
Villain in Shepherd's cloth

AU. (Sorry for any cringe) A world of superpowers named Quinx or Quinxez (pl) has the casual hero, villain, and everything in between. With some crooked Heroes and misunderstood Villains someone has to "Have the moral high ground"

Mystice · Khoa huyễn
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16 Chs

A Suit To Ensure A Life of Freedom

The sun dawns onto the city as people return from work and others going to, street lights turning off as TV's are turned on, and nightly businesses closing as the day businesses open. At this time the city life aura has calmed down to a big town like aura. Only to be interrupted by A laugh followed by "You're right! but!" in a crazed high pitched voice. It's a stumbling Zylax holding two bottles, one resembles a clear tear drop slowly climbing from a crystal clear to a light ocean blue reading "Zeke's Rum" in silver engraving on the glass, the other reads "Nik's Vodka" in gold text on paper pasted onto it's brown glass bottle with a feather like design along the entire bottle.

"Who are you talking to?" Libraire questions with his arms crossed as he gets off of the wall he was leaning on, his relaxing yet gruff voice in a now disappointed tone.

"The last fucka I went drinking with, who else!" Zylax replies in the same crazed voice before chuckling.

Libraire looks at him with scorn before suddenly looking down to the side *Do I have a right to be like this? He's just a teen, I don't think he's even had a moment to properly mourn his parents, let alone everyone who died that were a part of the Equ-, A part of Them. He probably still has survivors guilt. Libraire sighs before continuing "Could you have at least announced you were quitting in person, they deserve that much, and I'm not going to let anyon-".

"YES LIKE THAT STOPPED ANYONE!" Zylax says cutting Victor off "LEs we NOT Forget How That Worked!" he adds before hysterically laughing as his voice begins to go back to normal. "Shit I need to take a couple more gulps before continuing with you." he says with the Rum a hair away from his mouth.

"My father is trying Zylax, can you at least take that? Can you at least take that he's trying to not put people's deaths to waste?" Shade says with detest.

"Shade I can get that death may be new in your life, but if trying was ever enough divorces wouldn't exist, just like this flawed world we reside in. If your father didn't try to protect the same flawed world he grew up in, we'd still have Dauze! We'd have simpler lives! Hell!-"

"If the Equinox was supposed to do all these great things, Why did They choose to suddenly challenge the world order?" Melia (Libraire's wife) adds with held emotions.

"You know to this day! I have no clue. I'm pretty sure my Parents don't know why they had to fucking die for something they believed in, other than wanting to die along Family! No one knows why the leader of this district chose to suddenly ANNihilate All OF OUR WOrk! " Zylax finishes in a weakened anger before continuing in a sorrowful voice . "Just like no one knows why all the other branches of the Equinox had to fall. The deities Liked the other branches, Youl Liked the other branches! Hell! The fucking Elves LIKED The Equinox as A WHOLE! So why did they fall?" Zylax tosses his right hand over his shoulder before heading for the door.

"Where are you going!?" Libraire asks in a demanding tone, launching his hand towards Zylax, but before it can reach him a miniature lightning wall blocks Libraire.

"Oh yeah, my Quinx.. is a Ctrl C type. I'm about to go get a drink. So if you want to talk to me text me." Zylax states before leaving.

But he didn't finish the bottles he came in with? Melia thinks looking at the door before looking at her depressed husband "I feel like that was aimed towards you. If this is one of the things you don't want to talk about, I can understand. But if that's the case You have to be the one to fix it!" she says in a soft voice with a caring but demanding tone.

"Why should my father try to bring Him back, right now he's just a toxic element in our fam-" Before Shade could finish that sentence she's slapped with enough force to make any and all loose spit fly out of her mouth.

It was Melia, wearing a face of anger and disbelief "He's been with us since you were in seventh grade! We may not Know what's been happening recently but, I Will not allow for my family to turn their back on Family! Flesh and blood may be different but that doesn't mean we haven't shared moments and emotions, Of The Same Damn Value!" she says with light tears running down her face.

I guess my mom is right, but right now he is Not treating us like family. If something is wrong in his life why won't he- Oh. The fight. That still doesn't give you the reason, you could've told both my parents at the very least. Shade looks down with a hint of anger before sighing and saying "If he says one out of line thing, You will be his family. After Dauze and now coming into OUR Family home with that bullshit, he's not the kind of son or brother we can accept right now." Shade's voice was quiet but fueled; with her head still low.

Melia sighs a small breath of relief "Thank you." she says in her sweet voice I've never seen him like this so I was kinda scared of meeting him alone.


"Oh come on you old feck! You only close in half an hour!" Zylax yells through the glass to an old white haired man who just keeps tapping on his watch, seeing the old man isn't budging Zylax sighs "Fine! I'm going to PJ's!" Zylax yells at the old man with an annoyed voice that matches his face.

As Zylax turns around he bumps into Schluzle (The weather boy) who respond with a feminine Umph sound followed by a hiss "Watch where you're going!-" he says before turning to see a naïve and surprised look on Zylax's face "oh it's you. You know if you had told people in person your guilt would be easier." he comments looking at Zylax's eyes They're empty, regretful. I kinda feel bad for you, imagine having your whole life going to shit and the reason is because of some possible BS. Couldn't be me. He thinks doing a mental smirk.

"It ain't guilt it's anga'. Now if you don't mind I need a bit of the old bitter sweet sap" Zylax corrects the cat male before taking the last swig of his Rum.

Schluzle gives an inquisitive look "Normally when someone as high as yourself gives up it's more so guilt than anger, so are you sure it's not guilt?" he asks, his voice matching his face.

He definitely pays attention during the interviews, too much attention. Zylax thinks while giving the cat boy a blanket stare "Because I failed the races who had trusted in me. Right now I reckon I'm one of the most hated persons alive right now." Zylax says in a low voice. Only for a moment though. Lucky me the las bit of the thought is filled with sarcasm 

He is a good actor, but in the world of Quinxes those skills come useless against few Schluzle sighs before shaking his head "Why do you keep hiding behind words? It's like you keep giving half truths that are somehow complete." He says.

If his voice had any masculinity I would say he was genuinely irritated. "Fine! I'm pissed that I've failed people with most of them Being Dead. Now If you don't mind I gotta find another drink." Zylax finishes up with his eyes less glazed.

"I heard tea helps soothe over hangovers." Melia says smirking behind Zylax