger and bigger, according to his rapidly increasing stars.

The large amount of star energy spread into his body, nourishing his meridians, bones, tendons, and muscles.

The contrasting temperature forged his body, also putting him through a great deal of pain. Li Chen's groans filled the abode.

Externally, he looked bad but internally, his meridians and bones were glowing with a soft golden light.

Deep within his sea of consciousness, golden dots began to appear and they formed a giant man lying at the depths of the dark sea!

Li Chen's eyes snapped open and they glowed bright gold. His body felt taut and even lowering his head to look at his body was akin to bending metal!

His eyes studied his extremely solid muscles, tightly compressed. The contours of his abs were deep, elegantly defined, and sharp.

There was also a unique hue that seemed like a layer of glass on his skin.




His tendons crackled as he stood up. Stretching his arms, Li Chen closed his eyes, relishing the feeling of endless power flowing within him.

'This stage… I've accomplished Beyond Perfection in the diamond body technique!' 

He had surpassed the creator of the skill, meaning the creator never achieved this stage!

Grabbing his sword, he approached the door and slid it to the side. The soft glow of the moon illuminated his mask and mildly glowing body as he walked into the courtyard.

His barefoot left prints on the sand. His courtyard wasn't made of paved stones and beautified like Xiu Ying's but he didn't care.


Just unsheathing a small part of the sword released a piercing light. Brandishing the immortal-grade sword, he assumed the stance for Swift Sword Cut and tilted his head forward.

His ears twitched, listening to the gentle breeze.

The gentle flap of an owl boomed in his eardrums, and Li Chen's toes dug into the sand. 

He leaped 20 meters high and unleashed an upward slash.

Before the owl could react to the sword's radiance, it was on the verge of death. 


Staring fixedly at the corpse that fell before him, Li Chen cupped his hands and bowed. 'Apologies, Mr. or Mrs. Owl. You just happened to be available. I'll repay your deeds.' 

Suddenly, Li Chen felt a change in his surroundings. His senses were now keen, his skin radiant, and his aura bursting with vigor.

However, his impressive aura paled before the ancient aura of the golden lines, which formed a tablet.

'It also agrees. How fortunate,' Li Chen sat down, raised the ink pen and began to draw. His speed was beyond human, as he was done in a few seconds.



The corpse of the dead owl was no longer there and he could hear it flying away. Even Li Chen, who did it, couldn't believe it.

But this was exactly how immersed his powers were. As long as there was no restriction, he could turn a nation into a sea to suit his taste but he wasn't that crazy.

Bringing an owl back from the dead was already stunning.

When the tablet vanished, he returned to training. At this moment, he had no idea of his current physical strength.

Body techniques were known for boosting the capabilities of the body to rival wild beasts, fierce beasts, and even daemons!

Swordsmen focused on offense and were known for their weak bodies but Li Chen wasn't planning to follow that path.

Even if Li Chen didn't achieve absolute defense, he would surely gain a formidable body should he persist.

Hours passed as he studied the Swift Sword Cut. 

His footprints could be found everywhere in the courtyard yet he kept moving. Sweat beads covered his body.


Taking a sudden turn, he swung his sword horizontally, launching a faint radiance that dispersed some meters away.

But his intent left sharp marks on the ground in his neighbor's courtyard!

'Hehehe, Small Success stage already.' He chuckled, approached his door, and assumed a lotus position.

He appeared in his sea of consciousness and looked around. Something felt different but he couldn't lay a finger on it. 

After examining the whirlpool, which had faint wisps of gold and deep black, meaning he was fast approaching the immortal Daoist level, Li Chen nodded.

Assuming a lotus position in his spirit form, he closed his eyes and opened them in the next second.

He was no longer in his vast sea of consciousness.

Li Chen looked at the strings of worries that filled the cavern, his eyes locked on the one that gave him memories of his parents.

Approaching the string with a sword in hand, he wrapped his fingers around it and closed his eyes.

Memories came flooding in. His guilt about arguing with his mother right before the incident and his hatred for the truck driver because he had no one else to put the blame on.

The pain he felt then ate deep into his heart, twisting his mind. It made him a reclusive, bitter-hearted kid.

'No one is to blame, only my fate.' He sighed, tears staining his lashes. 

Taking a few steps back, Li Chen brandished his sword and cut the string. He felt those lurking emotions die off.

Moving forward, he was unstoppable until the 1499 string!

Li Chen couldn't believe what he was facing. How was he supposed to defeat his...