
Villain: Destiny Transfer System

Wang Chen, a sore loser, was on his way back to his apartment after being rejected by his company boss once again. As he approached the alleyway leading to his apartment, he was suddenly knocked out by the most beautiful woman he had ever seen from the blue star planet. The woman kissed him and then threw him into a void that led to another world. When Wang Chen woke up, he realized that he had been transmigrated into the body of another nobody loser in this new world. He thought that his new life would be even more tragic than his previous one, but suddenly something strange happened. [Ding! Found a suitable successor for Destiny Transfer System] [Does the successor want to bind with the system?] How could Wang Chen miss this opportunity to turn his life around? He quickly responded with a "yes." [Congratulations, host, for binding with the Destiny Transfer System.] [With the help of the system, you can loot other people's chances. If you manage to loot the chances of the protagonist, conquer the heroines, and steal their luck, you will receive additional benefits.] "Hahaha," Wang Chen laughed, thinking that his life would be amazing from now on. However, little did Wang Chen know that he was now a crucial piece in a mysterious conspiracy involving powerful immortal beings who controlled the cosmos. Would Wang Chen be able to survive in this new world and uncover the truth behind the conspiracy, or would he become a pawn in a much larger game? -----×-----×-----×------×------×------×------×------×------×---- A/N:- I'm a newbie author who has just started writing. I'm on a journey to learn more and create an interesting story that you can all enjoy. As English is not my native language, I understand that the starting chapters may be a little hard to read. However, I assure you that I am working hard to edit them and make them more understandable for everyone. So please bear with me as I improve my skills and continue to bring you my story. I appreciate your support and feedback along the way. Thank you! Monthly Goals:- 100GT - 1 Bonus Chapter 200GT - 2 Bonus Chapter 500 PS - 1 Bonus Chapter 800 PS -2 Bonus Chapter 1 Magic Castle - 5 Bonus Chapters

YAMRAAJ_021 · Kỳ huyễn
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147 Chs

Joining hands with Villian

"System show me his status!" Wang Chen said to the system.

[Ding! Consuming 250 Destiny Points to view the status of villain 'Su Chen'.]

'He is villian ?' Wang Chen exclaimed in surprise as he didn't expect this good natured guy to be a villain.

[ Status ]

[ Name : Su Chen

Special Identity : Villain

Luck : Gray

Cultivation Realm : Seventh stage Core Formation Realm

Talent : Profound Grade Cultivation Talent

Favorability : 20 (Friendly)

Treasure : 150000 Low Grade Spirit stones, 10 Mid Grade Spirit stones, "Bloodthirsty Fang" Dagger(High Earth Grade), Storage Ring Level -1 (High Grade)

Technique : Su Family Cultivation Technique (Profound Grade), Cloud-Cutting Dagger, Flowing Water Palm.

Destiny : 800 Points needed to know

Chances : 1000 Points to view chances ]

"Even to view a villain's status, I require Destiny Points? It appears that I will have to work harder and snatch more opportunities from now on," Wang Chen sighed heavily as he contemplated his lack of Destiny Points.

"But, why is his cultivation level so high? And he possesses a treasure like a 'Storage Ring'? As far as I know, such rings are only found in the Canglian dynasty. In the entire Wukang Kingdom, people only have access to storage bags," Wang couldn't help but think that villains aren't poor at all.

Wang Chen also noticed Su Chen's Gray coloured luck, which meant something bad was gonna happen to Su Chen.

And Wang Chen thought this would be the best opportunity to gain more trust from Su Chen and help him suppress the protagonist.

As the saying goes, "an enemy's enemy is a friend."


"Young Master Su, I'm happy to join your faction and help you with the best capability of mine" Wang Chen said as he cupped his hands.

"Hahaha I'm happy to hear that and no need to call me Young master, you can call me brother Su" Su Chen didn't know but he was getting a feeling that he can trust Wang Chen easily and felt more comfortable around him.

"Then I won't be polite anymore, Brother Su" Wang Chen said with a smile.

"Great, I like that spirit, Wang Chen. Let's work together to make our faction stronger and more prosperous," Su Chen replied with a grin.

Wang Chen nodded eagerly. "Yes, brother Su. I'll do my best to contribute and prove my worth to the faction."

Su Chen smiled, feeling content with his new ally. "Good to hear. Rest up for today, Wang Chen. We'll meet again soon and discuss our plans for the future."

"Understood, brother Su. I'll see you soon," Wang Chen replied, bowing respectfully as Su Chen left.

Wang Chen also checked the status of the other followers before they left Su Chen and discovered something interesting.





Wang Chen noticed Li Mei standing not far away, looking at him with guilt. He walked over to her and gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "It's alright, Li Mei. It's not your fault."

Li Mei didn't say anything and just nodded at what Wang Chen said.

Wang Chen led the way towards his cabin, with Li Mei trailing behind him. Despite his excitement about joining Su Chen's faction, Wang Chen couldn't help but notice Li Mei's nervousness. She fidgeted with her clothes and kept her head down, as if she was afraid to look at him.

Wang Chen wondered if she was still feeling guilty about what happened before.

Li Mei didn't say anything just following him.

As they approached the cabin, Wang Chen opened the door and was hit by the nauseating smell again. He turned to look at Li Mei, who was standing a few steps behind him. She seemed to be struggling to keep her head down, as if she was afraid to meet his gaze and wasn't speaking.

She avoided his gaze at first, but then mustered up the courage to speak.

"I'm sorry, Master Wang Chen. I should have cleaned your cabin, but I fell ill and was unable to do so." Li Mei said, bowing her head in shame.

Wang Chen scratched his head, feeling a little embarrassed for not realizing how difficult it would be for a mortal to clean the cabin. "Oh, I see. It's alright, Li Mei. You don't have to apologize. It was my fault for not thinking about it before,"

Li Mei's shoulders relaxed as she felt relieved that Wang Chen wasn't angry with her. She smiled weakly and said, "Thank you for understanding, Master Wang Chen."

Wang Chen smiled and replied, "No need to thank me, Li Mei. I understand it was tough for you. Please, have a seat and rest while I clean up the cabin. You look exhausted."

Li Mei nodded gratefully and sat down on a nearby chair, feeling relieved that she didn't have to clean up the mess. Wang Chen got to work cleaning up the cabin, making sure to rid it of the nauseous smell.





After cleaning up the cabin, Wang Chen went to Li Mei and said with a smile, "Li Mei, can you bring me a bath of water?"

Li Mei, thinking that Wang Chen wanted to take a bath after cleaning up, quickly prepared a large bucket of hot water. But when she brought it to him, Wang Chen just smiled and said, "This water is not for me but for you"

"Huh? What do you mean by it? I already took a bath and I didn't even help in cleaning anything" Li Mei said with a confused expression on her face.

"System show me Li Mei status" Wang said to system.






Dear readers, I am committed to uploading two chapters per day for your reading pleasure. As you may know, I have already uploaded the first chapter after the server update. However, I am still unsure about the timing for the second chapter. Therefore, I would like to ask for your input on this matter. What time in GMT+8 would be most convenient for you to read the second chapter?

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