
Villain: I became a god

Not my work or cover! Su Mo Transmigrated into another world and became the Male Succubus with infinite bloodline potential. On the surface he is an ordinary earl in the human world while in secret he is the Succubus demon god. One day beings from another eWorld transmigrated and is given the identity of either a Villain or Protagonist, and he Su Mo was a villain

FoxyTale · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Game Starts

"Lord Count, a letter from the royal family has arrived" said a maid

Inside a luxurious room, a beautiful woman stood at the side while in a chair sat a elegant handsome man with long black hair and pinkish red eyes.

"Give it" a soothing voice came out of the man yet it was full of temptation.

The maid quickly gave the letter to the man while keeping her head low not daring to look at the man's face.

'The Count is amazing' the maid thought.

Every maid in the castle admire his looks and would feel insecure and not worthy.

The Count is well known for his wealth and is probably the richest noble in the entire New Moon kingdom.

It is said that even the queen's wealth may not be comparable even though the kingdom is considered more wealthy then average.

His looks and wealth are reason why many woman fawn over him while man envied him.

"You can leave" the beautiful woman beside the man said.

"Yes" the maid quickly bowed and left the room.

Su Mo cut his finger a little and smeared it on the royal insignia. The letter is enchanted with magic so no one except Su Mo can open it otherwise the letter would destroy itself.

Su Mo can already guess what the letter is about before he even open it.

The Queen usually send him a letter for his products such as soap, toothbrushes, etc which can only be produced in his territory.

But Su Mo can see with a glance that the content the queen sent is not about that.

The main purpose of the letter, to sum it up is the queen wants Su Mo to head to the capital.

"Master, the queen is probably already in love with you. Your charm can even overwhelm divine light from heavens" The woman beside him said with a charming smile.

Su Mo sighed and with a slight movement from his finger the letter catch fire and turn to ash.

"Xi Wei, make preparations" Su Mo said lightly.

"Yes Master" The woman Xi Wei bowed.

Su Mo got up from his chair and left the room. He came to the balcony and pondered while looking at his territory.

His castle is placed on the side of a mountain overlooking his prosperous territory.

The territory is very lively with people from all walks of life, carriages coming and going. Caravans of New moon kingdom as well as from the surrounding Kingdoms can be seen from time to time.

Even in the sky you can occasionally see flying monsters and flying ships. These was the result of his hard work.

"Twenty years" Su Mo whispered.

It's been Twenty years since he reborn in this world called the World of Gods and as you can guess from the name this world is filled with gods.

Amongst Nobles are baron, viscount, Counts, Marquis, and Dukes. However, Su Mo, a small time Count is richer then most if not all of them.

He used his knowledge from his past world to invent it in this world which earned him a lot of wealth. But becoming a wealthy Count was not Su MO's treated achievement over the two decades.

After standing on the balcony for a while, he went back to his office.

Which a slight move from his hand the castle gate close. On the wall, a large number of patterns lit up and covered every corner of the castle.

Now even if a nuclear bomb goes off, no one will hear or notice any movement from outside.

After blocking the entire castle, he swiped his finger and a hexagram appears on the floor. Inside the hexagram, a black portal was rapidly forming and afterward he stepped inside.

On the other side of the portal was a new world. The world was red and gray, there was no sun and only a blood colored moon is ever present.

The light from the blood moon outline countless demon from big to small, on the ground or in the sky. Here is the Abyss.

With one step on the ground a terrifying aura best out ofSu Mo and scared every demon in the surrounding area.

"The Demon god has come!!!" The demons came to a halt before they kneeled on the ground with their body shaking from fear.

Su Mo eyes swept over the crowd of demons before quietly spreading a pair of wings on his back and with a single flap he disappeared.

The demons breathed a sigh of relief but didn't dare to get up until much later after Su Mo left.

"Hurry up, we have to mature the nightmare tree before our god returns!

Under the bloody moonlight, a large number of devilishly charming woman surrounded the a strange tree.

They are demon of lust, or more accurately named by the humans the succubus demon.

They are name demon of lust because if they appear in the human world, they can charm man and women and control them to the point where one look will drive them to suicide.

Right now the succubuses are injecting their demonic energy into the nightmare tree trying to ripen it before their god returns.

With the work of all of them, the nightmare tree kept growing with more branches growing and trunk thicken.

After a long time with constant injection of demonic energy, a blood colored flower bloom on a branch of the nightmare tree.

"Success!" The succucuses cheered. Everyone of them couldn't help but feel really happy.

"This is great news my Queen, if this keeps up we will be able to create 100 or so more nightmare tree. Our god will definitely be happy when he returns!" In the sky a petite looking woman spoke to another voluminous woman with a blackish red crown.

Before the queen can reply and powerful aura covered all of them.

"God is back!" A succubus exclaim with joy as well as all the other woman.

They spread their wings and one by one flew to the sky to welcome their god.

In the sky Su Mo float down slowly. Unlike in the human world where he was elegant and noble enough to fascinate a lady, he was now devilishly handsome enough to captivate anyone. This is what all succubus posses but his charm was on another level.

This is the other achievement Su Mo made in his two decades in this world. On the surface he is a small but extremely wealthy count but in the dark and abyss, Su Mo was in fact a demon god.

The Main reason he can become a demon god in only two decades while other takes hundreds of years is because he was reborn as a male succubus but his bloodline is special as it can adapt and evolve endlessly.

The human kingdom on the surface is shrouded with divine light from the gods they worship which didn't give Su Mo much room to move up there which was why he went to the Abby's where he fits in and has many opportunity for a demon like him.

Which his special bloodline, it took him 10 years to become a demon king and another 10 years to become a demon god.

Like the human world, the Abyss also has kingdoms which are called Dynasty. This is his territory, the succubus dynasty.

After Su Mo became a demon god he United all the succubus tribes with the succubus dynasty which was only small back then. With his breakthrough the succubus race finally had a foothold in the abyss after countless millennia.

Su Mo also changed the way they reproduce. Before they would kidnap men from different race and yeah…..but now Su Mo, created and gave them the nightmare tree, as long as the tree is provided with enough demonic energy or magic energy, the big are tree can quickly breed succubus. In this way the succubus overall bloodline is purer which held higher potential.

After becoming a demon god, Su Mo hide his aura when he goes to the human world and with little effort he was titled a Count. With his charm even the Queen was captivated even though Divine light shined on the kingdom.

It this continues it won't be long before Su Mo completely control the New Moon kingdom in the shadows

"Master~" The succubuses who came to greet him bowed and said.

Su Mo swept his eyes across the dynasty as well as the number of nightmare tree that has since increase by 100.

"Well done, Barbara" Su Mo said lightly.

"Master, it is what I should do" Barbara was the succubus that was appointed by Su Mo to be the queen of succubus dynasty.

"How's the situation in the flint abyss" Su Mo asked.

There are many layers in the abyss and there are many conflicted being fought. Here, wars between dynasty's are more often fought over magic stones which is the crystallization of the abyss energy.

Su Mo also need a lot of Magic crystals in order to increase the number of succubus and enhance their powers. Although the succubuses could just inject magic energy of the stone in the nightmare tree, it'll take to much Demonic energy and it'll be harmful.

The flint abyss layer is where they discovered a mine with a large number of magic crystals.

"Master, it's almost done. The Firestone abyss is currently jointly occupied by three dynasties. With the strength of our dynasty we should be able to seized an area by launching a war" Barbara said.

"Go prepare, in a month I want to see your army" Su Mo replied

"Yes Master!" Barbara respectfully bowed.

Su Mo was about to help Barbara boost her strength when a sudden mechanical voice sounded in his head.

[Transmigration successful]

[Protagonist and villain confrontation game is launching…]

[Identification and placement is in progress——]