
Villain in Shepherd's cloth

AU. (Sorry for any cringe) A world of superpowers named Quinx or Quinxez (pl) has the casual hero, villain, and everything in between. With some crooked Heroes and misunderstood Villains someone has to "Have the moral high ground"

Mystice · Khoa huyễn
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16 Chs

Corroding Star

"Here's your order of Brown Rice Tea, with two Honey Mango Nectar Splash orders!" A Neko girl says with excitement. 

"Thank you! I love your hair!" Melia responds with matching energy in her voice and a close eyes smile.

 "Thanks, it's natural!" The Neko girl smiles. 

"So you were born with one side of your hair being Orange and the other being Black?" Before Melia could finish opening her eyes Shade interrupts with a AHEM! "Oh right sorry, but we'll have to continue this later." The Neko nods, holding the plater against her lower abdomen before prancing towards the register.

Melia turns to see Zylax staring at his tea blankly and his mouth slightly ajar. You've never been quick to space off. What's happening in your life too the point you'd rather have this than tell us. Melia's thoughts are met with Shade asking "Why?" in an agitated voice with her leg bouncing at a rapid pace "Why did you quit-." before Shade could finish Melia stuffs a bread stick in her mouth.

 "We aren't here to ask that question. Are We Shade!?" Melia's teeth gritted as she turns towards Shade "What we came to ask is what's happening in your life to the point you're actively trying to keep us, your family, out of it?" Melia's voice now serous and her face stern as she faces back to Zylax.

 Zylax stares blankly at his tea with shallow breaths before gasping and dashing his eyes around until they land on Melia "A-Apologies I was a bit lost, you were saying?" his voice calm but his eyes alert. 

 He wasn't even listening!? UUUGH... breath. Just breath Shade, he has been actively touching all your soft spots, maybe he's started copying Dauze's self destructive habits. The two of you did spend a LOT of time together over the last couple of years. As Shade thinks

As Shade's thought's end Zylax looks off to the side where a messy table waits to be cleaned and asks "How's your jaw doing? You bled a little when you had hit the post." his voice lingers in her head; YOU THINK! I had a piercing headache ever since but for some reason it stopped when you sat down.... Maybe my anger was feeding it? who cares it's gone now. She sighs "it's good, slight headache though. Maybe this talk will help it." shade says with the crack of her neck.

I guess this is my cue to give them some alone time. Spin the wheel of excuses!.... And we got...UGH Bubble guts? I really am starting to take more from him. What Dumbass says "Love you!" before going to the bathroom? Melia groans then slaps her palms onto the table "I don't think our drink agrees with your father's cooking, I'll be back. Don't fight!" she says before hastily walking in the opposite direction of the bathroom. 

Melia is taking too much from Victor. Zylax thinks before looking up at Shade who's staring towards her window, not bothering to reposition the neon green tips of her hair. I can't let you get caught up in... whatever this is. But I guess I should be truthful; at least in the end. He thinks before clearing his throat and flicking back his white hair "I hate Libraire." he says with a blank expression.

 Shade holds back a giggle "What do you mean? You call him Mr.Libraire everyday!" she says with an upbeat tone

His eyes look down to his thumbs as they rub against the smooth wooden cup " I like Victor as a father. But I Hate Libraire as a hero." he then looks up to shade who has a raised brow. "Victor as a father and man is a great person worthy of respect be it he's immature by nature, but Libraire "the hero" is ugh. Libraire is just far too misguided in what being-" 

Shade slams her hand on the table before unknowingly flinging everything off of it but Zylax's tea off of it. "WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT THIS AGAIN!" she demands with steam escaping her mouth.

"You don't even GIVE ME A CHANCE to point out that you're father is good at saving people but not knowing how to pursue what's best for everyone!" Zylax speaks through gritted teeth.

"So what? The Equinox knew what was best for everyone? So Mass homicide is all we needed for equality. Can't discriminate if we're all endangered... That's literally what they tried. God damn it Zylax, you have white hair aren't supposed to be smart or at least wise? You should know that they were wrong. You should know that death and suffering would have just made things worst." Shade's face paints a picture of pain and pity with her voice being faintly distraught

"You never listened when I told you our plan was never to kill, we only started once we had no other choice to. We didn't start that god awful war, that dictator did. And your father followed so blindly once he saw how much people wanted it to be over. Their cries would've been todays cheers if he had just stayed and Listened" his eyes burns disgust and anger into shade's eyes

Shade's fingers dig into the wood table making a few strands of wood stand upright " I thought you said my father wasn't the problem! It was "Libraire"! IF YOU'RE GOING TO LIE TO ME ATLEAST STAY CONSISTENT, YOU FUCKER!" She demands, now slouching over the table.

"Your father isn't the problem, it's who he was in the past that is!" Zylax rebuttals in a calm tone with slight aggression

 "Then why do you insist on calling my father by your "enemy's" name? Why call your "enemy respectful? Why see him in any positives light?" her voice agitated but her demeaner is calm as she sits back down.

"I thought that if I connect Libraire "the hero" to Victor "The father" I could see him as not my enemy. I could truly let go of some of my trauma, and see the hero Libraire... But no, a part of me didn't want to accept it. I love your father as my father but I won't be able to love him as much to consider him as the father I wish I was given; all because he's still Libraire." Zylax's eye are tearing but his face shows no sadness or regret, it shows nothing but Shade's face shows an equal mix of anger and curiosity. 

"What did Libraire do to you to the point your subconscious would hate a person you actively love?" she questions in a distant voice

Zylax stares into her eyes with his eyes piloted with anger "Libraire killed my parents in front of me. HE DIDN'T BOTHER TO SHEILD MY EYES, SHOW THEM ANY RESPECT, OR TO EVEN APOLOGIZE.!" Zylax's voice was cold as he sank deeper into his chair "he just took them." The cafe noticeably gets louder as the nearby seats empty themselves and traffic turns scarce. 

" A terrorist's group deserves NO respect. Don't get pissed just because my father took care of a threat! I will apologize on his past self's behalf for letting you go through that, but no one owes you a DAMN THING FOR WATCHING YOUR PARENTS DIE! YOU'LL GET YOUR THANKS FOR ACTUALLY TRYING TO DO SOME DAMN GOOD WITH ALL THAT BUT THAT'S IT!" Shade inhales A LOT of people have lost their families before their eyes. But your "enemy" or "opponent" tried to make it up by accepting the chances of you trying to kill him. Be grateful she then sighs before saying "I have to go Zylax" the bite was enough to chomp a tree in half, her eyes now a neon purple, she then hastily leaves the cafe; leaving scorch burns on the floor with every step.