
Villain: I became a god

Not my work or cover! Su Mo Transmigrated into another world and became the Male Succubus with infinite bloodline potential. On the surface he is an ordinary earl in the human world while in secret he is the Succubus demon god. One day beings from another eWorld transmigrated and is given the identity of either a Villain or Protagonist, and he Su Mo was a villain

FoxyTale · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Chat with the devil (1/2)

"Haha, compared to the other protagonist don't I have the best gold finger?" In a certain city, a per self mumbled to himself.

He was walking around the streets. Every now and then he would reach out his hand and poke someone.

To anyone seeing this they would think that he was a retard but in fact, every time he poke someone he receive something.

[You picked up strength attribute + 0.2]

[You picked up fire magic attribute +5]

On the system panel, messages appears as he poke someone.

"Heh, the area new the magic academy definitely has greater harvest. Unfortunately, there no way to encounter those powerful magician otherwise the gains would be even greater" the man muttered to himself.

This person is also a protagonist and his gold finger is picking up attributes with a touch. There will be some bubbles around some people and as long as he poke it he can obtain attribute value.

These bubbles is not fixed and will disappeared over time. His guess is that some people exclude power when cultivating or doing something but no one can see it. With his gold finger he will be able to pick up the excluded attributes.

He also found that the stronger the person he touches the greater the gains he got. It's a pity with his current status and power he has no way to get into contact with stronger beings. He has been wondering around the magic academy for the past two days and had really good harvest.

It's just that he hadn't encountered too many magician or knights since many powerful magician and knights like to go into seclusion and practice. Magician in particular study magic and that process could take years of seclusion.

'The bronze level system still has too many restrictions and the number of times I can pick up per day is limited. When I accumulate enough power I should go kill some villains and upgrade my gold finger' the man thought.

Although the gold finger is good, it is still not great due to the restriction. Fortunately for him, bronze level gold finger is enough since his strength has grown a lot in the past two days.

'If I pick up some more magic talent, I can enter the academy and show off my talents then I could be cultivated by them' the man thought happily.

His gold finger can be said to be a laid back type since he doesn't need to put in much effort, as long he touches a strong enough person and keep accumulating attributes, he will become a powerhouse in no time.

Although his gold finger is bronze level and is limited, once he becomes stronger it won't be difficult to hunt down protagonist and upgrade his gold finger. Moreover, compared to other protagonist he believe he is less Likely to be exposed.

He just wander the streets every day, with so many people on the streets who would notice him. His radar warning is twice that of a villain so as long as he avoid a villain he can grow quietly.

"Hey the bubbles on that person is so big"

at this time the protagonist found a person with a big bubble. After the protagonist found him he quickly followed the man. As long as he poke the bubble his harvest will definitely be good so he quickly chase him.

The man disappeared into a alley way and the protagonist followed suit. However, just after chasing the man a Wooden stick suddenly fell from the sky.

Although the protagonist strength has broken trough first order, the strength of the other party who attacks him was obviously stronger. Before he could react he was knocked unconscious.

"The words from above said to kill a thousand by mistake then to let one go. Take him back first, if this is the right person we will make a fortune…"

"Hmm, give him some recovery powder then tie him up and send him over"

The conversion of two men sounded in the dark alley way. The protagonist who was just happy to get a good harvest today was tied up and kidnapped then carried away by a carriage that was ready to transport to a place outside the city before boarding a magic flying ship.

"Master, a batch of suspected protagonist has arrived" early in the morning, a flying ship sailed into Su MO's castle.

Several people were caught. In order to catch more protagonist gave an order to kidnap any suspected protagonist no matter what.

Of course if it's not a protagonist, Su Mo will generally implant false memory and take them back to not cause trouble. The first batch, there were no protagonist amongst the crowd of people now the second batch has come that's from another direction.

After being released, one by one they started waking up. Su MO's looked over these tied up people until his eyes stopped on a person.

This time's batch was better then the first since he could see a protagonist amongst the group of ordinary people.

"Nancy, keep this kid and bring everyone else" Su Mo said.

"Yes master" Nancy waved her hand and a few men came in and took everyone adept one.

After everyone left, Su Mo activated magic circle then his eyes glowed red.

"Pick up attributes?" After knowing his gold finger, Su Mo smiled. This protagonist gold finger is also a system, a bronze level pickup system.

For him, this function of this system is more useful than the krypton gold system. The people the protagonist can use are now too weak, what good attribute can he pick up?

But Su Mo was different, his identity as a demon god goes well with this gold finger because there are many other demon gods in the abyss.

There are many powerful beings he can take advantage of in the abyss which would help his demon side.

'Let's capture the system first then go and have a chat with some other demon gods' Su Mo thought

After his first time extracting a system type gold finger, the second one was much easier. His demon aura starts to emerge and before he was in full demon form he killed the protagonist and grabbed the air.

While grabbing the system he also grabbed the protagonist luck and his luck went from -50 to -25. It should turned positive after killing another protagonist.

Although luck doesn't do anything in short term it'll be a game changer in the long term either in a good way or a bad way. Of course, it'll only start to take affect after a long time.

Moreover, after becoming a silver level villain, you can use villain points to reverse your luck. It's just that villain points are limited, plus, he can grab luck so why would he waste villain points.

[Ding! Bronze level Gold finger detected, do you wish to spend 100 villain points to capture?]

Su Mo already knows the general function of the pick up system so he directly spend 100 villain points to capture. Afterwards, Su Mo looked at the explanation of the system.

Just like mention before, there are restriction such as limit on a number you can pick up a day which was twelve times, if you exes that limit thwarting your harvest would be halved.

"System, load" In the hall, after figuring out the function on the pick up system, Su Mo said lightly.

[System loading 1%…20%…50%…..]

[Pick up system loaded successfully]

Su Mo looked at Nancy who was beside him and found a transparent bubble beside her,of course Nancy couldn't see the bubble.

Su Mo reached out his hand to the bubble and the bubble burst. Immediately afterwards, a prompt appeared on the system panel.

[You picked up spirit +5, charm +3]

The attributes he got from Nancy we not bad because she is relatively powerful. After the bubble is popped it should not appear in a short time since it probably works on accumulation.

"Nancy, I'll be out for a while, your in charge of the castle" After Su Mo spoke he waved his hand and a hexagram appeared when opened a black hole to the abyss and left.

As he appeared in the abyss he released his demon form as wings grew from his back and left. This time he didn't go to the succubus dynasty.

The succubus dynasty is under his control and he could see the dynasty is actively preparing for war. He could see Many different demon species could be seen and it could be seen that the scale of the war they're preparing for was not small.

The wars between some bigger dynasty are numbered up to tens of Millions and even hundred of million. That is because the abyss doesn't care if the demons are old, young, or sick because here there is only the strong and the weak.

Ordinary creatures in the abyss in large scale wars are only cannon fodders. The role of cannon fodder is only to reduce the man army with quantity, if your army doesn't have cannon fodder then the war will be more difficult.

Soon, Su Mo arrived at a deep ravine.

Many demons stay away from deeper part of the abyss because the creature that resides in it are stronger then the surface abyss.

He arrived at a part of a r waving filled with large amount of creatures and there is a huge magic spell on the outer areas of the ravine.

Here is the location of a certain powerful demon dynasty. Going through such a large amount of creature is difficult even if your a demon king however, Su Mo was a demon god and his aura was enough to scare off most creatures.

"Someone is invading!"

"Fuck, it's a Devil!"

"Quick, inform our god!"

When the demons of the dynasty sense Su MO's aura and their expression turned grim. The king of the dynasty quickly inform the devil behind the dynasty.

Only a demon god can deal with another demon god