
Villainess's Sister Is Actually The Strongest

Have you ever read a novel with such a terrible ending that you wished you could change the story and give the characters you loved the happy ending they deserved? I was just another failure of an author, writing stories nobody read, and that never sold. Seeking to improve my writing, I read the most popular novel at that time, Solo Player, to learn what made it so popular. However, as I read this story, I couldn’t help but feel frustrated about the story’s development, which had a terrible ending. Eventually, and quite bitterly, once I ended reading the book, I found myself transmigrated into the very world of this novel. Did I become the Protagonist? A Villain? Or perhaps even an Extra? No, it was much worse than I imagined. Because I ended up becoming the most worthless character that nobody ever cared about in the novel. A character that is often considered the motivation for the protagonist to grow stronger, but also his greatest burden. Someone every reader hated! “I’m the protagonist’s sister…” However, with my knowledge of this novel's events, my worthlessness was about to change. I’ve decided to not only become the strongest but also change the story’s terrible ending! “I won’t let you go inside a Dungeon, it’s too dangerous.” ...As long as I can get this incredibly corny and overprotective brother out of my way! And for some reason, the Constellations won’t stop bothering me. [The Cosmic Throne {Butterfly That Flies Across The Universe} seems interested in your tenacity!] [She has sponsored 1000000 Plot Points and the [Demon of Calamity Transformation Technique (SS)] Skill!] [The Cosmic Throne {Monkey that Dances in Chaos} finds your chaotic nature amusing!] [He has thrown the [Umbral Chaos Stone Necklace (S Rank)] at you!] [Not enough? He launched the [Immortal Heaven Peach (SSS Rank)] right on your face!] There was something really wrong with the Constellations this time around. [The Cosmic Throne {Jester Filled With Lies} is happy that you’re bringing despair to your victims!] [He has gifted you the [Jester’s Last Laugh (S Rank Privilege)] and the [Master of Manipulation (SS)] Skill!] [The Cosmic Throne {Maiden that Watches Over Nature} seems happy you’re growing stronger.] [She has gracefully sponsored you with 2000000 Plot Points and Fully Heals All Your Wounds!] [She has also begun to wonder if you could plant some trees for her, gifting you the [Divine World Tree Seedling (SSS Rank)]!] [The Cosmic Throne {Warrior That Seeks Calamity} is satisfied with your battle performance but asks for more battle!] [He has sponsored you with 500000 Plot Points and [Beheading Sword of Destruction (SSS Rank)]!] They simply couldn’t stop gifting me things as if I were some sort of famous streamer for them. “I am grateful, but please just leave me alone already…”

MasterVII · Kỳ huyễn
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The Protagonist's Sister

The sound of a machine indicating the beating of my heart slowly awakened me.

As I opened my eyes, as I had suspected, I found myself inside a small hospital room, resting in a bed.

To my left, a handsome young man no older than twenty years old, with short and glossy black hair and pale blue eyes, greeted me.

Tears were streaming from his face as he held in his hands an empty, yet intricately decorated bottle.

"Anna! The Elixir… It worked!"


Exactly what the heck was going on right now?

Anna? That's not my name.

I also don't remember having a brother at all.

When did I get admitted to the hospital?!


As I tried to sort my thoughts, a sudden rush of memories of two completely different people flowed into my mind, merging and forming my new self–the me of right now.

This is wild!

Now I remember. My previous life's name was Julia Martinez. I was a web novel writer and a rather unsuccessful one at that. As an orphan, I had no family whatsoever.

Throughout my life, I've always liked to read because it helped me cope with the harsh reality that was my life. Because of that, I started writing webnovels to pass the time.

Ultimately, I started earning some pennies out of it, and I thought I could become a full-time writer with enough effort.

Oh, how wrong I was…

I wrote romance after romance, but nothing clicked. I had less than 100 collections, almost no views, and hundreds after hundreds of chapters with nobody reading them!

I kept searching my head for new ideas, but despite liking reading romance so much, I was terrible at writing it.

And then, someone—an online friend—recommended that I read another genre… Action, Adventure, and System.

And there I was, like an idiot reading novels after novels… until I ended in one that was the most popular of them all, the most popular of this stupid, overused, and lazy genre.

Solo Player.

It was as uninspired and dull as you could imagine.

It used the usual template, monsters come out of the gates, hunters with powers fight them back, society stabilizes, the main character shows up, weak and mocked, then awakens a special system, levels up, gains powers, and blah blah blah.

It was one of the most generic things I've read, yet I was able to understand why this genre was so popular. I even had fun reading this uninspired thing!

Yet… yet!

I died.

Just when I was obsessively reading in the middle of the streets on my way to buy instant ramen.


A truck ran me over.

I can't believe I died so clichédly.

"Can you talk? Anna, do you recognize me?"

And of course, as I heard my big brother's words, I was also recalling my other life—the life I've had in this world, which seems oddly similar to these novels I've read lately, as Anna.

A little and innocent girl who grew up overly protected by her parents, her big brother always took care of anything, so she grew spoiled too.

Life was good; my parents had money, and I was going to live a happy life.

But then, just like the script of my favorite novel…

Gates leading to Dungeons! Monsters! Hunters!

Our parents died in a terrible accident, just as the Gates showed up.

And me? While trying to run away, I was also attacked.

Somehow, my big brother protected me, but I have been in a coma ever since then.

It is ultimately bizarre that I've discovered my previous life was a woman who read my whole life as a novel, but well, beggars can't be choosers.

"Hey, Anna!"

Ugh, big brother, can't you wait?! I'm having my entire personal monologue here!

At least give me ten minutes to settle my mind! There's so much information that it hurts.

"Brother… Big brother?"

And there I was, tired of his babbling, though I was ultimately thankful he woke me up from my coma using an Elixir. I couldn't be surprised deep down because I knew this was going to happen.

However, my side that is Anna was happy to be awake at long last, and I couldn't help but have tears flow from my eyes.

"I was so worried, Anna!"

My big brother hugged me tightly, and I kissed him on his cheek. His warm hug comforted my heart, making me feel happy immediately.

Ahhh~ I can get used to this!

"W-Wait a second!"

Suddenly, I realized something.

"Huh? Anna?"

My big brother's glowing blue eyes looked at me confused.

"I utilized an Elixir I've been making to wake you up. You've been in a coma for three years now…" He sighed. "A lot happened. Our parents… they passed away when the Rifts began. There's so much to explain but I know it is hard for you to understand, so I won't go into details right now."

"Eh? Huh?"

His face and that strong aura I am feeling out of him!

He's… Oh, right!

My big brother's the protagonist of Solo Player!

"You should rest for now. I'll go tell the doctors you've woken up, alright? Relax for now, everything is going to be okay." My big brother said with a gallant voice, as he walked away from the room.

As I was trying to settle my thoughts, a blue-colored holographic window materialized right in front of my eyes, startling me to death.


[System Seed has been successfully implanted inside of the user's Soul.]

[Congratulations! You've been selected for Transmigration by []!]

And as if things couldn't get weirder, a system window showed up in front of my face, but my brother couldn't even see it.

And what do you mean selected for transmigration? Was this the doing of somebody else?


[The Cosmic Throne {Butterfly That Flies Across The Universe} is wondering why there are so many gazes directed at you… She quickly finds your flabbergasted face a bit funny.]

[Due to the entertainment you've brought to her, she has tipped 10 Plot Points (PP)!]

[The Cosmic Throne {Monkey that Dances in Chaos} is wondering why this klutz is attracting the attention of the Nebula Stream.]

[He has to admit though, the face you're making is beyond silly.]

[He has tipped 5 Plot Points (PP)!]

What is going on?! These are Constellations!

But Anna, she wasn't supposed to even become a Player…

[By the Command of [], a Constellation will be sent to explain your current situation.]

[The Cosmic Throne {Jester Filled With Lies} has decided to manifest an illusion avatar before you!]

[The Nebula Streaming Services have been temporarily halted within your vicinity, no Constellations can see you or what's happening around you.]


An enormous quantity of white smoke exploded into the room, making me cough frenetically.

"Cough, cough…! What the…?!"

And within the smoke, a jester emerged, laughing calmly. I couldn't discern his face, hidden beneath a mask showing a divided expression of joy and sorrow.

"It seems you've woken up. Welcome to your new life, Anna."

This was a scenario straight out of the wildest of my dreams.

If this was a dream, please, someone, wake me up!