
Village Head's Debauchery

When Orion is mysteriously transmigrated to a primitive world where everything, including goods and services, can be bartered, he is determined to make the most of his second chance at life. But as he delves deeper into this dangerous world filled with temptation and magic, Orion must use his wit, charm, and thirst for adventure to survive and make sure that he makes the most of it. JOIN THE FAMILY - https://discord.gg/Pv6DQ4sfw6 .............................................. Image was found on Pinterest. Inspired from Amoral village head.

Royalpanda · Kỳ huyễn
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981 Chs

Aegis of the Arctic Deity's Sealed Memories

A brilliant white light erupted inside the box, shining outward until it covered their sight entirely. As the process continued, Orion soon began to feel a severe headache pressing against his head.

"Don't resist it; these are my memories flowing into yours. It will soon be over," Aegis of the Arctic Deity remarked.

And just as he had said, after a while, the headache began to calm down, and Orion soon felt as though his body was being pulled toward an unknown direction until he suddenly began to feel a sense of weightlessness around his body.

"Open your eyes," Aegis of the Arctic Deity said.


Orion opened his eyes and found Aegis of the Arctic Deity standing beside him before gazing at Aerialia. Then, he carefully looked around, his eyes widening as he absorbed his new surroundings.