
Villain Above Villains

What are you looking at? You want synopsis ? Blah !! If you want to read, read it. And not then scram !! I will be little nice and give you some hints. The mc is absolutel bitch, a villain, a motherfucker who has no qualms about destroying the world for his own ambition. That's all.

Xian_Xuan · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

Marry Her To Be Your Wife

Zuigao Meili , she has been known as Northern Heaven Untainted Goddess for more than three thousand years. 

During her debut , everyone was only attracted by her unparalleled beauty but after her debut , the world got the opportunity to be graced by her godly voice .

Although her status can't be compared with Phoenix Ascension House , her reputation as the Northern Heaven Untainted Goddess is more than enough for even the leader of Phoenix Ascension House to treat her well .

But of course, power is power and reputation is just a reputation. 

How can she resist the authority of Phoenix Ascension House , after all her homeland is Phoenix Ascension City .

Her family was a mortal but she was lucky to be blessed by Heaven which in return earned her the unparalleled reputation .

Even after three thousand years , her cultivation has stagnated to the Heavenly Deity Realm . She was blessed with beauty but unfortunately Heaven was ruthless to steal her talent for cultivation. 

While she is called one of the most reputable people in Northern Heaven , she still is no powerhouse. 

There were many pursuers who tried to pursue her during her teenage years and even now there are countless mens that want to make her their concubine, alas she refused them all .

After all, she does not want to be someone's concubine but a wife , the wife who would share her life with her husband .

So when she was proposed by lots in the past to become their concubine , she always felt sad .

Her beauty may have transcended Heaven yet her fate never transcends the Destiny to become someone else's concubine .

This is also when Void asked the mysterious man next to him to make Zuigao Meili his concubine , her eyes revealed traces of pain and sadness .

"You heard him right ?"

Void was leisurely resting on the chair while looking at everyone, he didn't give a damn about what others would think about him .

Void smiles and confidently sneers .

"Young man , she is my honorable guest for tonight , you can't disrespect her like this "

Zheng Taiyang frowns and restrains himself from raging on Void , his voice was calm yet serious .

Void meets his lazy eyes with those powerful eyes , he then opens his lips. 

" oldman , have you heard of Heng Tiankuo from Phoenix Ascension House ?"

Zheng Taiyang does not understand what he meant by that but nods his head .

"Of course, who doesn't know the young master Tiankuo of the Phoenix Ascension House ?"

"But why are you mentioning him ?"

Void nods his head in understanding and reveals a calm smile .

His voice was calm and very peaceful .

"To tell you the truth , I have his support "

After everyone heard him , they were frozen , even their souls felt chill all over .

Void still has a calm smile but his voice was growing sarcastic. 

"Oh great oldman, can you please repeat that whatever dramatic line you just said for a second time since my ears are itching to hear them once more "

The muscle on Void's face twists and turns , distorts and becomes extremely hideous , ugly yet very scary .


Zheng Taiyang felt as if his blood was boiling and his pressure was about to explode , he had never suffered such humiliation before .

Isn't that little brat challenging his prestige and dignity in front of everyone .

But even if their Jewel Flower has a terrifying background , they can still not overestimate themselves and go up against Phoenix Ascension House .

After all, in the end, their Jewel Flower is not someone capable going up against Phoenix Ascension House who has deep foundation and has been existing since countless epoch ago .

Although Phoenix Ascension House calls themselves Ancient Immortal Powerhouse, in reality, they have long surpassed that level and is actually a supreme powerhouse that can't be touched .

He grits his teeth and endures the humiliation , seeing that even a dignified Tribulation Realm powerhouse was rendered powerless , those guest's present in the room were also forced to retreat .

Void calmly smiles , feeling extremely satisfied . He turns to look at Zuigao Meili and observes her very carefully, admiring her beauty and her unique charm .


He deliberately licks his lips , unhurriedly running his tongue all over his lips whilst his eyes are running all over Zuigao Meili's pure body that has never been tainted by the impurities of the world. 

"I just casually visited this building yet now I found a concubine who has such beauty , I think I am one truly lucky bastard "

"Hehehe "

Void chuckles , his lascivious gaze makes Zuigao Meili very uncomfortable. 

"Halt there , i ask you to stop your offensive behavior against goddess Zuigao Meili "

"Now who is this bitch ?"

Void has an unsightly face , with bitter taste in his tongue he turns to check and finds Heng Xing walks to him with an elegant air around him .

"It's young master Heng , with him here goddess Zuigao Meili is saved "

"Humph, that lowly scumbag wants to dream about our goddess , dream on "

"He isn't even worthy of our goddess hair , how dare he be so arrogant? "

Void heaves a deep sigh and shakes his head , looking at that divine silhouette, he can't help but turn to look at Zuigao Meili. 

"Fellow Daoist , I am Heng Xing and the third son of Phoenix Ascension House "

"I have witness how you have been humiliating the goddess Zuigao Meili while also causing trouble for elder Zheng Taiyang , I hope you restrain yourself from going further "

Heng Xing was calm and elegant , his eyes were full of confidence yet his words held threat .

Void was silent for a moment , he observed Heng Xing from top to bottom. 

After a while , he turned to the mysterious man and asked him .

"Hey, is he really the third son of Phoenix Ascension House and not a scammer ?"


Being doubted about his identity left Heng Xing to feel displeased , since his birth , he has always experienced fame , power and authority. 

But this kind of humiliation was not something he had ever felt before , causing him to glare at Void with a bit of dissatisfaction. 

"Young hero Void , he really is the third son of the Phoenix Ascension House "

Void nods his head in understanding after receiving confirmation, turning to look at that arrogant face of Heng Xing as he expresses his surprise .

"Wow , you are really third son of the Phoenix Ascension House "

"And here I was thinking, which brave conman dares to pretend before me ?"

Heng Xing smiles and is satisfied , he looks at Void with his supreme gaze capable of looking down on everyone .

"Now that you know who I am , please apologies to them and leave from here "

His voice was absolute , there was no space for negotiations .

With his dignified status exalted enough to garner respect and fame even if he was to visit the end of the Northern Heaven , he can command stars and moon . So he was sure that Void will also be the same , no need to waste his breath on Void .

"Are you fucking stupid ?"

But suddenly, contrary to his expectation, something very unpleasant reached his soul , stunning him in his position. 

"What — what did you say ?"

He looks at Void with uncertainty , he does not know what he just heard .

Did he misheard something ?

Not only him but even those around were stunned , even the mysterious man himself was petrified .

Void was still lazy and leisurely. 

"Didn't you hear me ? "

"I suppose that what happen when one let's his arrogance cloud his vision and cause him to degenerate into ignorant bitch "

"I said , go fuck yourself if you want me to leave such beautiful concubine "

Void was not shaken even after hearing the identity of Heng Xing , instead he just did the work of rebelling against his identity. 

As long as one is in Phoenix Ascension House's territory , they need to follow the rule set by Phoenix Ascension House but Void didn't care about that , as for why , nobody knows about it .

"Fellow Daoist , I am being soft and friendly with you but why do you have to be so hard ?"

Heng Xing frowned on Void , his mood getting worse and worse .

He has set his eyes on Zuigao Meili so how can he let this man steal her ? He wants to win the heart of Zuigao Meili like a proper gentleman yet a devil has entered in his love story which has not even started yet .

"What should I do then ?"

"You being soft with me have no shit with me "

"Tuck your tail , turn around and SCRAM! !!"

Void waves his sleeve while pointing his finger at Heng Xing , he didn't give a damn about whatever identity Heng Xing possessed .

After all , his solo motive is to cause chaos in Phoenix Ascension House , who cares if this man resents him or not .

In fact , he can use the identity of being Heng Tiankuo's man to sow discord in relationships between brothers and sisters just to cause chaos .

He will join Heng Tiankuo and follow all his orders , be it good or evil , he will become the most trusted and loyal subordinate of Heng Tiankuo while at the sametime continuing to cause the flame of chaos to spread everywhere like a wildfire .

"Fellow Daoist , time after time , you have been challenging the dignity of Phoenix Ascension House , do you think I will stand still while tolerating all those disrespect ?"

"I am being generous and magnanimous to not cause you any trouble but you are trying to dance on my head "

"Just because I showed you bit of kindness, you are starting to think that I am weak and harmless "

Heng Xing wanted to attack on Void but Void waves his sleeve once again and stands up , with a dangerous aura around him he opens his lips .

"Heng Xing , stop this childish behavior "

"If you are a man then admit it openly that you are just trying to impress Zuigao Meili and nothing more "

"Humph "

Void sneers coldly, contemptuously glaring at Heng Xing. 

Heng Xing was taken back but he didn't waver , those around them started to observe him while wondering if what Void said was true or not ?

But Heng Xing was a wise man so he hurriedly reacted to such situations. 

He humbly explained to everyone .

"That is a misunderstanding , how would I think of that ?"

"After all , even with my status I cannot force goddess Zuigao Meili to like me , right ?"

"As a gentleman , I have a duty to protect a beauty from a danger and you , Fellow Daoist, is that danger "

Slowly but surely he threw all the black pot on Void which Void happily took for himself without any complaints .

"Bullshit !!"

Void cursed him , with a disdainful voice he continued .

"If you are so righteous then why are you making so many excuses to avoid Zuigao Meili ?"

"If you are a gentleman who protects a helpless woman , what makes you think Zuigao Meili is helpless ?"

"Is it because she has no parents to love her ?"

"Is it because she has no one to support her ?"

"What makes her helpless ?"

Heng Xing frowned deeply, he was starting to get bad premonitions in his heart. 

Although Void does 'not know anything' about Zuigao Meili , he still smiles disgustingly , he was more disgusting than the trash-human .

Revealing his teeth and his sharp tongue , he continues. 

"Do you think she is not worthy of being loved ?"

"Or do you think with her status she isn't even worthy of becoming your concubine, oh almighty third young master, what makes her so helpless and pitiful? "

"Or is that in your eyes she has the same value as those prostitute in red-light district "

With a sharp and shitty expression , Void widens his eyes and his eyeballs enlarged .

While a cold bead of sweat began to run down Heng Xing's forehead .

"Is she only enough for ONE-NIGHT-STAND "

" A medium for you to vent your lust "

And finally , Void smiles like a devil who has just achieved something very evil and sinister. 


Heng Xing frowns tightly , his blood surging and overflowing , causing him to leak his killing intent .

While on the other hand , Zuigao Meili was also deeply lost in her own world. 

She has been watching everything as a bystander despite being the main protagonist of the argument. 

She was hurt and dejected when she heard what Void said to Heng Xing , she also turned to look at Heng Xing and waited for him to fight back. 

Although she knows that there will be nothing positive coming out of Heng Xing other than those illusory words and compliments, she still had a little hope in her heart .

But then Void asked Heng Xing a question which caused everyone to be shaken .

"Hey , if you are really a so-called gentleman that fights for a beauty "

"Can you do one thing that I ask you to do? "

"Can you marry Zuigao Meili and make her your official wife? "


Everyone turned to look at Void , their eyes wide open in disbelief . But at the sametime they turned to look at Heng Xing , he was stunned and hesitating .

No words were coming out of his mouth .


Heng Xing is also speechless now since he can't do that . Although he can take Zuigao Meili as his concubine but to take her as wife , how can his family even allow such blasphemy. 

"What ? Cat got your tongue ?"

Void seemed to have expected this so he didn't react and continued .

"If you make her your wife , I am willing to give up on her "

"Still this—"

Heng Xing wanted to say something but no words came out , he has very few words to say now after getting his tongue tied .

"Listen here , if you can't support your statement wholeheartedly then stop stretching your damn leg on others business or else they may just chop off that useless legs"

"Throw that damn thing and feed it to the dog on the street "

Void walks to Zuigao Meili and takes her away , although Zheng Taiyang wanted to stop him but he didn't dare .

As for Zuigao Meili , she didn't struggle and left with him of her own volition .

After he left , the seventh floor was terrifyingly silent while Heng Xing was the only one who was clenching his fist tightly in exasperation and indignation .