
Villa on the Other Shore

Yusuke quickly assimilated into his new environment. The changes in him were evident after returning from Higan Manor. Already handsome, he now exuded a confident charm, thanks to his newfound strength. Some of the bolder girls in the new class started disregarding his supposed girlfriend and initiated their advances....

Appy_Jack · Thành thị
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2 Chs

Chapter One Part One: Disappearance! The Scream of the Beautiful Teacher

If one were to describe Kumi Katagiri's twenty-six years of life with an adjective, undoubtedly, the first one would be "beautiful."

Despite constantly wearing oversized glasses on her face, the lenses did not diminish her appearance as much as one would expect from television portrayals. On her delicate and classically elegant face, reminiscent of a Yamato Nadeshiko, the only shortcoming might be her excessively pale skin, which gave off a sickly, sun-deprived impression.

The second most fitting word to describe her would be "feeble." It was as if the term "resolute" did not exist in the dictionary of her mind. No matter how absurd the situation she found herself in, she dared not offer fierce resistance. Even when anger accumulated to its limits, it ultimately only resulted in helpless self-ventilation.

Just like what she was doing now.

One glass after another, the alcohol poured into her slender neck, causing a deep flush to spread across her cheeks and impairing her ability to think.

Since Kumi officially became a teacher, she had never been drunk like this before. It had nothing to do with her sense of responsibility as an educator; it was simply because the private academy she worked at was in a state of chaos. With a predominantly female student population, the school employed mostly male teachers, many of whom had questionable intentions and ulterior motives.

Being a timid yet beautiful female teacher, she could almost be described as living a difficult existence between two walls—one composed of sharp jealousy from her female peers and the other made up of troubling pursuits from male colleagues.

She could endure all of this to some extent if only her female students weren't so malicious.

One and a half months ago, one of the only five male students in her class, a frail youth named Notagawa Sugito, jumped from the top of the school building, decisively embracing the arms of death.

Whether it was due to the number of boys or their personalities, none of the male students in the class displayed typical masculine traits. Most of them lived under the oppression of the girls. Notagawa Sugito, the smallest and thinnest among them, naturally became the target of constant bullying by the girls.

The death of Sugito weighed heavily on Kumi, the teacher in charge of Class F. She could never absolve herself of the responsibility that belonged to her, nor could she escape the condemnation in her own heart.

These pressures had been like killing stones, constantly pressing upon her, far exceeding the resilience of her fox-like inner strength. What made her even more despairing was that the girl who directly pushed Notagawa to his demise showed no hint of remorse.

That girl's name was Risa Ono, of mixed Japanese-French heritage and the granddaughter of Chairman Ono. Before Kumi's arrival, she had always been the leader of Class F, proud of her looks and behavior.

However, Kumi's appearance directly ignited jealousy in Risa as they were of the same gender. No matter how stubbornly Risa believed herself to be more beautiful, it was an undeniable fact that the attention of male teachers and students gradually shifted away from her.

As a result, Kumi, as a teacher, tragically became one of the victims of bullying.

In the afternoon, Kumi, mustering up the courage she had accumulated for nearly a month, planned to have a talk with Risa. However, in the office, she was directly humiliated.

Even though Chairman Ono had suppressed the incident involving Notagawa's death, and despite Notagawa's single father being overseas, Kumi still believed that Risa should feel remorse and seek redemption for her actions.

After listening to Kumi's attempt at subtle guidance and education, Risa didn't say a word. Instead, she glanced at Kumi scornfully, as if she were looking at a sheep trying to persuade a wolf. Immediately after, in front of many male teachers, one of Risa's followers, Minako Makihara, grabbed Kumi by her collar and forcefully pulled it apart...

Minako, a tall and athletic girl, held the titles of assistant in both the karate and judo clubs. The buttons on her blouse were far less durable than the joints of her opponents in the clubs, instantly bursting and scattering in all directions.

Kumi's breasts, covered by a turquoise bra, were exposed to the air just like that.

Risa leaned her face close to Kumi's chest, extended her finger, hooked onto the front clasp of the bra, and pulled it outward, smiling as she spoke to Kumi: "Teacher, just because you have a pretty face doesn't mean you can say whatever you want. Notagawa's death was his own decision and has nothing to do with any of us. But if we must attribute it to someone, I recall you rejected his confession, right? Maybe he killed himself because of a broken heart."

Kumi, worried that her bra might come undone at any moment, stood frozen with her slender body, unable to utter a word.

"From now on, don't waste the precious time of the students on such trivial matters," Risa's mood seemed quite good. She released her grip, allowing the bra to snap back onto Kumi's chest. "If you want to continue being a teacher, learn to behave and accept your flat chest."

Indeed, Kumi's chest had remained the size it was when she reached the halfway point of her development, but that didn't mean the derogatory term "flat-chested" wouldn't directly humiliate her.

"So what if I'm flat-chested! Those men... those men are all looking at me, not you!" Kumi shouted, crying and laughing as she held her glass of alcohol.

Aware of her own personality flaws, Kumi rarely put herself in situations where she could be violated. She had become extra cautious around men, which is why it was surprising that she had reached this age without ever having a boyfriend. If there was a man who could protect her, she wouldn't be bullied by younger girls. As this thought emerged in her alcohol-numbed brain, she involuntarily glanced at her companion beside her.

Kazuoo Wada, male, a sports teacher, forty-two years old, and married. Due to his poor alcohol tolerance, he only occasionally took a sip while accompanying Kumi.

He was an honest and somewhat timid middle-aged man, which made Kumi feel a sense of empathy. Moreover, he had always been faithful and highly respectful, even somewhat fearful, towards his wife. From any perspective, he was one of the few men who could put Kumi's mind at ease.

"Miss Katagiri, if you keep drinking like this, I won't be able to take you home but will have to send you directly to the hospital," Kazuo said, feigning anger as he snatched the glass from her hand.

Her alcohol tolerance was actually quite good, and these drinks didn't truly make her drunk. But to be cautious, she obediently didn't take back the glass and instead fumbled in her bag to take out her wallet and pay the bill.

Her apartment was near the school, not far away, but she had to pass through a long and dark alley, so she always relied on Kazuo, who was going the same way, to escort her.

"Mr. Wada... if possible, I really want to hang those girls up and give them a good beating. A ruthless beating..." Under the influence of alcohol, Kumi spoke recklessly, but even at this moment, she didn't dare to speak loudly, only allowing Kazuo, who was beside her, to hear her words in a low voice.

Kazuo forced a bitter smile, his face showing a strange, subtle distortion.

When they reached the center of the alley, there was a section that turned inward, once the back entrance of a bar but now abandoned and used as a dumping ground for miscellaneous items. Right at the entrance of that alley, Kazuo suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"What's wrong, Mr. Wada..." Kumi patted her own head, looking at him in a daze.

"I... I'm sorry, Katagiri-sensei... I... I had no choice either! I... I really need this job!" Kazuo explained loudly, trying to conceal his inner unease.

Without fully understanding what he meant, Kumi blinked her eyes and instinctively pushed the bridge of her nose. Her glasses weren't there; it was just a habitual movement. Before she could complete that action, her petite body was forcefully pushed into the back alley!

Rape! In the moment the button, casually sewn onto the garment in the home economics classroom, was forcefully ripped off, the only word still pulsating in Kumiko's mind was this perilous term.

"Wada-sensei! Have you gone insane? Let go of me... please, I implore you, let go of me!" She continuously cried out, gripping the man's muscular arms but refraining from using her nails.

"Don't move... I don't want to harm you. Just once, just one time, let me take some photos for Risa, I beg you..." He forcefully pinned her hands behind her back, using brute strength, while uttering a paradoxical mix of coercion and pleading.

Her frightened mind, now much more alert after digesting the meaning behind his words, immediately issued the command to resist... Kumiko couldn't imagine what a tragic outcome it would be if Risa got hold of the photos after her rape!

However, with the enormous body weighing nearly 100 kilograms straddling her waist, no matter how much Kumiko wriggled, her efforts were in vain. She could only sway her shoulders helplessly, her bent knees pressing against the man's back, causing her leg bones to ache from the recoil.

He pulled out a tie from his pocket, pressing his upper body down, embracing her back, and began to bind her fragile wrists.

"No...!" She screamed loudly, as nightmarish memories and the current scene merged together. If it weren't for the arriving police officers at that time, she would have lost her virginity at the age of thirteen.

Police... Mr. Policeman! Where are you?

Instead of requesting nude photos, he specifically wanted photos taken after the rape, so the man skipped unnecessary steps. After securely binding Kumiko's hands, he immediately unzipped the side of her narrow skirt.

Her buttocks, not voluptuous but possessing an appealing shape, slid out from under the skirt. The smooth sensation of her legs in pantyhose continuously transmitted to the man's palms, causing him to start breathing heavily. This was the taut skin that his wife in her forties no longer had. He forcefully pressed his fingers in, the thick joints pressing through the pantyhose, sinking into the elastic flesh of her buttocks.

"Kumiko-sensei... you're so beautiful..." Stirred by desire, the man's actions began to dominate. He lowered his body and, like a dog, licked Kumiko's cheek, moving closer and closer to her lips.

Disgusted, Kumiko turned her face away, opening her mouth, but still couldn't let out a sound. She could only weakly plead, "Wada-sensei... please, let me go... I beg you..."

The weak plea only ignited the repressed beastly nature within the man, who was just as weak-willed. Upon finding a target even more vulnerable than himself, Wada suddenly felt a sense of pleasure in oppressing someone. He twisted the delicate mound within Kumiko's underwear, panting heavily and saying incoherently, "Kumiko... just for a moment, just a moment..." His member pressed tightly against the fabric, and even the tip of his glans began to feel pain. While pulling down Kumiko's underwear, he continued, "Don't move, I don't want to hurt you, really. Just once, just once. You're not a virgin anymore, right?"

Kumiko could only muster the courage to tightly hold onto the waistband of her underwear. Her timid psyche allowed for only this level of resistance, as the conflicting fear of injury and the unwillingness to lose her virginity dominated her frail body.

Wada had no experience in rape, and even though the other person's hands were already bound, he was unsure about what to do with just holding onto the underwear from behind, preventing it from being pulled down. Having only practiced the missionary position with his wife for twenty years, he had never even watched adult videos. Although the thought of tearing off those underwear crossed his mind for a moment, he lacked the courage to follow through.

After maintaining this stalemate for a while, both individuals' fingers became numb. The weight pressing down on Kumiko's waist felt as if it could squeeze her insides out, making it difficult for her to breathe. She almost considered letting go and accepting her fate. After all, Wada was considered a good person, and if she gave herself to him for the first time, perhaps the mocking voices would diminish when they realized she was no longer a virgin...

However, before she could make the decision to let go, Wada's hand suddenly loosened. Not only his hand, but his entire body leaned forward and collapsed onto Kumiko.

"What... what happened, Wada-sensei? Are you okay?" Kumiko, in her pitiful state, worried about the man who had fallen unconscious on top of her. It was only then that she noticed she had escaped the fate of being violated. She breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the man standing behind the fallen Wada.

Due to the backlighting, Kumiko could only see an outline of a tall and muscular man. His eyes seemed to glow in the darkness, even though she couldn't make out his facial features. Strangely, she had a vivid sensation of seeing a wild beast before her.

The man slowly squatted down, took out a handkerchief from his pocket, opened a bottle, and poured something onto the handkerchief. Then, he reached towards Kumiko's mouth and nose.

"What... what are you...?" Her question was cut off as the handkerchief covered her mouth. A slightly pungent smell filled her nostrils, causing a mild numbness to wash over her entire brain. Soon after, as her consciousness grew increasingly hazy, the only sensation she could perceive was being lifted onto the man's shoulders and thrown into the trunk of a car.

The trunk was filled with the smell of chemicals. Before losing consciousness, that suffocating sensation coiled around Kumiko like a nightmarish snake.

When she regained consciousness again, that constricting feeling hadn't diminished. She tried to move her body and realized that she was truly bound. She couldn't see what was restraining her because everything within her line of sight was engulfed in dense, impenetrable darkness.

Despite the darkness, Kumiko could still sense how she was bound. Her hands were tied behind her back, her legs were spread apart in a half-squat position. In simple terms, it was like someone sitting in a chair with their legs apart and hands tied behind their back, except that she had no chair beneath her.

And to make matters worse, she was completely naked.

Completely exposed, she could keenly feel the rough ropes rubbing against her delicate skin. Several ropes passed through the sensitive area between her thighs, causing her labia to become slightly swollen and reddened from the constriction. Even the slightest movement would send a sharp pain through her body.

"Is anyone there?" she cautiously asked, hoping for a response.

She couldn't understand how she had ended up in this situation. Was it Risa's doing again? Fine, she admitted her mistake. She surrendered. Couldn't she just be left alone? The growing fear in the darkness drove her to apologize, shouting apologies to anyone she could think of.

It wasn't until she called out the name Sugito Nagakawa that the dark room began to change.

A powerful beam of light suddenly descended from the ceiling, illuminating her and casting a spotlight-like halo around her. Squinting her eyes, she adjusted to the light and surveyed her surroundings.

It was a plain room, devoid of any typical furnishings. The walls were lined with closet-like doors, with the only notable feature being a suspended beam from which the ropes hanging off her were attached.

"Who's there? What do you want? Why... why have you kidnapped me?" Her voice trembled as she asked these questions, anxiously scanning her surroundings in hopes of catching a glimpse of someone.

Due to the intense beam of light, the naked Kumiko began to feel a strong sense of shame. She struggled to bring her legs together, but the ropes stubbornly kept her most intimate area exposed in the spotlight.

Her face grew hotter and hotter, and Kumiko couldn't help but let out a whimper. "Please don't do this... If I did something wrong, I will apologize... I will definitely make it up to you. Please spare me," she pleaded.

In such a provocative and shameful position, it was clear what treatment awaited her. As a virgin, Kumiko naturally felt panic.

The surroundings remained silent, with only the intense light continuing its vigil, accentuating the woman's voluptuous body like a shimmering piece of exquisite Chinese porcelain.

The more this happened, the more Kumiko felt like countless pairs of eyes were fixated on her, whether it was her petite and rounded breasts or the hidden flesh beneath her dark curls. It felt as if every inch of her was locked under the gaze of those eyes.

This sensation, coupled with the friction caused by the ropes as she trembled, sent a subtle numbness coursing through her taut perineum. The depths of her honey pot clenched momentarily, and her shame-ridden region unexpectedly began to moisten.

Facing Kumiko directly, a screen slowly flipped out from the wall. The screen displayed a close-up of a female genitalia, with the shadowy crevice of a flesh-pink slit not illuminated by the light, and a glistening mucous-like fluid covering the vaginal opening.

Blood rushed to Kumiko's ears in an instant. She let out a sob, biting her lip tightly, unable to look at the screen.

"What a lewd teacher you are. Just the light shining on you, and you already experience pleasure on your own. Or perhaps, is Ms. Katagiri fond of being tied up and suspended like this?" an elegant and slightly hoarse male voice came from behind Kumiko.

That area was within her blind spot, yet she was still startled because she hadn't sensed anyone's footsteps or breath.

Ghost? Spirit?

But then, the faint sound of footsteps confirmed that there was indeed a man in the room, though she had no idea when he had entered.

The owner of the footsteps walked right up to Kumiko, pinched her chin, and lifted her head, forcing her to face his face adorned with sunglasses. He softly said, "Welcome, Ms. Katagiri."

"Who... who are you?" The slightly plump contours couldn't hide the fact that he had once been handsome. The sunglasses couldn't conceal his entire appearance, and considering his height and physique, Kumiko quickly made a judgment about the stranger.

The man slowly took off his sunglasses. With only sports pants on, his body didn't resemble that of a middle-aged man. His chest and abdomen were well-toned, and despite his facial features betraying his actual age, one would easily believe he was thirty years old, making young girls naively infatuated.

He raised one leg and brought his bare foot between Kumiko's legs. Slowly approaching her intimate area, he pressed his big toe against her pubic hair, smiling as he said, "Ms. Katagiri, you really are surprising. Twenty-six years old and still inexperienced. By the way, your face is quite beautiful, isn't it?"

"Who are you?" Kumiko asked again in fear. Trying to avoid the man's foot, she moved her hips backward, causing the rope to sway. The motion of her body stimulated the seemingly motionless big toe, which began to rub against her genitals.

He wiggled his toes, teasing the hidden location of her clitoris beneath the hair. Without giving any answer, he nonchalantly continued, "If a man like me were to be your first, a woman like you should consider herself lucky."

"How... how could that be?" She furrowed her brow, attempting to regain control over her naked body suspended in the air. "If you treat me like that, it would be rape. You... you'd go to jail."

As if the sound coming out of Kumiko's mouth had entered another dimension, the man put down his foot, removed his pants, and held his semi-erect penis, murmuring to himself, "Speaking of which, it's been a while since I had sex with a virgin."

The man in front of her was now completely naked. Kumiko, also naked and bound by ropes, suddenly felt a lack of oxygen. It was as if the surrounding air had been sucked dry. Weakly whimpering, she pleaded, "Please... please listen to me..."

The man, still acting as if he hadn't heard her, moved his body forward half a step. His partially erect glans entered the enclosure formed by the ropes, rubbing back and forth against her soft labia.

Sensing the dangerous organ rapidly growing and hardening outside her defenseless vagina, Kumiko cried out in panic. Like a kitten stepped on, she whimpered, "Please... really, please... I'm begging you..."

With insufficient lubrication, the man pulled his waist back, licked his finger carefully, and spread saliva around the entrance of her opening. He lifted her hips, suspending her body above his, and exerting effort, he found the entrance. Then, he revealed his gleaming teeth, smiled, and let go.

"Ah... mmm... ah...!" Unexpectedly, after twenty-six years of chastity, it was abruptly shattered. It felt as if a blazing hot iron rod pierced through the fragile walls of her vagina, but Kumiko couldn't even sense the breaking of her hymen. Instead, her entire body was consumed by a tearing agony.

While her anguished cries still echoed, the man resumed his actions. His member, coated with strands of blood, swiftly withdrew, with the thickest part directly hitting the entrance of her vagina, only to plunge back in without hesitation.

Kumiko's body started to sway in the air, the ropes slowly sinking into her flesh. Her previously modest breasts, under the constriction of the ropes, swelled into two dimly red flesh spheres.

This brutal and monotonous rape should have brought nothing but pain for Kumiko. However, as the man continued his relentless movements for almost twenty minutes, his rigid pelvis, adorned with coarse pubic hair, repeatedly collided with the upper part of her genitalia. It caused the delicate bud at the apex to swell and become numb, while a sensation akin to warm water permeated from the depths of her womb. The gentle warmth stimulated the areas of her brain associated with sensuality.

"Mmm... no... don't... this feels... strange." Kumiko's pained moans intertwined with a strange tenderness. Though she uttered her refusal, her blood-stained orifice shamelessly contracted, sucking on the penetrating member like a small mouth.

The voice seemed to return from another dimension, and finally, the man responded to Kumiko's words. He held her sweaty, naked body tightly, biting into her collarbone, and gasped, saying, "Ms. Katagiri, the mouth down below is much more honest than the one above it."

"That's... not true..." she weakly protested, unable to change the fact that her flower chamber was gradually filling with nectar. She could only turn her head in shame.

"Why did a promiscuous teacher like you reject my son's confession?" the man clenched her buttocks with both hands, exerting force throughout his body. His rigid member forcefully thrust into Kumiko's tightly closed womb.

"What... what did you say?" Upon hearing these incredible words, Kumiko's eyes widened to the extreme. "You... you're Sugita-kun's... father?"

The man's response came as he deeply penetrated her and filled her womb with thick semen.

"Nice to meet you. I am Sugita Kawahara. Pleased to make your acquaintance," he said, offering a polite and ordinary self-introduction.

After finishing this courteous introduction, he stepped back and walked towards the wall next to the screen. On the screen, there was still a close-up of Kumiko's lower body. The body fluid, tainted with semen, flowed back from her swollen secret pearl, creating a sticky line that left a lewd puddle on the floor.

"I... I'm truly sorry for what happened to Sugita... I..." Completely forgetting her position as someone who had just been violated, Kumiko sincerely expressed her guilt to the man before her.

As one of the first people to discover the scene of the suicide, Kumiko had been haunted by the gruesome image of blood-soaked floors in her mind until just a few days ago.

"No need to apologize," Kawahara responded indifferently. He pressed something on the wall, causing it to split apart like a closet. As he gazed at the enormous transparent container inside, he calmly said, "Although you have severed the continuation of my genes, I am still young. Without the so-called product of love, I now have the opportunity to pass on my genes to even more outstanding descendants."

Kumiko slowly processed his words, wearing a puzzled expression.

He drew a syringe filled with thick, murky fluid from the transparent container and walked back to Kumiko. Looking at her, he said, "Teaching is meaningless for a teacher like you. To compensate for the temporary interruption of my bloodline, why don't you assist me in an experiment?" Lowering his head, he used his fingers to separate Kumiko's petals and inserted the needleless syringe into her, pushing it in until he was sure the opening had reached the cervix, then began injecting the fluid inside.

"Be grateful. This is a biological experiment that even the United States has not yet completed. You should feel honored to be a part of this experiment," Kawahara left these words behind with a smile, while Kumiko's face turned ashen. He took a large rubber plug and inserted it into her vagina, securing it tightly with a belt before leaving the room.

Kumiko didn't know what was being injected into her body, but she knew it was definitely not something beneficial to her. She sobbed, lowering her head, and in her confusion, she began to feel the deep recesses of her lower abdomen, the soft and smooth interior of her womb, as the aggressive and unfamiliar reproductive cells surged toward the eggs responsible for reproduction, igniting a furious war.

She had completely lost the strength to ponder what these events would bring...

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