
Villain: Rebirth of the Primordial Evil

“Little man, remember these words. Evil is an art, beautiful because natural. Rage, love, hatred, they’re all embellishments. Evil, at its truest, needs no reason beyond the pursuit of self-gratification.” When the powerhouses of the Demon Realm sacrifice a broken boy in an ancient forbidden ritual, they succeed in materializing humanity’s darkest aspects, strengths, abilities, emotions, and desires in the form of another boy, the Incarnation of Evil: Huan Yi. But while the successful incarnation of the prophesied Demon Child should have sparked the revitalization of the Demon Realm, when Huan Yi rejects the Demon Realm’s hopes and expectations to embark on a quest to find the three missing Primeval Tools, the lords of the Demon Realm realize that the ritual had malfunctioned. The Demon Child was…incomplete. Equipped with the Manuscript of Forbidden Secrets and the ability to control Karma, will Huan Yi mature into the overlord needed by the Demon Realm to conquer Heaven, or will he fall to the Righteous Path experts’ attempts to convert him into their very own savior? Join him to find out. Author Alert: This story was written by a wonderful psychopath, for wonderful psychopaths. You've been warned.

Demonic_Paradise · Huyền huyễn
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203 Chs

The World's Respect

One day. One day was all it took for the Celestial Realm's top factions to suffer catastrophic losses.

No one could expect that within a couple weeks of his reincarnation, the Demon Child would not only become the Imperial Lord of Karma but bring the throne to new levels of dominance by crowning himself…Tyrant Lord.

The Demon Child's return spread through the Celestial Realm like wildfire, causing various ancient deities to consider their position in the wars to come. The Divine Age had ended, marking the start of the Last Era. Whether that era would stretch across eternity or culminate in the destruction of the Three Realms became the new hot topic of the various celestial clans.