
Villain: The Spear of Destruction

WPC #320 We are turning to the Dark Side [Warning: Disturbing content within the entirety of the book, you have been warned.] After confronting the Demon Lord Astaroth hoping to put an end to the demon's life, the heroes did everything they can but failed. A while later after that event, the members of Garnan are mysteriously targeted and some even died. Shocked and angered by this, the party of the heroes vowed to find the killer and avenge their fallen comrades.

Hyuuse · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Daggers VS. Daggers

Franz's quick and swift attack created no sound, any normal person would have instantly perished by his hands, but his enemy is not an ordinary human either. He easily dodges and evade every attack that Franz made, which made the latter curious and intrigued.

'He is easily evading my attacks as if he knew what I am going to do next! Who is this guy?' Franz thinks to himself as the arrogant smile on his face slowly starts to crumble, 'Where is the confidence that you had earlier? Don't tell me that it was all talk.' the man said, taunting Franz.

'He is trying to get to my head, huh?' Franz smiled, 'What are you talking about? Was I going all-out? I don't think so, do you?' After Franz said those words, the man backs away only to find that his belly has been grazed. 'Amazing. You manage to scratch me,' the man muttered, making Franz chuckle by his words.

'That's just the beginning. Now tell me, do you think I have been going all out from the get go?' the arrogant look on his face returns as the man takes a stance once again, 'Not really, even if you go all out, you will not be able to defeat me,' the man boldly declared.

Hearing his taunting words, Franz got even angrier. 'This punk, to think that he is crazy to even declare such a thing before me. Does seeing himself getting cut without him noticing don't scare him? If that's the case, I should give him more. After that, I will show him a much painful death,' he thinks to himself.

Now armed with the motivation to inflict so much pain to his enemy, Franz takes a stance as well. This time, a stance that he had not used for a long time, 'You are the first one to see this stance after the Demon Lord. You should feel honored,' Franz suggested, but his opponent just taunted him with the gesture, 'Bring it on'

Franz suddenly disappeared in an instant, appearing above his opponent while swinging his daggers, creating a cyclone looking attack. 'Try evading this!' Franz's daggers hits the floor when his opponent managed to propel himself backward, catching Franz by surprise.

'He pushed himself backward using his heel?' Franz is puzzled by his opponent's unusual, but he quickly dismisses it right away. He knows that if he gets too distracted, it will be him who will die. After a failed attack, Franz instantly narrows the distance between them in a single breath to surprise his opponent, but to his dismay, it was him who was surprised.

Before he could swing his sword, he sees from the corner of his eyes, he sees his opponent's left knee is swinging towards him. Knowing that getting hit by that will be devastating and will ultimately lead to his demise, Franz backed away for the first time. 'That was a close one' he screams inside his head.

It was indeed a close one. Franz already knows that his opponent is strong just from their initial exchange, and so, fear has started to crawl over him. 'This guy is dangerous. Where in the world did a person like him crawled from?' Franz could not think straight as more and more questions plaguing his mind.

'This is not going to be easy. I was confident earlier after seeing that I was managed to injure him, but now I am certain that I might be defeated. Fortunately enough, I have that.' even when facing a surprisingly strong opponent where he might lose his life, Franz flashed a grin.

'Was that it? I knew it, you will not be able to defeat me despite going all out. Is this the pride of one of Garnan's members?' What a shame. And here I thought they all have reached the peak of strength possible to humans. I guess I was wrong.'

It was at that moment that Franz lost his cool and lunged towards his opponent mindlessly, 'You bastard, I will kill you.' Franz declared. His attacks have become stronger compared to earlier, and his opponent finds it hard to defend from his attacks.


'Come on, nobody. Is defending all that you can do?' Franz asked after seeing his opponent struggling to defend from his attacks. 'You were so confident earlier, so why are you so silent now? Don't tell me that you can't handle me when I'm pissed!'

Franz's opponent managed to block his attack, but another attack flew straight towards his stomach, creating a crunching sound of bones breaking. Franz managed to land a solid kick on his opponent's stomach, making the latter wobble back.

'KURK! I was not expecting that.' he said jokingly, but Franz is not in a state where he can even flash a smile. His opponent's words just triggered him so well that he can't think straight. 'Hey, fucker. Can you say it again?' Franz asked coldly. 'Say what? How weak Garnan's members are?'

A few veins popped up off Franz's forehead, and before he knew it his hands were already swinging his daggers, 'Yes. Someone like you should at least struggle like this. Otherwise, I will be greatly disappointed.' At that moment, his opponent tried to defend from his attack. But the moment their blades meet, the man's daggers shattered to pieces.

'Huh?' his opponent muttered after seeing his only weapons break in front of him. Without wasting a second, Franz lands a clean punch to his opponent's stomach, sending the latter kneeling on the floor. His attempts to break away from Franz's grasp proved to be pointless when Franz threw another punch, this time hitting his enemy's lower jaw.

'KURK!' the last strike made him plummet to the floor. 'In the end, you were just all talk. And I heard we are weak,' Franz said, this time smiling. He looked at the arm of his enemy and sees his veins starting to become black, this paints a smile on Franz's face knowing that his poison has taken effect.

'I want to torture you right now, but it seems like the poison as taken over your system, I don't want to be caught in my own poison and die from it.' Franz said with a smile as he leans forward and grab his opponent's hair so that he can look at his face clearly. 'Motherfucker indeed has a handsome face. Too bad you'll die today.' she said and spat on his opponent's face.

'What did you do to me?' he asked as he could hardly move his limbs. Franz disregards his question and prepares himself to leave, 'Nothing, really. It's just a poison I concocted. It is so potent that it can kill while making the victim feel intense pain that will make them wish they were dead. But I specifically made it to last for an hour or so.'

After speaking those words, Franz grins. 'AH! Using that poison made me remember some wonderful times. You are the first human to have fallen victim to that poison. In the past, I used it on demons to see the effects on them, and it was wonderful. Hearing them scream until they die of intense pain brings me great joy!' he added with a sadistic look on his face.

After packing his things, Franz turns to look at his opponent one last time. 'Make sure to greet those demons in the afterlife, I'm sure they will be pleased to see a human falling victim to 'Kaiser's Poison'.' After saying those words, Franz checks out of the brothel where so many people are gathered in the lobby to check after hearing the commotion that was going on in his room.

Franz throws away a gold coin at the owner of the brother and said, 'Use this to fix the room and clean up the mess.' the coin landed directly on the owner's head making him bleed, but he did not utter a single word and instead wish him safe travels.

'I wonder how many of them will fall victim to my poison, should I watch and see the result?' Franz turned around with a smile, knowing that many more will die and can't wait to see it from afar.