
Villain's Plot Reversal System

I died, and my soul transmigrated inside the body of Lei Yang, a ruthless villain who dies in the early stages of the cultivation novel I was reading. But with my transmigration came a system that will help me reverse the plot of this novel and make me invincible. I was ready to cultivate my way to immortality and face all the difficulties with this system, but after the random draws, I started to wonder if this really was a cultivation novel. [A Certain Chemistry Teachers Crystal Meth Recipe] [An Apple: Liked by a Certain Death God] [Demon Slaying Katana: Masamune] And so began my story for the entertainment of the gods. ************************** 100 Power Stones = Extra Chapter **************************

RealRomanLord · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
18 Chs

Prologue : Transmigration

My eyes gently opened, revealing an unfamiliar scene around me.

Finding myself in an unknown place should have sparked panic, but strangely, my mind and body remained calm.

I started to survey my surroundings for clues and was astonished by the sight around me.

I was inside a vast hall, seated on a gleaming golden throne elevated from the ground. The grand hall was lavishly adorned with gold, silver, and jade decorations. The walls were embellished with dragon and serpent paintings, along with characters resembling Chinese script. Before a colossal door, presumably the entrance to the hall, stood two female guards. They wore masks reminiscent of ninjas, adding to the enigmatic atmosphere.

'Was I abducted?' I wondered and was about to move to investigate my situation when I noticed my attire.

'Wait, what am I wearing?' I muttered while examining my clothing.

'Is this a kimono? Am I in an old Chinese drama?' I speculated after taking in my surroundings.

"But why am I here? I'm not an actor, as far as I remember."

Attempting to recall any details that could clarify my situation proved futile.

"Huh, why can't I remember anything?"

My occupation, family, friends, hometown, country, race, and even my name remained elusive.

"Who am I?" I wondered, my heartbeat quickening.

but before panic could set in, a woman's voice emerged from behind the throne.

"My lord, the people from the Heavy Mountain Sect are here."

As she finished speaking, the two guards swung open the massive door, revealing individuals in brown robes who entered the hall respectfully.

Approaching the stairs leading to my throne, they bowed one by one and the elderly man at the forefront of the group announced,

"The Heavy Mountain Sect greets Young Master Yang Lei of the Shadow Demon Sect,"

'What is going on here?' as I asked this question, a screen appeared in front of me.

[Transmigration... Successful] 

[Soul-System Merge..... Successful] 

[Welcome to the Plot Reversal System] 

[Starting Information Implementation] 

After the last message, the screen disappeared, and I felt a shock in my brain.

"Argh!" It was only for a second but enough to make me wince in pain.

[Implementation Complete] 

[Welcome Bonuses] 

Random Draw (Low) x 4 

Random Draw (Mid) x 3 

Random Draw (High) x 3 

Technique Voucher x 3 

Red Rose x 1 

Reversal Points x 100 

Plot Book 

As I was holding my head in pain, that same woman's worried voice came from my left side.

"My Lord!"

I turned to look and saw a beautiful woman with a worried expression standing next to me. I didn't know if it was a coincidence, but as soon as I laid my eyes on her, the pain in my head subsided.

I continued observing her appreciatively, taking in her elegant figure covered by her navy blue robes. Ebony-black hair that flowed down to her hips, hazel eyes radiated warmth with inner gold, and her milky-white skin looked flawless. She was easily one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen.

After admiring her beauty for a few seconds, I said, "It's nothing, I am just a little tired," and waved for her to move back.

I let out a sigh as I figured out what was happening thanks to the information "implementation" thing that just happened. Leaning back in my seat, a small smile crept onto my face.

'Status,' I thought, and a screen popped up:

[Name: Yang Lei] 

[Body: Demon God (Low-Grade)] 

[Cultivation: Heavenly Soul Realm (Mid)] 

[Cultivation Techniques: 

- Shadow Demon's Qi Flow 

- Shadow Demon's Movement 

- Shadow Demon's Eyes] 

[RP: 100] 

I am Yang Lei, a cruel and heartless villain from the novel "Hell's Demonic Cultivator."

'It seems that I have transmigrated into a novel, huh?'.

During that information implementation, I got all of Yang Lei's memories and some of mine. But it was weird that I still couldn't remember anything about myself or the people around me. The memories I got were all about novels, shows, actors, movies, anime, and the other general stuff.

'Somebody intentionally wiped out memories of who I was and my relationships, but why?'

After thinking about it for a few seconds, I concluded that I didn't care if someone removed them. I am just happy with this situation since I have always wished for something like this.

The only problem was the character my soul transmigrated into. This character might make my new life a little troublesome.

I turned my attention to the people in front of me, put my elbow on the throne's armrest, and rested my head on my fist. I didn't know why I did this motion, but it seemed natural to me.

'Let's get this over with and then I can think about what to do about my situation.' In a nonchalant tone, I asked, "So tell me, why have you come to me?"

The old man, who looked like a sect elder, stood up and started to speak in a polite and humble tone, "It is good to see that the young lord is healthy and do-"

"I don't need your flattery, just state your purpose," I said, interrupting him.

"Ho ho ho, yes of course. Well, you see, my lord, our sect would like to make an assassination request."

'Oh, I remember this part.'

"We have prepared the necessary money and also prepared a gift for you."

Remembering this scene, I knew how to deal with the situation.

"You know that this is not where you make those requests."

"We understand, but we wanted Lord Yang Lei to fulfill this simple request in secret and not let the Shadow Empress or the sect elders know about it," said the man, maintaining his humble smile.

'Heh, this sneaky bastard. This simple request of his causes some really big problems for this sect later on', I thought inwardly.

I frowned and looked at him with my blood-red eyes.

"You want me to keep secrets from my mother!" I said, my voice turning deep and demonic.

The man quickly planted his head on the floor in fear and started speaking with a trembling voice, "Yo-you got it wrong, my lord. We-"

"I will pretend I didn't hear this and let you all walk out of here alive," I said with an annoyed look. "Now leave before I change my mind."

I got up from my throne and left the hall with my guard following behind me.


A group of people could be seen leaving the residence of the Young Shadow Prince.

"Senior, you said that the young lord would definitely accept our request as long as we showed him the money. So why was he so angry?" asked one of the disciples, wearing a confused expression.

"Normally, he would have asked us to show him the gift, but this time he simply ordered us to leave. What could be the reason?"

"Was he in a bad mood?"

"That must be the case," said another disciple.

"Let's return in a few days and ask the lord again."

"Yes, he needs to accept this request no matter what. We can't let someone disrespect our sect and get away with it" said the Elder in anger.

"Until we return, make sure nothing happens to that beast-girl. I am sure the young lord would instantly agree to help us if we show him her true beauty."

"Yes, Senior," the disciples replied.


[Plot Changed] 

[2 Reversal Points Awarded] 

'Reversal points? This is probably the currency to use in the system,' I thought as I saw the notification and kept walking towards my room.

Originally, Lei was supposed to accept this request without his mother's knowledge and receive the gifts. He had done similar things many times before, and while it might not have seemed like a big deal at the moment, this caused significant trouble for Lei's mother later on.

'Wait, I am Lei so now that makes her my mother.' In the novel, she is described as one of the most beautiful and powerful women on this continent

'I am quite excited to meet her.'

As I reached my room and was about to enter, I called out to my guard, "Lifen, can you do something for me?"

"You just have to order it, and it will be done, my lord."

"Take some of your trusted assassins and kill their group," I said without any change in my expression.

For some reason, I felt no guilt, fear, or anxiety in giving that order. Was it because I had done similar things before in my previous world, or simply because I had Lei's memories? I don't know since I had no memory of who I was before.

"Don't take anything from their possession; just bring me the beast girl they've captured. Also, make sure no one discovers that our sect is responsible for their deaths. Make it look like they were killed by spirit beasts."

"As you command, my lord," said Lifen, and left.

She asked no questions such as 'Why are you doing this?' or 'Should I go and ask the Shadow Empress?' and left to fulfill my command. This was because Lifen belonged to me and not the sect.

I entered my room, spread my arms wide open, and fell onto my bed.

"Sigh, now how do I avoid my upcoming death?"