
Villa on the Other Shore

Yusuke quickly assimilated into his new environment. The changes in him were evident after returning from Higan Manor. Already handsome, he now exuded a confident charm, thanks to his newfound strength. Some of the bolder girls in the new class started disregarding his supposed girlfriend and initiated their advances....

Appy_Jack · Thành thị
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2 Chs


Outside the railing on the rooftop, a frail high school boy stood silently on a narrow cement platform. His school uniform draped loosely over his body, revealing glimpses of his bare chest adorned with numerous small scars.

His eyes gazed down below, devoid of any sparkle, as if mirroring the gray, unyielding ground beneath.

"Father, I'm sorry... I... I'm going to find Mom..."

His burnt lips trembled, uttering the final fragmented sentence. With a push of his feet, he left the narrow platform that had supported his body.

With his hands spread wide, he resembled a bird yearning for freedom, swiftly and without hesitation, diving towards the indifferent ground...

...The splattering blood, like blooming midnight higan flowers, left behind a dazzling and cruel finale.