
Villain: The Spear of Destruction

WPC #320 We are turning to the Dark Side [Warning: Disturbing content within the entirety of the book, you have been warned.] After confronting the Demon Lord Astaroth hoping to put an end to the demon's life, the heroes did everything they can but failed. A while later after that event, the members of Garnan are mysteriously targeted and some even died. Shocked and angered by this, the party of the heroes vowed to find the killer and avenge their fallen comrades.

Hyuuse · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs



"Here," Shelly hands Blake a glass of water while sitting outside. "Hmmm? Thanks."

Shelly sits beside Blake, this is the first time that she had sat beside him like that.

In the past, Blake had lived like a shadow as he refuse to join in their activities like the orgy, which separated him from the others and they even see him as weird since most people will not hesitate to join them and he has that opportunity yet he doesn't take advantage of it.

"Do you not want to join them today?" Blake asks, he knows that Shelly is one of the wild ones during the orgy and to see her sitting beside him is strange. "I think I'll take a break for today. I am especially tired after facing all those demons. We did not expect them to be that strong so we ended up going all out, right?"

Blake cannot refute what she just said and also agrees. "I agree, I did not expect for them to be that strong, it's almost phenomenal. They must be the strongest demons we have faced so far…."

Shelly turns to Blake after he went silent and pats his back, "It's okay. You are not the only one that feels it. I feel it too." Blake suddenly turns to her in surprise. "What?"

She just smiles as her face turns serious in an instant, "What is the first thing that comes to your mind when someone like me who heals the injured takes a life? A hypocrite, right? But what can I do? They are the enemies of humanity. I also feel guilty, I should not discriminate between friend or foe and my guilt is eating me slowly."

"It makes sense, Shelly can heal people even animals, it is most likely that she can also heal demons. With a God-given gift like that, for her to take a life when she should save it is an act of hypocrisy."  

Blake is aware of that and sympathizes with her. At that moment, Blake sees her as someone like him and the two share a conversation about their feelings about the war and exchange ideas.

Unbeknownst to them, a pair of suspicious eyes are staring at them.

The next day, Devian and the others have their equipment ready after sending them to the blacksmiths for repair who then immediately took action and repair the equipment as fast as they can.

"It looks good as new. Now we can march forward again." Ralph feels his shield up as if he is touching his partner, everyone did not react when they saw him. It is only natural for him, despite being the shield from the vanguard, Ralph is extra wild during an orgy and is quite the pervert himself.

"Don't go feeling up your shield, you disgusting fucker." Franz spouted in disgust but Ralph did not let it get him and just continue what he was doing. "My baby is alright now. I miss you so much." He then proceeds to lick his shield.

"That's enough," Devian gathers everyone and explains to them their course for the next few weeks after opening a rugged map that had seen better days.

"Once we reach, Tilampo. We are basically at the doorstep of the demon lord's domain. I want everyone to be alert. Just as we have seen yesterday, the enemies are getting stronger the closer we get to their base. We cannot eliminate the fact that there might be stronger opponents compared to what we face yesterday." He reminds them and they all heed his reminder.

Before going back to the battlefield, everyone makes sure that they have everything before leaving since they might not be able to return for a few days after they depart the city.

"Your weapon is very special, Blake. It is the only one that is not damaged at all." Devian points out. Out of all of them, Blake is the only one that does not need to carry his weapon around unlike them.

His weapon is sitting on his wrist like a bracelet and he can summon any weapon that he wants according to his needs. The weapon 'Hamil' chooses its own master who is deemed worthy to wield it and Blake is the first to wield it after it was created making him the first user of Hamil.

"I wonder how you can do that. It is still a mystery to all of us." Devian said while eyeing the bracelet but Blake it not mind and continues to do his thing. "I did not do anything. Hamil just chose me on its own nor has it told me the reason. It doesn't even talk." He responded lightly.

In the past during their weapon selection, upon hearing what kind of weapon 'Hamil' is, Devian and the others immediately rush to it, except Blake who is about to pick between a spear and a halberd.

Hamil sends out an invisible force that pushed everyone back while Blake is dragged towards it before he can pick the spear, Hamil transforms itself into a spear that looks exactly like what he is about to pick.

Since then, Blake used Hamil as his weapon, and gradually over time, the bracelet has taken root on his wrist like they both have become one.

With their preparations complete for their plan, they head out with the people cheering for them and hoping for their safe return.

In the following weeks, Devian and his group manage to reclaim the land that has been claimed by the demons, they faced more strong enemies but with their teamwork, they are able to defeat them all.

And along with their victory, Blake sees more and more unarmed demons getting killed, the closer they get to the demon lord's domain, plenty of unarmed and inexperienced demons die at the hands of his comrades.



"That's the last one," Ralph said after bashing a demon's face with his shield.

The demons in this world are not necessarily ugly looking. There are a lot of races that belong to the demons, but the most common are ordinary-looking people like humans but with little different features on their faces, their skin is all gray compared to a human who has a brown skin tone.

Their skin tone is the only thing that keeps the demons and humans apart.

               And the land of Oz where Devian and his group had just seized is crawling with such demons.

               "What a killjoy. I did not expect that all of the enemies here are so weak that I did not even get to enjoy killing them." Franz let out a sigh, disappointed with the demons that he had faced.

               "This is for the better. We get to save our energy for the next fight." Devian corrects him. The last land that they have gone through was filled with strong demons like last time.

               While the others are not satisfied with the fight, Blake is unsatisfied with one thing, they have massacred a community of demons that are not armed nor experienced in combat.

               He sees the fields that the humans have left and the demons continue to cultivate them further after the humans have left them unattended.

               "What have we done?" he asks himself as he looks at the dead bodies piling on the ground. One hand twitch and Blake leans forward only to see a dying adult demon on the verge of death.

               "W-hy? We d-o not fight. W-e are fa-mer-"



               Before the demon could finish uttering his last words, Franz stabbed its neck with his dagger with a creepy smile on his face. "To think that there is still a demon that survived!" he yells maniacally while stabbing its neck multiple times.

               Blake watches in shock and anger, though the demon did not finish his words, Blake knows what he meant, "They are farmers and not soldiers."

               Something inside Blake breaks and before he knew it, Hamil turns into a brass knuckle and he punches Franz making him spin in the air a few times before slamming to a wall.

               The others are alerted about what happened and Ralph jumps in to defend against Blake's attacks. "What is wrong with you, Blake!?" Ralph yells out as the others also run towards them.



"What happened?!" Devian asks Ralph who is having trouble withstanding Blake's attack, all the guilt that has been nestled inside Blake has surfaced, it's all because of what Franz did.

Without listening to an explanation, the others try to pull Blake away from Ralph to stop his continuous attacks, and just like what happened when they approach Hamil for the first time, they are pushed back by an invisible force.

"What in the world- Hamil is protecting Blake?!"

They are in a state of awe, never did they experience something like that in the past, it is as if Hamil recognizes that what Blake is doing is right.


"I am reaching my limit! This fucker!" Ralph swings his hammer to try and intimidate Blake but to his surprise, Blake caught the hammer before he swings it completely.

With his other hand not supporting his shield, his defense is at its weakest and Blake knows that so he went to pour all of his strength into the last punch,


Even with Ralph's large build, Blake sends him rolling on his back with his arms going numb from the attack. "What monstrous strength!" Ralph is not the only one that realized it but they put their amazement aside for now since Franz's life is in danger.

After sending Ralph away, Blake jumps in front of Franz and throws a punch that will end his life, "Bastard!"

"Blake! Stop!"


Before Blake can land his punch, Rona shocks him with a bolt of lightning making him faint.

"This crazy fucker." She muttered and turns to Devian. "We need to deal with him, this is not normal." She suggested. Devian bit his lip and turns away with a solemn expression. "Yes, we should." He responds softly while gazing at Blake's unconscious body.