
Villain's World

Welcome to Villain's World, where mercy is a forgotten language, and violence the currency of existence. Social status here is determined by one's Tier of Villainy. Though cutthroat and ruthless, Antagonia ran just fine… Until one day, portals to the Human World emerged. Hidden beneath a veil of justice and liberation, the Humans invaded their lands. Through hypocrisy and shady ploys, many Villains fell victim to these cunning Humans. The Demon Family, a once great Villain Clan, was amongst the victims. Daseos Demon, the fifth son and a child at the time, was left to fend for himself as his entire family fell to the hands of the humans. He was orphaned to the L.U.S.T Inn, a high-end brothel where the owner, Madame Allura and her courtesans became his family. This is the story of Daseos's relentless quest for revenge as he ascends the villain hierarchy. His aims are twofold: to exact vengeance for his fallen family and to safeguard Antagonia from the malevolent humans who feign justice while pillaging their lands. Join Daseos Demon as he confronts not just external adversaries, traitors but also the darker aspects of his own nature as he navigates the murky waters of a society where morals were but a joke. And of course, with the astounding death rates of this harsh environment, it only made sense that its people evolved to have turbo-charged primal urges, to survive, to destroy, to… lust. "A Villain’s World" offers a compelling narrative, filled with intricate characters, moral ambiguity, and a critique of the notions of good and evil. It is a story that uncovers the complex fabric of villainy, raising uncomfortable questions about justice, retribution, and the very nature of power.

MrBtheNovelist · Kỳ huyễn
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34 Chs

Mistress Gemini

Daseos blinked, the implication of the question dawning on him as his face turned a deeper shade of red. 

"Gem… I- I wasn't— I mean—" 

He stammered, caught utterly off guard by the embarrassing insinuation.

In the doorway stood Gem, a vision of contrasts. 

Her black and white hair flowed in two layers, a harmonious blend of purity and abyssal depth. 

The low-cut white dress and lace choker showcased her voluptuous yet powerful figure, a manifestation of both gentle curves and fierce strength, tender and dominant in equal measure. 

She was a living dichotomy, tender yet fierce, and achingly beautiful.

"Uhmm… Brother Daseos, Madame Allura said it's bad for you to pleasure yourself before you turn into an adult…" 

Daseos gulped as Gem's sugary voice floated towards him, every word dripping with honeyed innocence. 

But her words only served to further his fluster.

Daseos shook his head vehemently, desperate to clear the misunderstanding. 

"No… no… You misunderstood, Gem—"

But before he could get another word out, a sudden transformation seized Gem. 

The softness of her snow-white hair was swallowed by the intense blackness, her irises glowing a fierce crimson, reflecting a dangerous fire within.

The change was stark and instantaneous. 

The once gentle Gem was now an embodiment of controlled fury. 

Her demeanor shifted, and the air around her crackled with tension. 

The playfulness vanished, replaced by an authoritative presence.


She yelled, her voice now thunderous, reverberating in the room.

In a flash, she pulled out a whip from seemingly nowhere. 

With a deft hand, she looped it around Daseos's neck, the harsh leather biting into his skin as she dragged him further into the room, her face a picture of anger and severity.

"Arrghh—~" Daseos choked.

Daseos found himself suddenly lying on his bed.

Before Daseos could utter a protest, the whip acted of its own accord, wrapping around his limbs in elaborate patterns and knots. 

In seconds, he was sprawled on his bed, wrists and ankles bound as if about to face the wrath of a dominatrix.

Which he was.

Daseos blinked, looking at his bound state, then up at the fierce temptress who towered above him, blushing slightly as a peek of her red panties caught his eye.

"Gem...ini? What are you—"

Her sharp glare immediately cut him off. 

"What did you call me?"

"Mistress Gemini," 

He corrected quickly, a tinge of helplessness in his voice.

The room seemed to have dropped a few degrees as the dominating figure stood over him, her crimson eyes glowing ominously in the dim room.

"Now, let's get this straight, you impertinent little brat, I am your Mistress and you will obey me!"

Mistress Gemini said, her voice echoing with authority.

The shy, innocent girl that was Gem was nowhere to be seen in this commanding figure who was now circling him like a predator sizing up its prey.

Mistress Gemini sat on Daseos's crotch and slowly crawled onto Daseos, her busty chest leaning on his chest seductively.

Daseos, bewildered, turned on and somewhat terrified, stuttered in his response,

"Look... Gem, or Miss- Mistress Gemini," 

He said, trying hard to maintain eye contact with her but failing obviously…

"This isn't necessary. We are… friends, aren't we?"

Mistress Gemini paused, leaning in dangerously close, her breath caressing his ear as she whispered with a seductive yet menacing tone. 

"Oh, we can be much more than friends, Daseos~"

She stuck her hand into his shorts, her cold touch sent tingles across his entire body.


But before Daseos could fully let out a moan, Mistress Gemini SQUEEZED — HARD!

"But only if you learn to obey." She smirked.

Daseos yelp in pain, but something about the whole situation seemed to turn him on even more.

With each agonizing yet weirdly pleasurable squeeze, Daseos couldn't distinguish whether to beg for mercy or encourage her even further. 

The room buzzed with a wild, frenetic energy, a tumultuous dance of dominance and submission, lust and fear.

Daseos felt his heart pounding in his chest, his face a deep shade of crimson, partly from embarrassment and partly from the odd excitement the bizarre situation kindled in him. 

He found himself fluctuating between moans and yelps, his body betraying him as it responded to her every touch, every caress mixed with pain, every breath teasingly brushing against his skin. 

It was like a trance, where fear met desire, blurring the lines of friend and mistress, of pain and pleasure.

"Hehehe~ Why aren't you the cutest~" 

She purred as she continued to stroke him as she licked his neck, all the way to his earlobe before she bit on it hard.


Daseos groaned, but he got even harder.

He felt every nerve in his body on high alert, each touch and lick sending jolts of electricity through him.

Every teasing gesture of Mistress Gemini intensified his confusion between the realms of pleasure and pain.

Mistress Gemini snickered, 

"Oh? Could our little Daseos enjoy a little pain too?"

She then sat upright and started stradling and rubbing on Daseos now hard cock.

With both hands on a whip, she put her hands together and pulled…


'Where did she pull out another whip from?'

Daseos wondered as he glanced at his obscenely tied up body.

Mistress Gemini let out a sinister smile before whipping down toward his chest.

But as much as Daseos was lost in a confusing state of pleasure, he was not having it.

Instinctively, Daseos tried dodging to the side, momentarily surprising Mistress Gemini. 

She lost balance for a fraction of a second, but displaying impressive agility, she bounced off his crotch, leveraged his movement, and in a swift acrobatic feat, flipped Daseos over, landing back onto his behind.

Daseos turned his head back, only to be met by a devilish smirk

"Hoho it seems we have a naughty boy today."

Sensing the perilous situation he was in, Daseos decided he had enough of this game. 

He summoned every ounce of his strength and willpower, his muscles flexing, veins bulging, as he tried to break free from the whip's constricting binds.

But to no avail.

Mistress Gemini giggled, watching his humorous, desperate attempts. Her laughter, a blend of amusement and satisfaction, echoed in the room.

"Oh my little Daseos~" 

She crooned, her tone dripping with mock sympathy. 

"Did you really think you could overpower me so easily?"

At her words, the room seemed to hold its breath, the crackling tension reaching its peak before —


The whip landed firmly on Daseos' behind, eliciting a scream torn from the depths of his lungs.


His body writhed in pain, a streak of hot tears escaped, trailing down his face as he gritted his teeth, trying to bear the sting that felt like a thousand needles piercing his skin.

As the whip landed, a horrified realization seemed to cross Mistress Gemini's face. 

The fierce glow in her eyes dimmed, the domineering aura crumbling as if a mask had fallen off, revealing the soft, vulnerable Gem beneath.

The vengeful dominatrix had disappeared, leaving a distressed young girl in its place, her face a canvas of concern and confusion as she gazed at the suffering figure beneath her.

"Ahh!! Brother Daseos~~ I'm Sworry~"

Her voice, now soft and childlike, contrasted jarringly with the harsh, domineering tone from just moments before.

Gem's delicate hands flew to her mouth as her wide eyes glimmered with tears, the realization of her actions crashing down on her.

She seemed to be caught in a whirlwind of panic, her eyes darting frantically as she hopped off Daseos, looking around as if seeking some way to undo what had just transpired. 

Then, as if struck by a sudden impulse, she knelt down beside Daseos, her small tender lips planting a gentle, healing kiss on Daseos' wounded bum, her face crimson with a mixture of embarrassment and genuine concern.

And before Daseos could register what was happening, Gem sprang to her feet, her eyes a turmoil of emotions as she stuttered, 

"I-I didn't mean— I'm so s-sorry!"

With that, she turned on her heels, her movements awkward and frenzied as she sprinted out of the room, leaving a flustered and bewildered Daseos lying on the bed, his face a whirlpool of pain and confusion, a glaring red mark on his behind standing as a testament to the bizarre and almost surreal exchange that had just unfolded before him.

"Sigh… What is my life???"

Another softcore scene... Heh gotta keep things semi-PG till Daseos's 16th Birthday ;)

MrBtheNovelistcreators' thoughts